New member Gastric Sleeve

Hi everyone. I had a gastric sleeve January 31, 2014 and at two months out I am still struggling with getting my water protein and much food down. Is this normal? I would love to hear from you.


  • Chandrasuperstar
    I had mine Jan 28Th, and usually I can drink almost all of my 64 grams of protein, but I can only drink one or two glasses of water a day. My average calorie intake is about 700 calories(most being from the protein shakes) I hope this helps. Good luck with your journey.
  • garnet0109
    Chandrasupers, thanks! I am getting 75 grams of protein down but only about 48 oz water, and food, not much. Always feel full. How much have you lost?
  • Chandrasuperstar
    You're doing a lot better then me. Keep up the good work!!!! I am down exactly 35 lbs from the day of surgery.
  • garnet0109
    That's great! I have lost 25 pounds since surgery!
  • LastResortSurgery
    Hi, everyone. I am debating going through with gastric sleeve surgery. Would some of you weigh in on how long you took to recover from the surgery before going back to work (sit-down office job)? And how long after surgery could you honestly say you were GLAD you did it?
  • Jessr0se
    Jessr0se Posts: 12
    Hello Everyone. I too would like to know estimated recovery time. My aunt had the surgery in September. She said she had the surgery on a Thursday and by the following Wednesday she was back at her office job but just worked until 3:00 the rest of the week. She said the pain wasn't the worst thing, she was more tired than anything. She mentioned being sore from the gas as well. She and another co-worker had the surgery (he quite a few months prior) so she was able to ask him a ton of questions. He too went back to work about a week after surgery. The day/night after surgery is supposed to be emotional, and they both had a few brief moments of "what the hell did I do?" but my aunt couldn't be happier! She has not had any complications and has lost an amazing amount of weight! I work at an office sit-down job and Im thinking of scheduling my surgery on a Thursday so I just have to take off Thursday, Friday, Monday and Tuesday and hopefully go back Wednesday.
  • fatvelophile
    fatvelophile Posts: 2 Member
    I had my sleeve on March 12th and was ready to go back to work in 1 week. I've lost 23 pounds i the 3 weeks since my surgery and 15 before that on the pre-op diet. I really didn't have much pain and only took the pain meds for 2 days after surgery.

    At this point I wouldn't change a thing except to have done this years ago. At just over 3 weeks out I am able to ride my bicycle to work and back (5.6 miles each way) and do pretty much anything.

    The pre and post-op diets are different for various surgeons. I am still on the soft food stage which means I can have foods that are very soft like apple sauce and pureed vegetables. I am looking forward to next week when I can add meat back in. I am more than able to get in all my fluids and get in about 1200-1300 calories per day. Since I exercise I try to get in 110 grams of protein. When you look at long-term eating plan it should be higher in protein and fewer carbs than a normal diet.
  • garnet0109
    I had my surgery January 31, 2014 and took two weeks off, per my Doctor's suggestion. Glad I did. I had no pain just very weak and tired (I also have a mostly desk job). Felt great when I returned to work. Had a few ups and downs the first few weeks but I am happy I went through the procedure, no regrets. Down 30 pounds after two months.
  • reese_gomez
    reese_gomez Posts: 6 Member
    hi -
    Just like Chandrasupers I have a hard time drinking plain water, I used to be be good and drink losts of ot, and now I just can't. My dietitian sugested those Mio's to flavos my water but I think they taste nasty. She also recommended the Isopure drinks...some of the bottle have 40 grams of protein and they dont taste bad at all...the downside is that they are expensive. I am also eating the Quest protein bars, don't let the 'brick' feel of it fool you. They have very little sugar, about 10 grams of protein per bar and some of them I can warm them up for a few seconds and I think they are delicious (specially the apple pie and the strawberry cheesecake bars)
  • garnet0109
    Thank you all for the input, very helpful to know we are not alone in this journey. I am 10 weeks post op tomorrow and do have to say that every day gets better. I am able to get more water down, switched back and forth from water to crystal light (I actually like the other brands better) and proteins better too. Thanks, again
  • bellebb
    bellebb Posts: 3
    Hi all, I only had my surgery on the 7th April 2014. Im still uncomfi and trying to get use to the amount of fluids you are meant to be putting in. Dont think im any where near it. How do I judge how much I am getting in please. Is it normal to have any regrets. :heart:
  • garnet0109
    bellebb, its very normal. You need to try to do your best to get down, first the protein shakes and then water, this is the most important. If you can't drink the amount recommended by your doctor you need to get as close as possible. I too was frustrated at first but now at 10 weeks it is so much easier. you will find each day gets better and yes, I think we all regret at first, I cried the first week but after 35 pounds down I feel awesome and it is the best tool ever. Hang in there. Take it one day at a time.
  • joyhibbz
    joyhibbz Posts: 38 Member
    Bellebb your not even a full week out yet. I wouldn't expect you to get anywhere near the amount of protein or fluids that they recommend. I had my surgery February 24th 2014, it is by far the best decision I have ever made. I had my surgery on Monday out of the hospital on Tuesday. As far as pain I had very little, my back hurt more from the hospital bed than from my incisions or any gas pain. I found my gallbladder surgery to be way worse than this. I will be 7 weeks out on Monday and I am down 46 lbs. I am able to get in my fluids and protein and I am on the mushy stage of foods. Also remember to count your protein shakes into your fluid intake as it counts and if you have any broth count that as well as it counts too. Good Luck :)

    Edited to add. I was a type 2 diabetic and I have not had to have any meds since the day before surgery. I was also on 4 blood pressure pills a day and I am down to 1/2 a day. So for me that is a huge victory!
  • denicejo
    denicejo Posts: 32 Member
    Hi, everyone. I am debating going through with gastric sleeve surgery. Would some of you weigh in on how long you took to recover from the surgery before going back to work (sit-down office job)? And how long after surgery could you honestly say you were GLAD you did it?

    It took me 3 weeks to say I was glad...first three weeks were rough and two of those were home re-cooping before going back to work. Now I am almost 4 months and one week out (sleeved 12/9/13)and although after week three it was smooth sailing, however i hit my first stall and my hair has thinned. However, i would have done it again...I'm at 68 ponds lost since surgery. I feel better and actually don't mind being active unlike before vsg. It was a life saver for me. In four months I've already lost 50% of my excess weight. It feels awesome!!! It's not for still requires hardwork and is by NO MEANS the easy way out like some people like to say.
  • alwakeley
    alwakeley Posts: 3 Member
    Hello All,
    Today was my 6 month check up although I've lost 55 lbs i have to go back to basics,of course my life is rushed again like everyone's,
    kids,pets ,work always running ,but i have to step back and remember why i started this journey,I have never felt so good and defiantly don't want to fail. Any suggestions on fill in snacks i know i have to get my protein in,which i am slacking but i feel hungry all the time . any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
  • denicejo
    denicejo Posts: 32 Member
    good old protein.....i started to notice i was getting hungrier a few weeks back...i was staring to fear i stretched my sleeve. i went back to basics...water and protein and lots of restriction was there all this time i was just eating too many sliders, too many carbs and ignoring my plan set for me by my dr. as far as snacks i was cleared to add protein bars. so i do low sugar ( under 5g) and high protein bars as well as low fat string cheese and nuts or a few cucumber slices in hummus. it works for me and is dr approved on my plan.
  • sallenstein
    sallenstein Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone, I searched MFP for groups for bariatric surgery patients and didn't find any. Nice to see some people here. I had a gastric bypass on March 26th. I'm on puree and soft ground protein foods. Having trouble getting the 60g of protein myself.
    .......apparently I was looking in the wrong place for a group. :blushing: I just searched MFP and found nothing but by going to groups first, and then searching...found what I was looking for. :happy:
  • tvaddict101
    tvaddict101 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone, I had my sleeve June 2010 and everything you're all going through sounds exactly like me four years ago. :) I think the thing I most hated in recovery from the surgery was swallowing crushed up pills! So, so gross. I was also amazed(still am) at how little food would keep me full. I currently aim for around 950 cal - I find if I go much higher, the extra tends to be carbs and I gain.
    I had no complications and it was the best thing I've ever done. For those of you struggling with water - I still find drinking cold water hard - it seems to fill me up faster than other drinks or hot water - weird, but there we have it! I'm used to it now. I've been to a few post-surgery support groups in my town and everyone has a few little odd things they sill can't tolerate - my friend can eat all meats, but not chicken unless it's really saucy; I can't seem to make potatoes or any heavy veges work for me (I've barely eaten veges since surgery anywayy, since the focus has to be so much on protein - I get all my vitamins from supplements and my bloods have been great the whole time), and another person still can't tolerate carbonated drinks too well. You'll find out what your thing is and it might be a bit disappointing, but ultimately the outcome makes it all worth while for me.
    I have one major piece of advice for later though - learn not to snack!! Just stick to your three meals. You can't go too wrong if you stick to that (I didn't stick to it and gained a little bit back for a while). It's just like the docs said - our smaller stomachs are just a tool, not the whole solution. Message me if you have any other Qs - happy to answer anything. :smile:
  • MsBeautifullOne
    MsBeautifullOne Posts: 54 Member
    Hello ladies! I was sleeved March 26, 2014 and so far Ive lost 25lbs! I have been progressed by my surgeon to advance my diet as tolerates in the last few days. It was tough in the beginign because I had bad acid reflux, gagging all the time, couldnt tolerate fluids begause it felt like it had to hitch itself down my thoat and then some. But at week 2 I began to walk bit by bit and now I try to walk even when I dont feel like it at least 4 days a week. Per my surgeon I have no protein daily goal. But whatever foods I get in need to be nutritious and try to get protein veggie then carbs in. I can still really only tolerate small amounts like 4-5 bits of something. So so far so good!

    Lessons learned:
    1. Listen to your sleeve when it says stop! I have tried to ignore it twice and paid for it deeply!
    2.I have also added coffe creamer to a low sugar protien drink and experienced a slight case of dumping (wont be doing this again unless sugar free).
    3. Listen to your hunger. Learning not to graze is hard. Learning to say no when people offer previous things you would eat without a second thought is hard. But when I feel my stomach growl is when I eat.

    Good luck ladies!
  • HopeNShelton
    HopeNShelton Posts: 59 Member
    I had the full gastric bypass 5 months ago and I still struggle to get in my protein, vitamins, and all liquids and still never want to eat. I have also dropped 115 lbs since my surgery date in November. Good luck and add me if you want.