major motivation pals needed

hi, guyz.
i've been on mfp for a while, but i'm trying to become more active.
i was doing really well as far as working out and eating healthy. however, i let myself slack up and gained a lot of weight.
anyway, i need some major motivation and some really awesome pals to encourage me.
this is the heaviest i've been, and it's really getting to me.
i'm twenty years old, wanting to lose at least thirty pounds, and open to all friend requests.
add me!


    ROBOTFOOD Posts: 5,527 Member
    I'll go ahead and add you. I'm 25 and do tons of distance running, snowboarding, and climbing.
  • ChelbyJean
    We can be friends! I'm 24 trying to lose my overdue baby weight and in need of constant major motivation too =)