What to eat before/ after early morning work out

I need some help on ideas of what to eat before/ after my morning workouts.

I go to the gym before work, so when I wake up I don't have time to digest a big breakfast before I get to the gym as I find I feel like I'll throw up when I get there!
I've been eating either a few blueberries or strawberries just so I'm not completely empty, but when I went to my spin class I almost passed out!

Also does anyone have any good ideas about what is a good breakfast for after my work out when I get to work? It needs to be something easy to transport (I take a super crowded tube to work).

Would really appreciate any advise :smile:

ps, always looking for new mfp friends :tongue:


  • lizzyb83
    lizzyb83 Posts: 107 Member
    When I workout in the morning, I usually have a piece of peanut butter toast. But it has to be about an hour before I workout, otherwise it makes me feel sick :p
    After, I usually have a protein shake, but I am not sure how that would work for you if you are going straight to work from the gym. Do you have a kitchen at work that would could leave some stuff there? Maybe make some oatmeal or a shake at work?
  • drocknoel
    drocknoel Posts: 30 Member
    Try and eat some protein before you work out! I find that leftovers from dinner the night before work great (it's usually chicken or fish for me), and it doesn't have to be a lot. Protein takes longer to digest than carbs too do so you won't feel as hungry as quickly when you're working out, either.
  • astronomicals
    astronomicals Posts: 1,537 Member
    try fasted

    mix some microwaved coconut oil into some yogurt (see if you perform well on fats)

    try a banana and an apple (see how you do on carbs)

    try both of those with a protein shake on top...

    one of those should feel better than the others.. try different foods in different combinations...

    personally, i have a protein shakes and a piece of fruit