2 weeks and i haven't lost weight?

hi everyone, my name's betty.

11 days ago i joined myfitnesspal to lose weight for summer. i know it's not realistic to lose 20 pounds by the start of june, but i am trying to get to 125 (from 143.7) around the middle of july, early august. i have been eating 1280 calories every single day, going over by maybe 50 calories 1 day. today i stepped on the scale and weighed exactly the same as i did at the beginning!

this is extremely discouraging to me, as i speed walk on the treadmill for at least 40 minutes a day at 4mph and i also, like i said earlier, eat only 1280 calories a day. in the morning i have a cup of special k cereal for 110 calories, my lunch is usually 475-500 calories, and then with exercise i gain 217 calories back so i usually eat a smaller portion of dinner so i can have a bag of chips as a late afternoon snack. i know chips aren't healthy, but i'm staying within my calorie limits so it shouldn't really matter in terms of weight loss.

basically, all i'm asking is what am i doing wrong? i really want to lose some weight, but after 11 days i am the exact same weight i started out with. i exercise 6-7 days a week and eat 1280 calories a day. i don't even have a cheat day! i'm really discouraged and would like some input. thanks in advance!


  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    It's only been two weeks. Some people don't see results on the scale for 4-6 weeks. Just keep going and have patience.
  • estaticaa
    estaticaa Posts: 67 Member
    Hey, don't be discouraged. If you are eating exactly the amount of calories you said, weight loss will happen. A lot of things may be influencing your results:

    - you're not logging your foods appropriately. Assuming you don't know this, people tend to underestimate how much they're eating, so use a scale to measure all your portions and don't just eyeball quantities.

    - you've started to work out recently and your body is starting to make adjustments, such as gaining muscle, which is a lot heavier than fat.

    - measure yourself. Don't trust your scale alone. Sometimes you may be stuck in a certain weight and still losing inches.

    - or just read this, if you haven't already: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants

    Good luck!
  • jenni_d1990
    jenni_d1990 Posts: 54 Member
    I started in January and was getting bummed out that I wasn't losing either, it took me about a month to start losing. I think it takes some peoples' bodies longer to figure out what's going on lol. 3 months later I've lost 20 lbs : )
  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    Muscle is not heavier than fat. Muscle takes up less volume than fat.

    Are you weighing and measuring your food or just eyeballing it? You need to weigh and measure. Ditch the chips and snack on a piece of fruit or veggies. If you don't give your body adequate nutritients it will hold onto every ounce.
  • thanks everyone i was really discouraged when i stepped on the scale this morning and saw no change, but you guys are making me feel better :) and yes, i am really OCD about calories, i check out every single label and mark down all of the calories. maybe i am gaining muscle by walking on the treadmill like in my legs. but thanks everyone again!
  • maki1122
    maki1122 Posts: 5 Member
    I understand your frustration, as I too am almost the same weight as you with the same amount to lose. Even though I am not stressing so much about losing it particularly quickly, b/c I am focusing on getting back to better habits (ie logging food/paying attention to what I'm REALLY putting in my system, as well as more regular exercise), I am discouraged/frustrated like you. I was losing slowly/steadily for awhile, but haven't lost a pound in a month.

    Hang in there and maybe just stay focused on the daily goals you are setting. I weigh myself only every two weeks b/c I find the scale is not the total picture. I also started taking my measurements and that's where I'm seeing a change more regularly. Maybe you could try this for a bit and see if that what's happening for you, also? Feel free to add me as a friend, I'd love to find others who are in the same boat. We could try a few mini challenges and see if it makes a difference! :)

    (Btw you look beautiful and healthy in your profile pic, so don't lose sight of the big picture!)
  • kmkgurl
    kmkgurl Posts: 321 Member
    maybe try not eating back your exercise calories. maybe your not enough of a deficit..
  • estaticaa
    estaticaa Posts: 67 Member
    Muscle is not heavier than fat. Muscle takes up less volume than fat.

    Did I state something untrue in my previous post? I thought we could use the word "heavier" to describe something that weights more than something else when occupying the same space. Which is what could be said about muscle when compared to fat. In my native language, that's what "heavier" means - to have relatively higher density when compared to something else of the same size, but since English can be tricky, I could be wrong and I apologize in advance.
  • Megabot
    Megabot Posts: 173 Member
    Muscle is not heavier than fat. Muscle takes up less volume than fat.

    Did I state something untrue in my previous post? I thought we could use the word "heavier" to describe something that weights more than something else when occupying the same space. Which is what could be said about muscle when compared to fat. In my native language, that's what "heavier" means - to have relatively higher density when compared to something else of the same size, but since English can be tricky, I could be wrong and I apologize in advance.

    in english, heavy means weight.
    a pound of lead takes up a LOT less space than a pound of feathers, but they are both a pound.
    the word you want to use is "denser."
    muscle is a lot DENSER than fat, which means it takes up a lot less room.

    and to the original poster, I don't lose weight the first few weeks I start back on a diet.... but I lose a lot of inches off my waist/hips/bust. you're getting some muscle back. don't fret the number on the scale and don't lose heart! keep going!!! you'll get there. I suggest you start measuring, too!
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 558 Member
    maybe try not eating back your exercise calories. maybe your not enough of a deficit..

    I completed do NOT agree with this statement. The minimum you should aim for is to net 1200, so if you don't eat those exercise calories you will be under this minimum. Eat them, you earned it! :) Remember that food is fuel for your body.

    As for me, I started MFP in Oct 2012 at 1200 cal diet and did not lose anything for 3 weeks until suddenly the scale dropped! :) And then it dropped again the next month, but I was SOOO hungry, had no energy, constant migraines, etc. In Jan 2013 I increased my calories to 1700 and guess what? Lost 7 lbs more! :) Fast forward and I am at my maintenance now. I eat at least 2000 a day I'd say, sometimes way more if I do a lot of exercise :)

    Don't give up, and don't be afraid of food :) I would recommend you check out this link and compare the #'s. Sometimes eating too little can harm your body as well:

    ps.- take photos and measurements!! :) Sometimes the scale 'lies' :P
  • andreacason
    andreacason Posts: 8 Member
    I'm in the same boat! I'm losing inches, and getting more toned but I think I'll see a difference next week. I quit Weight Watchers about a month and a half ago, so I'm thinking my body is getting used to eating a little more than I was on that program. We just have to be patient :wink: