Anxiety, Prozac and Weight Gain



  • aponia
    aponia Posts: 28
    I took Zoloft for about 8 years and I put on quite a lot of weight - I've recently been switched to Prozac and found that my appetite is basically nil, as I have to make myself eat. I'm on a fairly high dosage (40mg) but even someone I know who is on 10mg can tell the change in appetite. But medications effect everyone differently; some people lose weight taking Zoloft and I gained about 100lbs!

    It all comes down to our relationship with food and our eating habits. I would eat when I was depressed or anxious - other people would rather not eat when feeling that way and have a tendency to eat when they are more comfortable and not worrying so much about it. Once you pinpoint which this is, try to change the way you think of food. (If this makes any sense at all)

    Have a balanced diet of lean protein, healthy carbs (brown rice, whole grain bread, etc) and fruits and vegetables and eat often! A handful of nuts when you're feeling a bit hungry is much healthier than waiting until dinner time and then overeating.
  • biminij99
    biminij99 Posts: 11 Member
    I went thru this. Do what you can to get off the meds. They had an effect on me that I would eat generously. The anxiety problem is still there. It has just manifested in a different way - through eating. The meds won't make the problem go away. You have to manage the stress on your own. Face whatever is causing you stress and get a hold of it. Get plenty of rest. Drink water and exercise. Eat plenty of fruits and veggies. Get plenty of sun. Get rid of things in your life that you don't need. It may take a while but it will get better. It helps to have support from friends and family. This is the best advise I can give you. Best of luck to you. Everything will be fine.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    Losing weight just fine on paxil for anxiety. I've read some literature that discusses SSRIs possibly causing weight gain by affecting liver function, but it seems to me from my own experience and the observations of others that weight gain on SSRIs is mostly behavioral. When I first started I felt very euphoric and super happy. I felt like my impulse control was affected. I felt like I was at a party all the time and I indulged and food and alcohol like I was at a party.

    Daily rigorous exercise has had a profound effect on my anxiety levels as well as a workbook called Overcoming Stress and Anxiety. On a very low dose now.

    Almost all of this-and not because I disagree with the rest. I am on zoloft for PTSD & anxiety. I gained weight when I started-and thanks to mfp, I have a log to prove it's because I was eating like a cow (e.g. Behavioral not phantom unexplained weight gain). Once my dose settled the crazy "party like it's 1999" approach to food slowed down. I do have to be more conscious of making good choices and reigning in cravings more than before the meds, but it's not the meds that caused the gain, it's the food I was stuffing in my face.

    And this times infinity for exercise making a HUGE impact in controlling my symptoms-for me, probably more than the meds. But alas, I still suffer from hyperarousal symptoms, on which the meds make a considerable difference. But in terms of day to day anxiety, regular exercise has helped get me to a point where I only suffer anxiety in extremely triggering situations. That's an enormous improvement. My situation is hopefully very different from yours, but exercise has been a tremendous help.
  • sadsturbation
    I started taking Prozac in March of 2012. Back then I was 151 lbs. I am now 218 lbs. I don't understand.
  • mattcoleman7921
    mattcoleman7921 Posts: 1 Member
    I have to say that my weight gain is due solely to the prozac. I'm actually eating less and exercising more than I did before taking it, yet I've been gaining weight. It must be doing something to the metabolism?
  • Ryan_Reborn
    I took Seroquel, that **** gives you CRAZY *kitten* munchies . I know as welcoming as prozak is , maybe consider what has set off your tweekin in the first place.. Start with eating well, getting adequate sleep and training both moderate-High intensity and taking up something peaceful like yoga or an activity that interests you that will stimulate your parasympathetic nervous system . Then start eliminating things from based off this. Doing some research

    The weight gain could be from the way the prozak changes the chemicals in your brain, making you crave more of the foods that make you feel good (briefly releasing dopamine and spiking your insulin ) . Having you cover your current issue and switch to food or whatever has you gaining weight which has now become an issue to you.

    This is a VERY helpful site. Do the audit and find out what your brain might be lacking in or over stimulating.


    I myself HATE the over use of medication , especially the way it's prescribed today. Please correct me if this doesn't help your issue and good luck !