No Weight Loss/No Change in Body Composition.

***I believe I posted this in the wrong forum initially and I'm not sure how to remove it***

Any Advice will help.

Hi, I am struggling severely trying to lose weight. I am 5'5, weigh 165 pounds and I am a 32 year old female. I have been hitting the gym 4-5 times per week for the past 10 weeks with activities such as spinning for an hour, running for an hour, or weight training. I stick to a very strict diet of between 1200-1500 calories per day as well as watch everything consumed. I eat tons of fresh fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, kiwi, without adding sugar, whole grains, plenty of water, grilled vege's and lean protiens. In the past 10 weeks I have not lost one single pound nor has my body composition changed. My clothes still fit the same, etc... I was so discouraged that I tried Garcinia Cambogia, Slim Quick, detox waters, detox foods, trying to jump start my metabolism. I have made life altering changes such as cutting out beer, wine, liquors, etc..., reduced sugar and sodium intake drastically, incorporated grilled fish into my diet and grilled vege's. I do monitor calorie intake and I don't munch or mindless eat during the day as losing weight is important to me. Someone PLEASE HELP me understand.


Discouraged and In Tears


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    1. Quit the magic pills and detox nonsense - you could be doing more harm than good.
    2. Your diary is private so you're missing all the valuable advice that could be given there
    3. Are you weighing all solids, measuring all liquids? Logging everything? Accurately accounting for your exercise calories? Eating back exercise calories if you're using MFP numbers?

    Sounds like you're doing a lot of drastic changes and jumping from one thing to another very quickly. Your body probably doesn't know what the hell is going on right now. Pick something reasonable and stick to it for a long enough period of time to actually see results.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    Hard to say with the diary closed.

    Personal observation: Given that we're talking over 2 months, I'd the guess one of the most common problems is a combination of adherence/logging accuracy and over estimating activity.

    Obviously, even if your diary were open, we'd have no way of verifying that.

    You could try to eat at maintenance for a month or so and see if you gain/lose/maintain. Might give you more info to work with, though you run risk of gaining a few lbs.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Would you open your diary for us to take a look?

    Are you using a food scale?

    Are you eating back exercise calories?

    If you are eating back exercise calories, what kind of device are you using to estimate them?

    What are your goals (fat loss, weight loss, body recomposition, etc.)?
  • Thanks for your advice.

    I am just getting started "re-using" the diary on My Fitness Pal as I have found this one is more user friendly. I am slowly working on transferring my dairy to My Fitness Pal.

    I initially started spinning for one hour 4 days a week. After 5 weeks of seeing no weight drop and no change in body composition, I started to mix it up and add running to mix. I would spin 3 run 2 days and one day I would lift weights. After 2 weeks of doing that with no weight drop no change in composition, I got extremely discouraged and tried a diet pill thinking something was wrong with me. After 3 weeks of using diet pills and detox waters, I still haven't had any change. I have not lost ONE pound and I truly don't over eat. Losing this weight is important so I am extremely cautious.
  • libertychoury
    libertychoury Posts: 57 Member
    I was about your size last year, with the same calorie intake, same problem. I increased my calories and started lifting heavier. I lost 10 more pounds and went from size 16 to 10 in 5 months. Now I'm stuck again, so I don't know if I should increase my calories. But I have just started paying attention to my macros rather than just calories, and one week into that I am seeing some improvement. I will re-evaluate in a few weeks after my body has had time to adjust.
  • As far as I can tell through the other program I was using, I am not eating back my calories.

    I am also not weighing my foods.

    However, I have a clip that I use when I exercise that tells me how many calories are burned. Typically, in a one hour spin class, I burn 700 calories.

    On my run days, I burn 400ish depending on incline and how far/fast I go.

    At this point, I would just be happy losing 10 pounds. My goal was 20 as my body make up looks better at 140. I am muscular woman due to being an athlete in high school.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    You may not be eating enough either. It is hard to tell or give advice without knowing all of the factors involved. If you have not create a calorie deficiency then all of the exercise in the world will not help you. Set-up your profile and start tracking everything (food, water, exercise, measurements).
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Start weighting your food. If you are not losing, your estimations are completely off. Which is very very common. Use a scale and you will fix the problem.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    What method are you using to determine that your body composition has not changed?

