Anyone else using Adipex and Topamax?



  • swonn
    swonn Posts: 323 Member
    I was on Topamax for seizures and migraines for two years after a minor stroke. I could deal with the brain fog and pins and needles because headaches and seizures were controlled. The reason I went off of the drug was because I was in the 1% group that got kidney stones from it. I had no choice, my neurologist took me off immediately.
  • bwcrouch
    bwcrouch Posts: 105 Member
    I used Adipex a few years ago to lose 40 lbs without exercise. For the first 30 days I took one a day. The second prescription I took one every two days and the third every three days (for a total of 6 months) to wean off and minimize the side effects of going off the drug and to help ease the transition to managing eating habits without it.

    I had the ususal dry mouth and headaches but I also had some pretty severe constipation with it. To combat it I upped water intake to 12-15 cups a day and ate a minimum of 5-6 servings of fruit (to include a ruby red grapefruit) and 5-6 servings of vegetables every day. This was met with great success and also is the basis of how I target my diet today. If I would have done anything different back then it would have been to add more protein to my diet, use MFP to track my metrics, and add exercise.

    After coming off the Adipex I experienced depression for quite awhile which I'm sure aided in me putting I put 30lbs back on. In June I found the resolve to use what I learned on the Adipex to exercise (via a trainer) and use MFP for tracking to lose 40lb.
  • n_gal87
    n_gal87 Posts: 85 Member
    I've been on topamax for about 3 years now, and the side effects have completely dissipated. In the beginning there were absolutely side effects, the worst was agitation but I had severe ocular migraines. Mine were bad enough that over the course of a year I spent a total of 4 weeks in the hospital - had they not been so bad I'm not sure I would have stayed on it.

    My mom went on it the same time as I did, about 2 weeks in she had to go off of it because of an unbearable taste in her mouth.

    Like anything else it isn't for everyone. Keep note of the side effects and communicate with your doctor. We can all share our experiences but only you and your Dr. can make this decision.
  • acuratlsd
    acuratlsd Posts: 228
    I am on 400mg of Wellbutrin, 50mg of Topamax, and Adipex.... My body is trying to adjust to everything... I just started them all at the same time so hopefully I get good results. As soon as I started the Topamax, my memory started to go blank but I think the wellbutrin is starting to take over and fix my concentration.
    I have taken Adipex in the past, and am currently taking Topamax, but haven't taken them at the same time ... please keep posting with your results :-).

    I have been on Topamax for about five months, and was slowly brought up to 150mg a day ... I didn't see any results as far as an appetite suppressant until I reached that dosage. I take three equal doses (50mg) during the day and it controls my appetite and food cravings. I have been lucky and haven't experienced the side effects others have mentioned. Actually, my sister and I both (we see different doctors) are taking the same med and are having the same results - both of us are losing weight and feeling great. I weighed 248 five months ago, and I weigh 210 today, and I credit Topamax for the handle I have on my appetite and CRAVINGS.

    Sorry, no horror story here. I am happy, feel great, and am losing weight. Topamax has been around for quite awhile, and is widely used for several off-label conditions, other than just weight loss. I am not going to 'damn' a drug that has so many uses and possibilities ... it's too bad some of you had a rough experience with Topamax. Anyway, just thought I would tell my story. Good luck to all and I hope the combo works for you!
  • arachniagirl
    arachniagirl Posts: 64 Member
    I love Topamax. I'm taking it as a mood stabilizer and to counteract the appetite stimulant properties of other medications I take. Before starting the Topamax I was hungry all the time, I could eat a huge meal and my body would be stuffed but my brain was still telling me I was hungry, and I was having horrible sugar cravings all the time. No matter how hard I tried to eat healthy and exercise I just couldn't control my eating and I kept gaining weight. Since starting the Topamax I've lost 17 pounds in 5 months - a nice healthy weight loss that is sustainable. The only side effect I've had is the pins and needles feeling in my feet but it's just a nuisance, no big deal at all.
  • breasonable
    breasonable Posts: 115 Member
    Thanks for the last few post that's exactly what I was looking for when I posted on here! Good to hear you are all having good results. I have been on the combo for over a week and having great results! Lost 7 lbs this week! Very happy with that...Still no side effects just the dry mouth from the adipex which makes me drink a ton of water which is what I am suppose to do anyway!!! So thanks everyone!
  • Cindy393
    Cindy393 Posts: 268 Member
    Thanks for the last few post that's exactly what I was looking for when I posted on here! Good to hear you are all having good results.

