I think I'm allergic to milk & bread

last night I had a big glass of milk. which I rarely do because it makes me swell up. and I ate pizza. today I wake up and I'm swollen/ puffy all over. I get on the scale and I gained 9 pounds literary overnight!!! it's all the swelling/puffiness. i'm not sure what to do for it. any advise? would Benadryl help? or should I just wait it out ?


  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Has this happened before? Surely you must have ingested wheat or dairy (or both together) in the past. Or it could be something else you ingested. If you truly have a food allergy, you will want to work with a doctor to conduct an elimination diet. Under their guidance, you eliminate the potential offending substances for a set amount of time, then add them back in weeks later one by one.
  • cowgirlqueen
    cowgirlqueen Posts: 466 Member
    with milk it happens all the time. I cant drink milk without side effects. bread is a more recent thing I've noticed. when I cut out bread a month ago all my swelling and puffiness went away. here's a photo the first photo I was eating pizza and pasta and drinking milk almost daily.... the second one is one month after completely taking milk pizza and pasta out of my diet and 30-60 minuets of working out a day... I lost 40 3/4 inches in 30 days I think it was mostly all swelling and puffiness.. when I cut milk pasta and bread from my diet I originally did it for the sake of a "diet" to lose weight. but now I'm wondering if I was allergic to these things all along and just didn't know it.

  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Note: I'm not a medical professional, this is just my opinion based on the info you gave. If you're concerned about an actual allergic reaction, it's best to talk to your doctor about it.

    You very well could be lactose intolerant. That doesn't necessarily mean you're allergic to it, it just means your body has a hard time digesting it. I'm mildly intolerant so if I only eat a little bit, I might get bloated but when I used to drink a lot of milk, I'd actually experience intestinal discomfort and diarrhea. Maybe try drinking an alternative like almond milk or soy milk instead and decrease or eliminate any other dairy from your diet. A friend of mine is more severely lactose intolerant and eats veggie cheese products as a substitute and finds them comparable in taste/texture.

    For bread, that might be more of a gluten intolerance. Or it could just be that pizza tends to be REALLY high in sodium, especially now that a lot of places put that garlic salt stuff on the crust to make it yummy so you could just be retaining water. Again, the only way to know for sure is to try eating gluten free stuff and see if you feel better. If you still want pizza, a lot of the bigger name pizza joints offer gluten free crusts these days.

    So no, benedryl won't help. Just give it some time, avoid dairy and gluten for a bit and see if it helps.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    People often develop lactose intolerance as they age. We stop making lactase, the enzyme necessary for breakdown of lactose, because consuming milk into adulthood is not meant to be done. It's kid's food, period.

    MOST adults are lactose intolerant.
  • cowgirlqueen
    cowgirlqueen Posts: 466 Member
    thank you everyone. I called the pharmacy and they told me to take Benadryl and a probiotic. I travel a lot for work (I'm a ground woman for a communications company that hangs cable/telephone) so I'm always on the road and don't have a regular physician. for me it's go to emergency room or call the pharmacy. I tend to call the pharmacy for everything. but I will try the process of elimination with glucose. I know milk is an issue for me. I'll just avoid that from now on, and give almond milk a try.
  • Mich4871
    Mich4871 Posts: 143 Member
    It could be an intolerance rather than an allergy (have your Dr. check). In the past year, I've had to cut out Wheat, Soy and Corn from my diet - all my bloating issues stopped. I recently had to cut back and limit dairy as well. When I do "need" dairy (coffee, etc), I use either Almond or Coconut milk.

    Two weeks ago at my daughters birthday I had pizza (found a great gluten free pizza at a local pizzarria), The cheese KILLED me. No more pizza for me (unless it's cheese free, but what good is that? LOL)
  • jmoneycgt
    jmoneycgt Posts: 80 Member
    You can buy pills with the lactase enzyme in them (brand name Lactaid, but the generic works just as well). It is fairly cheap in the US. Like $10 for 60 pills? Even cheaper at Costco. It is a life saver.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I would stop drinking milk. Try a milk alternative like soy milk, almond milk, coconut milk, etc.

    Pizza is usually pretty salty, so that coupled with your usually bloating from milk doesn't necessarily mean you are allergic to bread.

    I'd cut the milk first and then see if you still bloat from bread products.