  • This was very interesting and also very helpful. Sometimes it's hard sifting through thousands of pages on the internet trying to find these answers.
  • What method are you using to determine that your body composition has not changed?

    I am judging by the way my clothes fit and photos taken/mirror

    The only thing that has changed is that I am able to run a 5k in slightly under 30 min now.
  • freddi11e
    freddi11e Posts: 317 Member
    700 calories in a spin class? seems kinda high... what device are u using? A heart Rate monitor?
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    What method are you using to determine that your body composition has not changed?

    I am judging by the way my clothes fit and photos taken/mirror

    The only thing that has changed is that I am able to run a 5k in slightly under 30 min now.

    Over a period of 10 weeks that is a pretty subjective way of measurement. Might want to break out the tape measurer and keep track of your waist hip and thighs. Its quite possible to lose fat while maintaining bodyweight just due to water retention from exercise.
  • 700 calories in a spin class? seems kinda high... what device are u using? A heart Rate monitor?

    I am using this:
    Perfect Fitness Perfect Calorie Monitor Pro

    It's an activity tracker that I wear on my arm like a watch.
  • What method are you using to determine that your body composition has not changed?

    I am judging by the way my clothes fit and photos taken/mirror

    The only thing that has changed is that I am able to run a 5k in slightly under 30 min now.

    Over a period of 10 weeks that is a pretty subjective way of measurement. Might want to break out the tape measurer and keep track of your waist hip and thighs. Its quite possible to lose fat while maintaining bodyweight just due to water retention from exercise.

    Ok, I'll go purchase measuring tape and start tracking that way. I assumed, or thought, my clothes would fit differently.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    What method are you using to determine that your body composition has not changed?

    I am judging by the way my clothes fit and photos taken/mirror

    The only thing that has changed is that I am able to run a 5k in slightly under 30 min now.

    Over a period of 10 weeks that is a pretty subjective way of measurement. Might want to break out the tape measurer and keep track of your waist hip and thighs. Its quite possible to lose fat while maintaining bodyweight just due to water retention from exercise.

    Ok, I'll go purchase measuring tape and start tracking that way. I assumed, or thought, my clothes would fit differently.

    They will eventually but you will notice a difference by tape measurer quicker than you well by how loose your clothes fit and if you are finding yourself feeling discouraged due to not being able to see progress it might help. Its not necessary though really if you are in a healthy eating and exercise routinue and are feeling good other than psyching yourself out from lack of weight loss then just stick with it in my opinion and don't get to fixated on your scale.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    What method are you using to determine that your body composition has not changed?

    I am judging by the way my clothes fit and photos taken/mirror

    The only thing that has changed is that I am able to run a 5k in slightly under 30 min now.

    Over a period of 10 weeks that is a pretty subjective way of measurement. Might want to break out the tape measurer and keep track of your waist hip and thighs. Its quite possible to lose fat while maintaining bodyweight just due to water retention from exercise.

    Ok, I'll go purchase measuring tape and start tracking that way. I assumed, or thought, my clothes would fit differently.

    Over a similar period of time for myself I've lost barely any weight and I haven't had to adjust my belt or clothes or anything but by tape measurer I've lost 1.5 inches off of my waist and an inch around my thighs.
  • What method are you using to determine that your body composition has not changed?

    I am judging by the way my clothes fit and photos taken/mirror

    The only thing that has changed is that I am able to run a 5k in slightly under 30 min now.

    Over a period of 10 weeks that is a pretty subjective way of measurement. Might want to break out the tape measurer and keep track of your waist hip and thighs. Its quite possible to lose fat while maintaining bodyweight just due to water retention from exercise.

    Ok, I'll go purchase measuring tape and start tracking that way. I assumed, or thought, my clothes would fit differently.

    They will eventually but you will notice a difference by tape measurer quicker than you well by how loose your clothes fit and if you are finding yourself feeling discouraged due to not being able to see progress it might help. Its not necessary though really if you are in a healthy eating and exercise routinue and are feeling good other than psyching yourself out from lack of weight loss then just stick with it in my opinion and don't get to fixated on your scale.

    Thanks for the encouragement.... I really felt like I was doing something wrong.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    If I were you, I'd eat a couple hundred more calories per day. 1200 just isn't enough to fuel a 700 calorie burn. You'll have more energy for your workout if you eat a little more, in my experience. (As long as you're sure about your intake, as accurate as possible about your foods, like by weight in grams)