April 2014 CYCLING Challenge



  • knicholeg
    knicholeg Posts: 19 Member
    No rides yet due to wacky Colorado weather (and my own busy schedule), but I can't wait to get out! April is going to be awesome!
  • Menoz
    Menoz Posts: 7
    My name is Kimberly, and I'm a little late to the party but I'd like to join in... :smile: I usually ride three or four times a week, weather permitting. My goal, such as it is, is to get as many kilometers in as possible before I go to the US for a bikeless summer (unless a broken exercise bike counts?). I generally take advantage of the available "shared use" paths nearby, but am getting more confident about riding on the road as time goes by. I'm lucky that I live in a cycling-friendly area and most drivers (though not all) are aware of how to handle their cars safely around cyclists, so my confidence is growing pretty steadily in that regard.

    Anyway, so far in April, I've ridden twice (three times this week, though, including Monday).

    On Wednesday I rode 37.6 km in two hours, eighteen minutes. (Which is pretty good for me, especially since the first part of the ride included a long, steady "climb" toward the foothills.)

    On Thursday I got 34 km in, in two hours. No climbing this time, just riding on the bike paths outside of town. I was also pleased to reach just over five hundred kilometers total since mid-February on my new bike. (We had a ridiculously mild winter here so I got out and rode as much as I possibly could.)

    With a little luck, I'll have enough good weather next week to fit in three or four rides. I'm aiming for at least 40km, and want to do that with some regularity.
  • NikiMG1681
    NikiMG1681 Posts: 36 Member
    EEEEK! Yay! A cycling group - I'd like to join! :):):)

    I'm a mountain biker but don't have anyone to train with, so I do most of my riding on the road :) Hoping to get out on the roads tomorrow or Sunday and do a 20-miler.
  • MLitke12
    MLitke12 Posts: 15 Member
    I'd like to hit 125 miles in April (30ish a week) Since the weather here is still unpredictable, it will be a mix of outdoor and indoor trainer miles.

    April 1-12.1 on trainer
    April 2-9.1 on trainer

    Total so far: 21.2
  • monkeywizard
    monkeywizard Posts: 222 Member
    I just want to ride again, like I did when I was younger. I'd go for a ride to nowhere in particular and just ride for an hour or two.

    Unfortunately with kids & family I don't know that it is much of an option unless I do it after the kiddos are asleep. But I do go to spin class pretty regularaly, which should account for something.
  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    Welcome all! Should be a good month for getting back into riding (for those of us who lapsed over the winter months).
  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    I wasn't going to ride today, but then I came to this thread and got inspired. :happy:

    4/1 - 2.3 miles. 9.4mph average. Listening to Footloose Soundtrack songs on the Walkman.
    4/2 - 3.0 miles. 9.3mph average. Listening to Lex Land on the Walkman.
    4/2 - Additional 3.2 miles today at 8.3mph listening to The Black Keys (a favorite).
    4/3 - 2.2 miles at 9.2mph.
    4/4 - 2.9 miles at 9.4mph listening to Lake Street Dive.

    Goal = 60 miles.
    MTD = 13.6 miles.
    Yet to ride = 46.4 miles.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Thank you for starting this thread! I have been enjoying a much needed vacation and completely forgot about my responsibilities here. Now that I am back in town, I hope to get my bike out and get going again.
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    Note to self... make sure your phone has enough charge to complete your ride. Same course as yesterday rolled a bit faster though for sure.

    4/01 - 08.04 @ 14.0 mph (PM)
    4/02 - 08.43 @ 13.9 mph (PM)
    4/03 - 10.08 @ 14.0 mph (PM)
    4/04 - 10.00 @ 14.5 mph (PM)

    MTD: 36.55
  • April 2014 miles

    4/2: 17.25
    4/4: 20.32 (in the rain)

    MTD: 37.57
  • cowbellsandcoffee
    cowbellsandcoffee Posts: 2,975 Member
    4/1 - 12.5 miles @ 16.6mph
    4/3 - 9 @ 18mph
    4/4 - 9 @ 18mph
  • wideturn
    wideturn Posts: 108 Member
    3/31/14 - 8.4 miles
    4/4/14 - 10.8 miles

    Both on a nature trail with lots of hills :)

    MTD: 19.2
  • mzbek24
    mzbek24 Posts: 436 Member
    I'm just kind of starting out, I won a new bike recently! and I thought I would go back to the only exercise I ever really enjoyed as a kid-cycling!

    I have been riding about 40km a week, which I think is something like 24 miles. I guess it is not very much, though a lot of it is very steep and hilly. Hoping to increase my efforts.
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    I'm in. I haven't tracked mileage just time.
    4/1/14 - 0 mins
    4/2/14 - 43 mins

    Well my bum still gets sore from spin class. However, I don't need the padded seat but I am continue to wear the padded cycling shorts LOL
  • hopper602
    hopper602 Posts: 204 Member
    Ive logged 100 miles this year so far. I ride a Giant Escape 3 and love it. Im close to buying a mtn bike as well. I use MapMyRide for every ride and also just got a quad case to mount my phone. check my instagram out if you like and follow hopper602

    i have a nice route of 9~ miles to and back from the gym. A nice ride and a good workout really kicks my *kitten*.
  • NikiMG1681
    NikiMG1681 Posts: 36 Member
    I wasn't going to ride today, but then I came to this thread and got inspired. :happy:

    4/1 - 2.3 miles. 9.4mph average. Listening to Footloose Soundtrack songs on the Walkman.
    4/2 - 3.0 miles. 9.3mph average. Listening to Lex Land on the Walkman.
    4/2 - Additional 3.2 miles today at 8.3mph listening to The Black Keys (a favorite).
    4/3 - 2.2 miles at 9.2mph.
    4/4 - 2.9 miles at 9.4mph listening to Lake Street Dive.

    Goal = 60 miles.
    MTD = 13.6 miles.
    Yet to ride = 46.4 miles.

    Black Keys always gets me going too! :)
  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    I'm just kind of starting out, I won a new bike recently! and I thought I would go back to the only exercise I ever really enjoyed as a kid-cycling!

    I have been riding about 40km a week, which I think is something like 24 miles. I guess it is not very much, though a lot of it is very steep and hilly. Hoping to increase my efforts.

    That is a very good start. I cannot do hills at all, so I commend you!
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    Lots of headwind today but the weather was excellent!

    4/01 - 08.04 @ 14.0 mph (PM)
    4/02 - 08.43 @ 13.9 mph (PM)
    4/03 - 10.08 @ 14.0 mph (PM)
    4/04 - 10.00 @ 14.5 mph (PM)
    4/05 - 10.20 @ 13.9 mph (Noon)

    MTD: 46.75
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    April 1 - rode 12.8 miles for a duration of 1:15:14 (gravel ride)
    April 2 - rode 30.2 miles for a duration of 2:09:38
    April 5 - rode 66 miles for a duration of 4:23:55 (gravel race)

    Total for month of April: 109 miles/7:48:47 hours
  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    4/1 - 2.3 miles. 9.4mph average. Listening to Footloose Soundtrack songs on the Walkman.
    4/2 - 3.0 miles. 9.3mph average. Listening to Lex Land on the Walkman.
    4/2 - Additional 3.2 miles today at 8.3mph listening to The Black Keys (a favorite).
    4/3 - 2.2 miles at 9.2mph.
    4/4 - 2.9 miles at 9.4mph listening to Lake Street Dive.
    4/5 - 2.3 miles at 9.3mph listening to The Black Keys again.

    Goal = 60 miles.
    MTD = 15.9 miles.
    Yet to ride = 44.1 miles.