How many calories should i be eating to lose 1 pound a week?

Hello everyone!
Please help me, i get really confused with the calorie calculators.

I am female, 20 years, 55kg, 5ft 3 inches
I havent been losing any weight. I log everything so accurately but also ruin my efforts by eating out too much.
I am going on holiday in 6 weeks and want to lose 4-5pounds before then.
usually i am active, go to the gym about 3 times a week and attend a body pump class once a week. However for the next 5 weeks i am studying for exams and have gone home so i no longer have a gym membership.
I am therefore not exercising much at all (done nothing all week) and seem to be sitting at my desk all day - very sedentary. i know i should make time for exercise but i really am working all day (9am-10pm!)

How many calories should I be eating to lose weight over the next 6 weeks?
I eat very healthy food (open diary) and I wont be ruining this by eating out (because i'm revising)
I find it hard to eat less than 1400 a day and i know this is low but i am sat at a desk 10 hours a day and don't seem to be losing.

any advice would be great!


  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    MFP can calculate that for you when you set up your goals.
    MFP gives you a set calorie number that will create a deficit for you excluding designated exercise. You choose your activity level based on your daily life (work, etc.) and then when you input designated exercise (cardio or lifting) it will give you MORE calories to eat. You are supposed to eat back your exercise calories with MFP.
    A lot of people also use the TDEE method, which works a little differently.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    You're 5'3" and 121 lbs., and you want to lose 4–5 lbs. in 6 weeks?! You're already at a healthy BMI. *At most,* you could lose .5 lb. per week, or 3 lb. in 6 weeks.

    At your size, you should be focusing not on losing weight but on recomp (body recomposition).
  • frankiejs
    frankiejs Posts: 10
    well maybe it is body comp that i want to work on then? can you tell me a bit more about it? i just want to look slimmer!
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Increase your lean body mass by lifting weights &/or doing body weight exercises. (This also reduces your total body fat %.)

    Google it, &/or ask for advice in the Fitness and Exercise forum.