Eating exercise calories?

Hi everyone- I've been doing this for about two months and have only lost 2lbs! I'm eating 1200 calories/day plus what I burn from exercise. And I'm starving!!! But the weight isn't coming off. I'm female, 5'10" , 176 lbs and size 8/10 pants. I do cardio and strength training. I have a pretty muscular build for a woman, so maybe that's why 1200 calories isn't keeping me full, but regardless I'm not losing weight. Are you guys eating the calories you burn working out? I can't imagine not, and netting less than 1200 calories, but maybe that's what I have to do.


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I wouldn't think 1200 calories would be appropriate for you at that height and weight you don't have much fat to lose. You should be shooting for around 1 Lb per week at the most and slowing that down to about 1/2 Lb per week as you get closer to your 18 Lb goal.

    Also, you have to be careful not to overestimate burn...if you're using numbers from the database I can pretty much assure you that you are eating back too many exercise calories if you aren't making an allowance for error.

    Also, what's your diet like? Protein and fats are satiating...also lots of fibrous vegetables are good for satiety.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Hi everyone- I've been doing this for about two months and have only lost 2lbs! I'm eating 1200 calories/day plus what I burn from exercise. And I'm starving!!! But the weight isn't coming off. I'm female, 5'10" , 176 lbs and size 8/10 pants. I do cardio and strength training. I have a pretty muscular build for a woman, so maybe that's why 1200 calories isn't keeping me full, but regardless I'm not losing weight. Are you guys eating the calories you burn working out? I can't imagine not, and netting less than 1200 calories, but maybe that's what I have to do.

    5'10" .......1200 NET is not nearly enough. 1200 is just the lowest MFP will go (a DEFAULT)'s based upon "I want to lose XX pounds per week" has nothing to do with your height. weight, age, etc.

    Find your BMR .....calories your body would use if you stayed in bed 24 hours. TDEE includes activity + exercise.....that is could set your goal to TDEE less a %...and not worry about logging exercise.
  • kitlynnJ
    kitlynnJ Posts: 78 Member
    1200 doesn't sound like enough for someone of your height, build and activity level.

    Try reading through this link, it has some great info to get you started:
  • I had a feeling that the exercise calorie estimator over exaggerated calories burned. I eat healthy (no processed foods, fish, chicken, fruit and lots of veggies).

    If 1200 calories isn't enough, why am I not losing weight?
  • Hi everyone- I've been doing this for about two months and have only lost 2lbs! I'm eating 1200 calories/day plus what I burn from exercise. And I'm starving!!! But the weight isn't coming off. I'm female, 5'10" , 176 lbs and size 8/10 pants. I do cardio and strength training. I have a pretty muscular build for a woman, so maybe that's why 1200 calories isn't keeping me full, but regardless I'm not losing weight. Are you guys eating the calories you burn working out? I can't imagine not, and netting less than 1200 calories, but maybe that's what I have to do.

    5'10" .......1200 NET is not nearly enough. 1200 is just the lowest MFP will go (a DEFAULT)'s based upon "I want to lose XX pounds per week" has nothing to do with your height. weight, age, etc.

    Find your BMR .....calories your body would use if you stayed in bed 24 hours. TDEE includes activity + exercise.....that is could set your goal to TDEE less a %...and not worry about logging exercise.
  • Do you have a good link to figure out bmr?
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Do you have a good link to figure out bmr?

    Well, there's one here on MFP.

    Or this one is on the site that was linked to you above:

    Or you could always google BMR calculator.
  • Jenthomas08 Your body is most likely experiencing what is called starvation mode. When your doing exercise like cardio and strength training, you need to up your calories if you want to lose weight. I know that sounds totally backwards, but think of it this way..your body needs 1200 calories a day at minimum just to function (think, breathe,etc.). When you are only eating 1200 calories total AND doing exercise, your body begins holding on to weight as a means of survival. It basically begins to store fat just so it can function, hence why you aren't dropping any weight.

    For example, if you are burning on average 300 calories during exercise a day, you need to calculate your calorie needs like the following..

    (I always use the sedentary lifestyle option to be on the safe side)

    Current weight in pounds x 12 =
    (176 x 12 = 2,112 calories needed just for maintenance)

    Now subtract 300 (or whatever amount of calories you are burning on average) from 2,112 calories to achieve weight loss

    2,112 - 300 = 1,812 calories

    By the way, this is the Insanity method of calculating your needs, I just simply reduced the calories burned to an average amount.

    Once your body knows it is getting enough calories to simply function, it will begin to drop the excess weight.

    Hope that helps!!
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    Hell yeah I eat all my exercise calories back!
  • robinogirl
    robinogirl Posts: 1 Member
    I don't exactly add the calories back in after I exercise. I do, however, up my calorie intake moderately on heavy workout days. I budget about 1300-1400 calories per day and add in around 200 or so on days that I work out more heavily. Please remember, the calorie goals on here are just targets, not hard and fast laws of nature. I also agree with the other posters that you're probably consuming way too few calories.

    As a lot of people have probably cautioned you, the calories burned calculators tend to overestimate what you actually burn. There isn't a customized option for your age + height + weight + fitness level + intensity of the exercise + temperature outside/inside + number of times you stopped to fiddle with your music + any other variable that might influence your actual workout.

    My best advice would be to pay close attention where you are consuming those extra calories. A Big Mac or chocolate bar after your workout isn't nearly as good for you as fruit, veggies, or a million other options.

    I'm not an expert by any means, but I've lost 34 pounds so far and actually run for the first time since college, so I know what works for me at least.