Trying to lose weight but extremely hungry at night?!

Okay, so I don't know what it is, but I have always been very hungry at night (8-12pm). I'm sure I eat enough during the day, and I usually space it out - every 3 hours. For example, here is what I've eaten today:

Breakfast (9am):
1 Egg (cooked w/ olive oil)
1 Pieces of Toast (w/ lightest flora)

Lunch (12:30pm):
Cheese & Tomato sandwich (prepackaged - 330 kcal)

Afternoon snacks (3pm):
Oatmeal w/ banana
2 oatcakes + half bell pepper

Dinner (7:30pm):
Veggie burger (frozen - 230kcal)
Sauteed kale
Quarter roasted butternut squash

And I just downed an apple, three more oatcakes and the other half of the bell pepper and my stomach is audibly grumbling and feels hollow! I'm trying to ignore it but it's futile.

The only exercise I do is bike 3 miles return to uni each day (pretty flat terrain save one hill) and I do Focus T25 plus a few arm/ab exercises... not completely sedentary but not a lot of calories burned either.

Why am I sooooo hungry at night? And what should I do? I know tonight I will give in and eat something but for future reference? By the way, vegetarian here, please don't recommend meats cheers!

Height: 5'7"
Weight: 145-150ish? (I don't have a scale!)


  • jenmom2myboys
    jenmom2myboys Posts: 311 Member
    I am a vegetarian also. I normally save my apples for my night time snack. I eat apples with peanut butter or almond butter and a cup of tea.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You're eating a lot of carbs and not enough fat and protein. How many cals is that?

    You should be eating back exercise cals too.
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    It seems like you aren't getting very much protein, maybe 40-50 grams tops.
    And very little fat... a combination of fat and protein is what helps most people feel full the longest.
    Have you considered adding a protein shake to your day?
    Those always make me feel full.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Doesn't sound to me like you are eating enough which is probably why you are hungry. Have you considered having another meal around 10pm or whenever you start to feel hungry again?

    Also your diet seems to be almost entirely carbohydrates that quick release and give you a sugar high and crash. Probably want to substitute in more protein sources which for a veg would be things like lentils, nuts, beans etc.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    How many calories total? If you are set for "I want to lose 2 pounds per week", then you probably are not eating enough. Also agree with getting more protein & fats.
  • avigayilbuiteir
    When I added it up, I think it's roughly 1550 calories... which I thought was enough. I didn't realise I was eating so many carbs... I always thought carbs were just from bread and pasta and cakes.

    By the way, I gave in and ate 3/4 can of tesco baked beans. Thoroughly satisfied now haha! I will give eating more fats and protein a go! Cheers :)
  • jenmom2myboys
    jenmom2myboys Posts: 311 Member
    Beans will fill you up, lol. Try some avocado with your veggie burger. It is delicious!
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Are you logging your foods? It will then tell you exactly what fat carbs and protein you're eating. You should try doubling or tripling your protein and eating about 70g fat a day then you can fill the rest up with carbs. You'll feel better, happier too!
  • ashleysarvi
    water...throughout the day and then LOTS of water before and after your last meals and just keep helps alot
  • jdb3388
    jdb3388 Posts: 239 Member
    Okay, so I don't know what it is, but I have always been very hungry at night (8-12pm). I'm sure I eat enough during the day, and I usually space it out - every 3 hours. For example, here is what I've eaten today:

    Breakfast (9am):
    1 Egg (cooked w/ olive oil)
    1 Pieces of Toast (w/ lightest flora)

    Lunch (12:30pm):
    Cheese & Tomato sandwich (prepackaged - 330 kcal)

    Afternoon snacks (3pm):
    Oatmeal w/ banana
    2 oatcakes + half bell pepper

    Dinner (7:30pm):
    Veggie burger (frozen - 230kcal)
    Sauteed kale
    Quarter roasted butternut squash

    And I just downed an apple, three more oatcakes and the other half of the bell pepper and my stomach is audibly grumbling and feels hollow! I'm trying to ignore it but it's futile.

    The only exercise I do is bike 3 miles return to uni each day (pretty flat terrain save one hill) and I do Focus T25 plus a few arm/ab exercises... not completely sedentary but not a lot of calories burned either.

    Why am I sooooo hungry at night? And what should I do? I know tonight I will give in and eat something but for future reference? By the way, vegetarian here, please don't recommend meats cheers!

    Height: 5'7"
    Weight: 145-150ish? (I don't have a scale!)

    Not gonna recommend meat, but I am gonna say that we've all found the problem.
  • onionparsleysage
    onionparsleysage Posts: 103 Member
    water...throughout the day and then LOTS of water before and after your last meals and just keep helps alot

    water's good, but the OP needs more FOOD! Fats & protein are your friend, especially if you're a vegetarian it's important to get those in your diet.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    When I added it up, I think it's roughly 1550 calories... which I thought was enough. I didn't realise I was eating so many carbs... I always thought carbs were just from bread and pasta and cakes.

    By the way, I gave in and ate 3/4 can of tesco baked beans. Thoroughly satisfied now haha! I will give eating more fats and protein a go! Cheers :)

    Breakfast (9am):
    1 Egg (cooked w/ olive oil) Protein/Fat
    1 Pieces of Toast (w/ lightest flora) (Carbs)

    Lunch (12:30pm):
    Cheese & Tomato sandwich (prepackaged - 330 kcal) (Carbs and Fat)

    Afternoon snacks (3pm):
    Oatmeal w/ banana (Carbs with Carbs)
    2 oatcakes + half bell pepper (Carbs with Carbs)

    Dinner (7:30pm):
    Veggie burger (frozen - 230kcal) (Carbs)
    Sauteed kale (Carbs)
    Quarter roasted butternut squash (Carbs)

    Yeah that is probably like 80% carbs. Also notice that your later meals are all carbs which goes a lot to explain why you get hungry before bed. A healthier breakdown is more like 60/20/20 Carb/Protein/Fat as percentage of your total calories. If you want to feel even fuller from the amount you are eating eat more protein, protein is very satiating for the amount of calories it is. For a veggie things like lentils are very filling and a good mix of protein and carbs
  • MapleFlavouredMaiden
    MapleFlavouredMaiden Posts: 595 Member
    Looks like you need more cals and more protein.