Motivated and Ready for new friends. Hi everyone.

Hi everyone! I'm Shara. I'm looking for accountability buddies! I am a 34 year old mother of 3, married to a Marine and I'm fresh out of nursing school. When I started nursing school I was 140 lbs, very fit and active. I ran everyday and I was a total meat head. lol I decided to go back to school, and it consumed me. I didn't deal with the stress and demanding schedule very well. My coping skills was always to either RUN or LIFT- I let those values fall to the wayside and I ate my stress. Because of my poor decisions I gained 70 lbs! Today someone asked me if I just had a baby!!( Oh THE HORROR! lol ) I'm ready and motivated to lose this 70 lbs. I need all the support I can get. Please send me a friend request. :)


  • yukino3006
    yukino3006 Posts: 34 Member
    Im losing weight to go to the navy! I understand and I got asked if I was pregnant last summer.
  • larmeg
    larmeg Posts: 2
    I had a baby 7 months ago and have only lost about 12 of the 43lbs I gained (when I got pregnant I was 20lbs heavier than my norm weight due to all the fertility treatments over a 1 year period).....I've tried to start different diets over the past 5 months and give up/fail every time. I'm looking to try to log my calories and workout and do it the "old fashioned" way. It's daunting being so far away from where I was!! Would love some accountability as well because I seem to sabotage pretty quickly. I've set my goal to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight since that goal is WAY less daunting than the 63 lbs I should probably REALLY lose. trying to be realistic and stay motivated this time!
  • aep1013
    aep1013 Posts: 1
    Hi everyone! I am finishing nursing school in May and I feel your pain. Before going to college, I lost 60 pounds and I was doing a great job at maintaining until my Junior year. I was so stressed out and I gained 50 pounds within this past year. :sad: I don't want to be an overweight nurse which is why I am extremely motivated to lose 100 pounds.
  • RobinLynx
    RobinLynx Posts: 60
    Hi, I was congratulated for being pregnant & it wasn't baby weight either--it was 4 years after having my last baby LOL. That was quite awhile ago, & the next baby in my life will be more along the lines of a grandbaby (hopefully). You can lose the weight (if I can do it, anyone can) --this place is amazing! I'm fairly new here, and am now going into maintenance--but there's so much to learn, so many great tips & interesting people.

    My niece is a nurse, just recently went back for her RN--it's a lot on you with children (she has 2 sons) but it is really good for you to do something for yourself, you are doing so much for others! I have a very demanding & stressful job also (kids are grown, though). I actually got in the right mindset by looking at diet & exercise as something I'm doing for myself-- not just more chores, in other words. This time it took :smile:
  • larmeg
    larmeg Posts: 2
    WOW @ RobinLynx, how did you lose so much so fast???!! Congrats, please share your keys to success.
  • semperfiwifey
    semperfiwifey Posts: 6 Member
    Way to go joining the Navy! You can do it! I wanted to join the Navy but they would only let me in the reserves since I have 3 dependents :( lol