not seeing results

Well I just started my weight loss journey. I have been eating right and walking everyday. I am 100 lbs over weight so I wanted to start slow to get my body used to it. I have been eating great for like 2.5 weeks and started walking about a week ago. Still have not seen anything. It is very discouraging. I am getting better and better with my eating everyday. I just want to see some change on the scale :-(


  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    it takes time.

    if you aren't seeing a change just yet, you probably aren't being as accurate as possible with your food. are you weighing and measuring everything?

    what is your current height and weight?
  • honestyloverespect
    honestyloverespect Posts: 13 Member
    How often do you stand on the scale? I thought that at first you would loose water weight-then pounds and inches.
  • I am just starting to measure everything out.
    I am bad and stand on the scale everyday. I know I shouldn't but its hard when it's staring at me :-)
    I know its a process but I am very impatient lol.
  • PlayBall5
    PlayBall5 Posts: 125
    You are seeing results. You just don't know it yet. Your body is saying shat the crap is going on! If you are doing everything your suppose to be doing ( at least trying) then in the very near future you will step on the scale and won't believe your eyes.
  • uddi216
    uddi216 Posts: 7
    Hey buddy, congrats on the commencement of your weight loss journey. You are one of the few people's who get out of their comfort zone and really strive for a change. Well to start of with, you should have mentioned for how many minutes do you walk, at what pace and at what time. Generally if you want to lose weight you should walk early in the morning on an empty stomach if it is not taxing for you. Your body will take time to adjust as to how you were before your weight loss journey. Weight loss takes time so be patient, it's not like you will start losing weight right away. Incorporate a bit of light running with your morning walk, see how that feels. Try this out first for 2 weeks, then tell me your results.
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    Have you purchased a food scale yet? That is super important if you want to see steady weight loss, IMO. You can do this. Just use the MFP suggestions and the weight will come off.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 2,951 Member
    i didn't see results on the scale till almost at the end of 2 month, right when i was about to give up! i get swooshes all the time, will sit still for a long time and them bam, swoosh! give it more time, keep doing what you are doing and log everything and you will see that change soon
  • shawnie1203
    shawnie1203 Posts: 2 Member
    I started and stopped so many times, but I really took control in January. I had my slip ups.. but I just kept focus and invested in myself. I am a single mother, in school and full time job. And I felt like you. but I lost 20lbs in my first 2 months. I have lost 4 inches in my hips. Keep yourself preoccupied with as much as you can! TRACK. I used to not believe in it until i realized it does help!! I wish you the best! YOU CAN DO IT! WE ALL CAN IF WE WANT IT.