Dealing with discouragement

So about a month ago I joined a gym and made a commitment to becoming healthier after my weigh-in at the doctor's office. I had gained about 17 lbs and was feeling pretty unhealthy. I didn't used to jiggle like this! So I started out just doing cardio for half an hour at the gym 5 days a week, treadmill and elliptical type stuff. (Now I do 30 mins of cardio and then some strength training 5 days a week)

Then I decided I wanted to be able to run 5k, at least on the treadmill. I got to the point where I could run 32 minutes at 7.2 mph, and I threw in some strength straining 2 days a week. Then I did some very strenuous exercise one Saturday and my legs were hurting, so I didn't run the following week. Now I can barely run 5 minutes at 5.5 mph... how did I backslide so much and so quickly?? Has this happened to anyone else? How do I keep moving forward - it is incredibly frustrating.

As well, I've been tracking my calories on MFP, and have really made an effort to eat healthier. I wasn't doing so hot on the weekends, but I've been making an effort. Yet I've barely lost any weight, and in fact gained some back that I had initially lost (but I don't feel any stronger, so this can't be related to muscle gain). I still feel jiggly and my jeans still don't fit and I'm just feeling like "what is the point?".

TLDR: I can't run as much as I could a few weeks ago (WHY?!), and I'm not losing weight despite eating much better and exercising 5 or 6 days a week. What do I do?


  • livelaughloveandfitness
    Dont give up! I dont really have the answer of why you cant run as much as you did a few weeks ago. But the reason why you might not be losing weight is that you wasnt doing so hot on the weekends. Thats happened to me i have a few bad weekends and dont lose any weight or anything. Also how is your water intake? It could be water weight! Feel free to add me and we can talk more!
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Very interesting - the same thing happens to me! If I do not do cardio everyday, I notice that I can not go nearly as long as before. I also use a vaporizer and I did smoke cigs for many years. I contribute it to crap lungs. Other than that - I have no idea why this would happen to someone.
  • fithealthygirl
    fithealthygirl Posts: 290 Member
    As the above poster said, not seeing results may be partially due to water retention. Also, you may be eating more than you think. You might consider weighing and measuring all of your food, alot of people on here have had success that way. Make sure you log everything, especially those weekend meals that aren't so healthy. As for not being able to run as long or as fast as before, it may be a psychological thing. Since you injured yourself recently you might be afraid of re-injuring yourself by going at the pace you used to go at. There may also be a physical reason, that you should talk to your doctor about. Good luck!
  • cowgirlqueen
    cowgirlqueen Posts: 467 Member
    i don't know if this could be related at all but i found this article a few days ago and found it interesting
  • Kenazwa
    Kenazwa Posts: 278 Member
    I've noticed that I usually get sick after I experience a major backslide in workout ability. You might be coming down with a cold or something.
  • ohiowhthse
    Your body can get used to a "normal" routine of exercise. To be honest, your weekends might be your demise. I have the same challenges with weekend eating. Try mixing up your exercise routine, try doing a different class, or rotate during your session run, weights 10/15 minute rotation. Your body gets used to the same olé, even if your adjusting your time to increase with a specific exercise. Not sure why your time would go down like that. Each day however your body adjusts to protect itself from injury. You can burn just as many calories on the treadmill walking at incline and high speed as you do with your run but it's less stress on joints and muscles etc. Hope this gives you some more to think about and consider.