Gaining Weight - Very Depressed

I lost 60 pounds in a year (2013). I did it all by tracking my food here on MFP. I had motivation I guess because I knew I was going to Italy in Nov 13 and didn't want to tire from walking so much (which we did!). I knew while I was there I'd eat whatever I wanted, as I was going to enjoy the food!

Then came the holidays, I decided I wasn't going to be so strict.

My main problem, sweets. I love pie, cookies, brownies, cake. To the point that it turns into binging. Lately, I have been just really down and my allergies are going into maximum overdrive, which makes me even more depressed.

I weighed today and I'm at 201.5, I was 189 in November.

I'm just really depressed and am hiding from logging because it's just something I don't want to see.

Any helpful ideas on how to get motivated again?


  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    just looking at your Thursday diary, you aren't eating enough. you need to fuel your body to burn calories. it's a must that you eat.
  • ajm100884
    I think it's natural to get into a lull every once in awhile, but that certainly doesn't mean you've fallen off the bandwagon. Think of it as a "break!"

    I know that I was on a killer "streak" and one day, for whatever reason, I forgot to log my food. One day turned into two, then three, and before I knew it, I hadn't used MFP in over a month. Because I wasn't taking accountability of what I was eating and "watching my calories," I did put on some extra weight that I worked hard to take off. Add to that, I also stopped going to the gym. Mind you, this was also during the holidays.

    You mentioned that you were working towards a goal: Italy in November. Well, work towards another. Summer is right around the corner, maybe you want to feel comfortable or even fit into something new for the season.

    I recently got back on track, and now I'm on a "23 day streak." Just pick yourself back up and continue on with the race. It's your journey! Just always keep the finish line in mind -- your goal! ;)

    Best of luck, you can do it -- you have before!
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    I'm sorry to hear you're down on yourself. The best thing is really for you to just start getting back to what helped you the first time. I didn't look where you live, but I know for me summer is coming! The activities are endless outside and I want to be in shape and look my best! Try to find something (like Italy) that you want to work towards. It can be a place, it can be an old pair of jeans.

    You need motivation from within. We can tell you that you need to log, or be active, but we can't make you do it!

    Maybe start logging without making changes to you diet, maybe that will be eye opening for you! Like whoa, did I really eat that much?

    I hope you find some motivation :)
  • JRadd14
    JRadd14 Posts: 206 Member
    Sounds like you are motivated by events/activities. Perhaps book another trip? It doesn't have to be something major, like Italy, but even a long weekend somewhere can be a nice incentive. You can devise "rewards" for milestones... a new piece of clothing, new shoes, a mani/pedi, etc. Were you working out? Are you now? Doing so regularly can not only help you lose, but some days it's hard for me to eat awful knowing it will null and void the workout I did. Find workouts you like to do. Do you have people that inspire you? Find some... look at the success stories on the boards, look at before/afters on Instagram...find someone in your real life that has done it. Create a "motivation board" for visual motivators. Get subscriptions to some fitness magazines - great tips, recipes, and stories. Are you doing this alone?... partner up with someone to help each other. If you can, find someone who is already getting fit and healthy - they can better guide you. Have you found healthy ways to make some of your favorite foods? It helps to look at what you love to it and find alternate ways to make it lower cal/more healthy. Does dieting everyday work for you or would eating low cal during the week and having one cheat day, or even doing a feast/fast program be better for you.

    Motivation is the hardest thing... it is different for everyone, and what motivates you one month may not the next. Sometimes a motivator presents itself, other times it must be sought out. It's good to have more than one at all times if possible - the more the better! As you practice good willpower it does become easier. Just know that you can turn it around and get on the path at anytime, why not now? You don't want to look back come June/July and be in the same place, right?? Allow yourself some mistakes but get right back to it.

    It isn't a question of "if you can do it", it's a question of "will you do it, and when?".
  • wynn217
    wynn217 Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks everybody...sometimes it's good to hear kind words from strangers that have gone through the same thing. :) MFP people are awesome!
  • brittk2013
    brittk2013 Posts: 141 Member
    I started out doing really well this year. I lost 14 pounds in 2 months and felt great. Then, I got lazy and started eating more in the evenings. I weighed the exact same for 3 weeks and lost all motivation. This morning, I stepped on the scale to a slight gain, and I knew I wasn't doing what I could to reach my goals. I want to feel awesome about myself and be proud of how I look. I'm the only one who has the power to do that so I'd better get back to work.

    Sometimes, you just need to see and feel that slap in the face to make you change your habits. It's ok to have some sweets if it fits into your goals for the day. Remember, this is a lifestyle change, not a quick fix diet. Do it for you. Do it so you feel better both physically and emotionally. If you need a friend, feel free to add me. I'm here everyday and happy to help!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    In case a little tough love helps..

    Ok, so you screwed up. We all do it! You know what you need to do and hiding from it isn't going to solve anything. A month from now, if you don't get back on track you'll be even madder at yourself. So just do it!

    Start over from the beginning if you have to - there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. For the next week or so, just log your food to get used to that again. Then next week, try to be within your goal at least 2 days, the next week go for 3 or 4 days, etc. Sme with other goals like eating more fresh fruits and veggies, cutting out high cal foods, lowering portions.

    Planning meals helps a lot so try doing that this weekend. Figure out what you want to eat for meals (al of them, breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks) and base your grocery shopping off that plan. Also take time to prep foods like portioning out snacks, cutting up veggies for snacks or meals, etc.

    You CAN do this!
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Hey OP, just a thought, but have you ever considered shifting your goal to something less scale/appearance related to another type of fitness goal?

    I did that (just for fun... Challenging myself to do a chin-up) and it helped me stay on track. Maybe doing a 1 or 2 minute plank or something?

    I'd love to be in a position to schedule a trip or vacation to strive towards, but that's just not practical for me, so I've been trying this instead.

    Anyway, best of luck to you.
  • kuolo
    kuolo Posts: 251 Member
    I think logging helps even when it is all the bad stuff you don't want to see, maybe especially then, because then you have to face it and can't just pretend it didn't happen, so things don't slide out of control so much. Maybe try being brutally honest in your food diary for a while, including all the bad things, and see if that helps you moderate what you are eating.
    Other than that, be kind to yourself, and take things one day at a time. If you are feeling down, try to find other rewards for yourself than food, other ways of soothing yourself or making yourself feel better. It's a very personal thing but things like massage, a scented bath, walking, music and mindfulness meditation can be good alternative relaxers/pick-me-ups.
    Good luck!
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    I agree with everyone's posts to just get going again. This is a marathon not a sprint. I also agree with Dame P on putting up smaller goals along the way. Maybe we could start the "I just want to do a chin up club". LOL.
  • wynn217
    wynn217 Posts: 53 Member
    The One Chin Up Club - I like it!