230 pounds want to get to 150



  • sue_stef
    sue_stef Posts: 194 Member
    I started at 241 in December 2013 this morning I weighed 192.8lbs
    I still have a ways to go but I am getting there
  • turnerfamily1918
    turnerfamily1918 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm at 215 and am looking for someone with similar goals to!
  • JesiDM
    JesiDM Posts: 268 Member
    I'm 225 wanting to get to 150 as well! Started at 273 and got down to 203 but then I got pregnant. Had my baby almost a month ago and back towards my goal! Feel free to add me anyone!! Good Luck!
  • ElisaGetsHealthy
    ElisaGetsHealthy Posts: 40 Member
    I need to lose total of 90 lbs to get to my goal...starting slowly, first goal set to 40lbs. I love all the motivation and encouragement on MFP esp from those losing same amount of weight or who have lost a great amount already!. Feel free to add me!!