Stressed out by logging when accidentally eating too much



  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    you can either stop logging, or stop overeating.

    don't give me any of this "accidentally" bull crap. when you overeat you know it.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
  • rissa876
    rissa876 Posts: 38 Member
    I've done this before and even though I dislike looking at the red numbers, I just know that tomorrow and the next day to step up my game. Cravings get me in trouble, and that's when I need to eat a healthier alternative.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    A lot of times "Over" is really just "less under", but I've had my "I just ate 2x my calorie goal" days .. but even those, in the context of a week or a month are just a small blip on the radar. Log it, look at averages, and keep going ...

    One plus for me is that I can't really see red very well: The red and black look the same to me, so I don't get that visual slap in the face when I look at my ticker. I guess that makes it easier.
  • Neeters1969
    Neeters1969 Posts: 53 Member
    I feel the same way. I HATE seeing my calories in the red.

    I just log it and stay off the app for the rest of the evening. I'm not hurting anyone but myself when I'm not accurate with what I'm eating.


  • freddi11e
    freddi11e Posts: 317 Member
    i log my 6k binges. i try and log everything. even gum. splenda. everything. sometimes its hard when i go out to eat, but i always go for the higher of the choices if trhere's more than one calorie input. it's just nice to be held accountable. like i cant cry that i'm not losing weight. i can just go back and see how many times i chose to sabatoge myself. idk.. i like it, cuz i easily forget when i eff up without it.
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    Logging the "ugly" days is helpful to a) teach me where I went awry so I can do things differently next time, b) keep me honest and responsible about food, and c) remind me that perfection isn't sustainable and everyone has off days. You need to look at the big picture and focus on the future. You can't change yesterday.

    And if it helps you feel better I was 1900 calories over maintenance yesterday and my scale was only up a couple of pounds this morning (which is mostly bloating anyway, and isn't worth freaking out about since I can lose a few pounds just going to the toilet!). It also gave me heaps more energy for my workout this morning. The moral is that in the long term the blips don't matter.
  • MrsG31
    MrsG31 Posts: 364 Member
    Yes. I have actually just said screw it and not finished my logging for the day- often on Fridays, lol. When I first started MFP I logged everything, every day, but over time I started skipping weekends once I felt I had better control over portion sizes and knowing when to stop stuffing my face. It is so much easier for me to log and keep track of my pre-planned meals while at work.

    What bugs me even more the red numbers? The little message it gives you saying "if you eat like this every day you will weigh XXXX in X weeks" thanks. thanks a bunch.
  • icu814me2
    icu814me2 Posts: 212 Member
    Well, just log it anyway and learn from it. Plan ahead. I'm sure you have a smart phone with you 100% of the time, like I do. So if you "accidentally" get caught out in a situation you had not planned on, hop on the smart phone and google the calories for the food in question. Where there's a will there's a way.Feel free to add me if you want. :)
  • callas444
    callas444 Posts: 261 Member
    On my highest calorie day since I started mfp, I ate around 2,100 calories. Not a major splurge, but a splurge for me who rarely goes over calories. Even on that day where I felt like I ate so very much, my "if you eat like this every day, you'll weigh XXX in 5 weeks" was a LOSS. It was a 5 pound loss. It put things in perspective for me. I can have days where I splurge and I can still reach my goals. I'm not going to kid myself though, and I'm not going to avoid tracking it. I choose to eat, I choose not to eat. I choose to walk or not. I am in control of that and I own up to my choices.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I know that if I don't log it I get into the mindset of "well damn might as well eat everything". Logging kind of reigns me in. Also not logging screws with my data and I'm a numbers nerd so that bothers me greatly.