    I hate to say it, and I may be totally off-base, but it sounds to me like all you wanted to hear was the good stuff, not the bad...
  • emilysmellz
    emilysmellz Posts: 85 Member
    I've been on Topamax for a few months and haven't lost any weight, before I was on it for a year or so and no change.
    I just hate all the tingles in my feet, they're getting to the point of painful, ugh.
    But, my friend has been on it for a year or so and has lost quite a bit of weight.
    Depends on the person.
  • lindsaykdesigns
    I just started topomax for headaches, and I'm sticking with it because it's this or brain surgery (long story), but I'm gonna have to really fight the appetite suppressant side effect of it. That's actually why I downloaded the app and found this board. I'm on the other end of the spectrum and trying to gain weight. I've always been small but healthy, then had some health issues, got super anemic and needed 4 blood transfusions, slowly bounced back from it, then something started to slowly but surely take my appetite away....wasn't the topomax, I just barely started that. FInally narrowed it down the other day. I think it's my depo provera shot! Yes it usually gets blamed for ADDING weight, but it can cause people to LOSE weight, too. It works like a charm for me for certain things, so I'm not going off of it, just doing my best to work around it. Same with topomax.

    Also curious if anyone else has had the other side effect my neurologist told me to watch out for with topomax - speech and language issues. It only happened a few times the first week I started taking it. I looked up the specifics after the first few times I thought it had happened. Apparently you'll stumble over a word like you just can't remember the right one anymore, no matter how common the word was. That's exactly what happens. Right in the middle of a sentence, total senior moment, what the hell was I just saying, why can't I remember this completely boring and routine word?!!! Glad that side effect didn't stick around. I had the tingling happen once after I first took it, not anymore, and I'm up to 3 at night (so, 75mg). He wants me at 100mg, max. He doesn't go over more than that for headache treatments.
  • velmaisvelma
    velmaisvelma Posts: 90 Member
    I started the Topamax and Adipex together, today. So far, it's doing pretty good. I haven't been hungry or nauseous. I am Keeping a journal and will update every 4-7 days. I hope it works for me as well as it has for you!

    FYI: I already took Topamax for Migraines, but had stopped taking it when I was prescribed adipex. Migraines came back, so your post is a lifesaver!
  • breasonable
    breasonable Posts: 115 Member
    Good luck to you! My dr up the dose of my topamax a few days ago and so far so good!! I haven't weighted in a few days because we was camping for the weekend so we shall see what the scales says in the morning!!
  • GaPeachRealtor
    I tried it months ago and it was ok ..I started with half a pill twice a day at 37.5 dosage and graduated to one pill in the morning.

    A ton of late nights cleaning, reading, watching tv.. I had insomnia really bad LOL...I started taking 5HTP and it helped with that..

    I just needed a kick off on my journey and know I can fly on my own... Good luck to you.
  • Christy76840
    I started taking this combo 9 months ago I have lost 118 lbs so far. I thank god they came up with the combo because I can't exercise heavily I have had 2 back surgeries and damaged muscles and nerves throughout my whole body I definitely recommend this to anyone who wants to lose weight. With this combo it also comes off very fast I took the Adipex by itself and yes it works well alone but adding the Topamax gives it a major butt kick. Well GOOD LUCK! To all who is taking or just started and anyone who is thinking about it DO IT MAKE SURE YOUR IN GOOD HEALTH OF COURSE
  • breasonable
    breasonable Posts: 115 Member
    I went off the meds last april for anyone who is following this thread. The Topamax , adipex combo works wonders but my hair was falling out and changing texture so I went off ... My hair is now coming back nicely just like the Dr said it would.. But if you can tolerate the Rx with healthy eating and working out it does work.....
  • LivviLosing
    LivviLosing Posts: 34 Member
    I took Topamax for seizures, it is also prescribed for migraines. Topamax has some pretty rare side effects that are awfully gnarley. But ... The most common side effect of it is weight loss.

    I dropped 14 pound during pregnancy on that RX.

    Good luck to you!

    Your doctor put you on Topamax while you were pregnant?!
  • skinnygurl02
    skinnygurl02 Posts: 176 Member
    I took Topamax for a while to counteract a med that was making me gain excess weight. Had to quit Topamax, my hair was falling out like crazy. Come to find out that is one of it's biggest side effects:(
  • leahvigerdalsis
    I take both for the same reason. The new drug qsymia insurance will not cover so my doctor put me on what the drug consists of which is topamax and adipex. I'm doing great on it! Down 18lbs so far. Topamax is used for migraines also but a side effect is weight loss, which is why some people who can't tolerate Adipex may be put just on Topamax.