
Hi All!

I am 23 and getting married in a year and half. I am looking at it as starting a new life. It is hard for me to keep motivated sometimes and I have fell off the bandwagon plenty of times. This past year(2013) I broke 200lbs and I know that I can't keep gaining. So I am looking for someone to cheer me on when I do well and someone to inspire me on down days!

You dnon't have to be a bride to be, just interested in being a supportive friend :) Feel free to add me :)

- Monica

Current: 215lbs
Goal: 145lbs by June 13th 2015 (wedding day!)


  • Fitfully_me
    Fitfully_me Posts: 647 Member
    Feel free to add me.

    Congratulations on your engagement and your loss!
  • _caseyb
    _caseyb Posts: 51 Member
    I will definitely be sending over a friend request! I'm getting married March 2015 and recently bought my dress. Purposely asked them to order it two sizes smaller than I currently am and the sales woman about had a heart attack. Super motivated to prove her wrong!
  • Lynne4906
    Lynne4906 Posts: 15
    Wahoo!!!!! Yay for Brides-to-be!!!!!!!!! I'm getting married in June 2014..yes, literally 2 months away!!! A little sad that my engagement will be coming to an end (enjoyed it since last August), but so very excited to marry that man.

    I'm with you on this. I cannot believe you ordered a dress 2 sizes too small. Good for you, and good luck, man!

    Here's what I've been doing: running about 5-7 miles 2-3 times a week, doing a Jillian Michaels video once or twice a week, and lifting/squatting once or twice a week. Now, in reality - I'm not doing that every week..because I get burnt out, tired, sore, lazy..but I'm trying! That is why I'm on stay motivated with all of you.

    Eating - ideally, whatever is in sight..however, this won't coincide with fitting into a wedding dress ;) So, I'm sticking to minimal processed food, egg whites, protein shakes, fruit and veggies, chicken and pork. Lots of water...and a multivitamin so that I stay in relatively good balance with my health, etc.

    Two months to go..I know there will be a few nights mixed in that will consist of liquer, nachos and chicken wings...but if those are onsey twosies...I should be good to go.

    No idea what my current weight is. I was gettting too upset when I weighed I put it away. I want to measure myself, but can't find my measuring tape :( So, I'm gunning for how I feel and how my pants fit. Currently sliding into a size 8, when I couldn't button them before so I figure, that's a good sign.

    I'm 5'8" and have the general goal of not having cellulite on my arms and feeling tight in my stomach for my wedding day. *Crossing fingers*

    Here to motivate!!!
  • MonicaF44
    MonicaF44 Posts: 18 Member
    Wow you are all so awesome! Thanks for replying! I added you all as friends.

    CaseyB, I only LOOKED at dressed and told myself I couldn't look again until I lost weight because it made me upset to see myself at that size. Props on ordering a smaller dress. I would have a heart attack too but talk about motivation!
  • _caseyb
    _caseyb Posts: 51 Member
    Definitely motivating! I had to buy it so early because during a bridal expo I won $1000 gift card for my favorite dress designer and it expired at the end of February - could not let it go to waste!

    I purchased it a month ago and I'm already down one size so I'm not too concerned with getting to a size 8 by next March :)

    Another tip - go to all the bridal expos you can! We have been to 5 or 6 so far - spent maybe a grand total of $30 for entry tickets - and have won free suit rentals for all the guys from men's wearhouse, free wedding cake for up to 100 people (love the cake we're getting with them!), a photobooth rental, $1000 off a dress, dinners, a free engagement shoot and a ton of other little gifts.
  • megbee617
    megbee617 Posts: 100 Member
    Feel free to add me too! 25 and just recently engaged!
  • sk_pirate
    sk_pirate Posts: 282 Member
    Hi! I am also getting married! June 2015!!

    I am SO scared of trying on wedding dresses..I put on a lot of weight over the past year so I really want to focus and get it done :)

    Congrats to you!! :drinker:
  • emilyn1985
    Lets do this! Ive been going since January! We have the same wedding date :):):)
  • lexidear
    lexidear Posts: 70 Member
    feel free to add me too everyone! Got engaged in January and the wedding is in April 2015 :)
  • MVY_
    MVY_ Posts: 253 Member
    Feel free to add me! :) I would love me some motivation too!
  • Wifey7891
    Wifey7891 Posts: 91
    first of all congrats! I am going to be married next weekend, and I think this is one life event that can really incentivize a positive change in lifestyle! seems like you have made up your mind to change the way you are living and get healthy. eating right is 80% of it, and consistent exercise is the rest. but remember you cannot out-train a poor diet. you will see the loss easily in the beginning from loss of water weight, but then when you hit that first plateau it is important to keep at it! don't starve yourself either. if you work out 4-5 times per week you should only decrease your calories 100-200 calories to start. don't limit workouts exclusively to cardio, make sure you throw some weights in there too so your metabolism can increase. most importantly, make small, realistic goals for yourself every week, and stay consistent with your diet and exercise. you will see results, trust me. your body is a science, it is complex, and everyone responds differently to different programs. there are so many way to achieve desired results. feel free to add me :D
  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm also getting married in spring 2015, and since I got done with my master's degree classes in December, 2 months after getting engaged, I've been working on getting fit and going back to the size I was in college. It's been working very well so far, and I intend to maintain it permanently. I'm making my own wedding dress, which means I need to be able to fit it on myself at the size I'll be on my wedding day, so that is a good (if minor) motivator for me. Mostly I just want to look better and be happy with my body while I'm still in my 20's! I had a small crisis at the beginning of the winter when I decided I was going to lose the pounds since it was starting to look like, if I didn't do something soon, I'd be done with my 20's and never have been happy with my body while it has optimal fitness ability!

    Congratulations everyone on your engagements!