Anyone using iifym???

Is it working? I'm about to start fitting my macros tomorrow :smile:


  • loriq41
    loriq41 Posts: 479 Member
    I am still lurking on the facebook page (the one for women..I joined it)..I have my macros which are not too far off from what I am doing now aside from probably needing to eat about 20 more grams of protein...give it a shot! :)
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    I practice the philosophies of iifym, unrelated to the website. I aim for 80/20. 80% of my calories come from wholesome, nutrient dense sources and the other 20% are free game. It typically makes it pretty easy to hit my macros. I like the idea that there are no restrictions. Made it very easy to transition from weight loss to maintaining and beyond ;)

    As far as if it works. If you maintain a deficit, you'll lose irregardless of what method you use. I think the idea of 1g of protein per pound of lean body mass is great as well, as that can aid in retaining muscle, along with a good resistance training program.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I've heard of it.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Is it working? I'm about to start fitting my macros tomorrow :smile:
    Why not start today?
  • mariellizardi
    mariellizardi Posts: 4 Member
    becuase i already had all the meals for the day
  • mariellizardi
    mariellizardi Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks everyone i already had breakfast im gonna give it a try for a month if i like it i will keep doing it xx
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    Best thing you can do in my opinion :) HIT THEM MACROS!! Good luck
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    Today's diary: Pizzaaaaa :)