How have your pets helped you?



  • soccerdog693
    soccerdog693 Posts: 73 Member
    Aww - she's precious! IDK, I definitely think it depends it's what kind of riding you do. Trail rides probably don't do much, but I was in a couple of stirrup-free dressage lessons and I could barely move for days, lol.
  • Grumpellina
    He makes sure that there is hair in places that I never dreamed hair could be found.
    He makes noise at night randomly howling, waking me up.
    He likes to leave little "surprises" for me where his food should be.
    He makes sure that I don't have enough money to buy him extra treats to make him fatter (No, he's within normal range, don't worry).
    I love him for all of it.
  • hugsee
    hugsee Posts: 36
    my darling peppa who is a cross sharpei/jack russell which I call a shussell.... living 5 minutes walk from a wonderful beach she is my motivation for getting my A into G. Unfortunately I fell off the wagon when I met up with my first love after 30 years apart. He lives in Holland so am now motivated to get her a pet passport...I luckily work from home so can go for long visits and take her with me
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    My dog's not overweight and he helps me by making me feel guilty if I don't get up and run around playing with him and walk him! I also know that if after we go on an excursion, he's exhausted, then it was a pretty good workout.
  • SeattleJill
    SeattleJill Posts: 73 Member
    My sweet Daisy needs two very long walks a day plus play time or my shoes suffer lol. Beagles get bored easily. She also very much enjoys licking my face whenever I am doing crunches or situps. Mostly though, when I'm feeling down and don't want to move, it just takes a look from her to know that her happiness and health is dependent on me, and that I need to get up and go, if only to watch her tail wag as we walk all over the city

    This photo is titled: What happens when you leave your dog alone long enough to go to the basement to put some laundry in before you go on her walk....

    [img] Uploads/286d366f-961b-428c-82c8-e27c2cd90e43.jpg[/img]
  • nineteentwenty
    nineteentwenty Posts: 469 Member
    Oh man, my baby does the opposite: she cries and cries when I leave for the gym! But she is always so glad to see me when I come back that she cuddles under my chin and cheeps affectionately at me while I flop down on the couch and recover.

  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    If I leave something on the plate they're more than happy to eat it for me :indifferent:
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    My cat is not overweight but she does help me by keeping me company if I'm cycling indoors and also forcing me to go longer when I do planks because she tries to sit under me when I'm doing them. If I am in the middle of a plank and I don't want to squash her I have to keep going til she moves! She's adorable :-)

    I don't have pets but my kids do this to me. They're so annoying but adorable at the same time. I'm the bridge.
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    My sweet Daisy needs two very long walks a day plus play time or my shoes suffer lol. Beagles get bored easily. She also very much enjoys licking my face whenever I am doing crunches or situps. Mostly though, when I'm feeling down and don't want to move, it just takes a look from her to know that her happiness and health is dependent on me, and that I need to get up and go, if only to watch her tail wag as we walk all over the city

    This photo is titled: What happens when you leave your dog alone long enough to go to the basement to put some laundry in before you go on her walk....

    [img] Uploads/286d366f-961b-428c-82c8-e27c2cd90e43.jpg[/img]

    She telling you she wants to go to Jimmy Johns.
  • fat2skinny50
    fat2skinny50 Posts: 104 Member
    I have 2 dogs and my husband who had several heart attacks and does not work anymore takes them for 2 walks a day while I am at work, helps him stay active and them too. After dinner we all go on a long walk, helps all of us, then on the weekends we all go for a long hike :) My pups too love veggies and fruit
  • ren_ascent
    ren_ascent Posts: 432 Member
    It's actually the other way around. My fat cat doesn't help me much in the health department, but learning more about nutrition and portion control from this site has made me do a double take at what/how much I feed him. I think it's too little too late though, he's an older gentleman (he's actually a grumpy old fart) and his health is declining in various aspects. I'll miss him when he's gone :cry:
  • ModernNerd
    ModernNerd Posts: 336 Member
    Oh boy mah kitteh is of zero help toward fitness. He's a diabetic, blind, orange chunkster who has about five teeth left and is partial to sticking his face into bowls of oatmeal and glasses of mixed drinks. On the upside, he stares at the door (or in the general direction, sometimes he thinks the wall is the door...) til I take him out for walks. And by walks I mean he sits in one place on the front porch on a leash. Makes us both feel like we're being productive and healthy :bigsmile:
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I have two kitties, Blair and Breanne. They don't help me directly, but they both get so excited about certain parts of my exercise routine that it makes it easier to keep going.

    Blair gets so excited when she sees me come out of the bedroom in my workout stuff because she knows I'll open the window so she can sit up there and watch me while she's enjoying the breeze by the window and watching the critters outside.

    Breanne plays with the Velcro straps on my yoga mat while I'm using it, and then she'll burrow underneath it when I'm done.

  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    Ember is beautiful! My dog Jones, lab mix (collie?) also helps me stay active. I coudn't say for sure if I would be where I am right now in my weight loss without him or if I would have fallen back into old habits again already. All winter I still had to take him for our daily 2 mile walk and sometimes twice if my boyfriend wasn't able to take him for his turn. I live in MN, so winter is not always easy but with a little extra gear we braved the cold everyday. I know I wouldn't be out there being more active and healthy if it weren't for him on those 20 below zero (or more) days.
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    Love all the pet posts and pics. My boy Sammy is proudly displayed in my ticker, with the "What?" expression. He is 19 (April First) and very good at getting me up in the morning because he howls until I get up to feed him. He gets fed 4 times a day, which I know is a lot for a cat, but they are small meals. He also gets subcutaneous fluids 3 times a week and a variety of pills. He STILL tears around the house.

    However if I sit down in the morning rather that get right into my gym clothes, eat breakfast and leave, he hops in my lap and then I'm not going anywhere, because well I feel guilty and he grabs my wrist with is paw and pulls it under him.
  • trinity5703
    Dutch, my Belgian Tervuren, requires a good bit of exercise, at least an hour a day. If he doesnt get his exercise he acts sooooooo offended.... and just sits in front of me and stares. If that doesnt work he "huffs" like a little old man. So... we walk a lot, along with playing chase, throwing balls for him to fetch etc.

    There is no better fitness coach than a 70 pound Belgian that wants a walk
  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    Nope.. I have a bunny and he just gets very curious when I exercise at home, and will climb on me or tries to hump my feet... xD
  • royaldrea
    royaldrea Posts: 259 Member
    Sometimes my cat steals food off my plate, and then I have to throw it away because no WAY am I eating after her!
  • HappyPoet
    HappyPoet Posts: 24
    You tell me. We exercise together along with the SuperWife at a nearby dog park, streams, and in our 2 acre back fenced in yard in the forest. It's the Bombdiggity! Her name (dog) is Jesse.

  • eapragar
    eapragar Posts: 15
    Holy cow! You have the cutest dog on the face of the planet.