Blood Work & Calorie Counting

Hey! I've never donated blood before and I've had limited blood work done in the past. When I have had blood work done, I've never been in the middle of counting calories. Anyways, next week I have to go to the doctor to have some blood work done for Diabetes and Thyroid because I have a recurrent health condition and they want to find out what's causing it. I will probably get up between 6-6:30 am. Go to the office for blood work around 8:30-8:45 am. Then I'll go into work when I'm done and I won't take lunch until 12 pm. Then work out around 5:30 pm.

I usually eat around a 200-300 calorie breakfast. And a 400 - 600 calorie lunch if I drink a protein shake.

Should I change the schedule or the calories of that day? I'm not sure how much blood will be drawn or if it will make a difference.


  • enchantedgardener
    enchantedgardener Posts: 214 Member
    If you're donating blood, the following advice would not apply. My sister is a phlebotomist (she works at a blood donation clinic), and I often donate, so I know the protocol. Don't exercise on a day you've donated blood. Going about your usual daily routine is fine, but no moderate to heavy workouts. It's a significant amount of blood, much more than blood work.

    With blood work, you're fine to work out as you usually would. It's very, very rarely more than just a few vials of blood. I'd try to get something to eat/drink before lunch so that you're not fasting until noon. Or eat the caloric equivalent of breakfast+lunch at noon. Even if you don't hit your usual calorie goals prior to working out, you're fine to do so.

    I'd avoid upper body strength training, as it can cause bruising and swelling at the site of needle puncture.

    If you have any concerns, do feel free to ask the advice of the nurse or phlebotomist who is performing your blood work.
  • ywalchle
    ywalchle Posts: 101 Member
    Another idea so that at lunch you don't fall face first into a plate of food is take a piece of fruit with you and eat it on the way to work or as soon as you get there. I had to go not too long ago for blood work (thankfully on a day off) and soon as we left the office I was eating breakfast asap, That fast is no joke when your used to eating whenever!
  • stef_monster
    stef_monster Posts: 205 Member
    Hello! I'm about to finish my phlebotomy course, and I can confirm what EnchantedGardener said. Usually blood work doesn't require a ton of blood, so it's not going to leave you feeling awful and depleted. In your situation, I'd follow my normal eating schedule unless the doctor has advised you to fast before coming in.

    Did they tell you if the test for diabetes was a timed glucose test? Those are generally much more involved and require urine and blood samples taken at intervals over several hours... and that would be a bummer. Seems like they would have warned you about that, if it was the case. If it's just routine blood testing where they take a few tubes, though, just make sure you're hydrated and eat normally. Best of luck!