Finished a Tough Mudder With All Odds Against Me

I am still very far from a healthy weight. I weight lift at least 5 days a week and do cardio at least 6 days a week. My diet is Macros based not calorie based and i wanted to test myself and see how far i could go on a tough mudder. I recently completed a tough mudder doing all 10.5 miles i wanted to quit during the hills cause they were steep and brutal. i seen people half my size having trouble with these hills. i was the last to get finished on the hills and almost last to finish the entire tough mudder. the only thing i couldn't do was 2 walls cause im to big to get over without a boost and by the time i got there i was basically by myself and there was no way i could get over a 10foot plus wall.. I hope to inspire others afraid to push them selves based on weight to try something challenging. The next time i try one will be when im at a much lower body weight. but for my size i think i did pretty damn good and had enough heart to finish no matter the pain my legs were in. crawling up steep hills for 4 mills over 250lbs is no joke on your body.

I am 26 years old and i lost both of my parents from heart disease while they were not very old. i have used it to turn my life around and im trying new challenges to push myself to try to inspire others

please check out my tough mudder youtube video

here is a little bit of my story

anyone else doing tough mudders here?


  • fayefayee5
    fayefayee5 Posts: 87 Member
    wow girl, that was awesome.

    A tough mudder is my ultimate goal.... but I told myself I wouldnt be ready till 2015... you are a true inspiration lady!

    Loved it, and love you!!! :D
  • suzyfj8
    suzyfj8 Posts: 257 Member
    Congratulations, you are an inspiration well done for completing it! That electricity section looks awful, you were so brave to keep going! You are awesome :)
  • beastiful
    my gym owner eddie talked my boyfriend and I into doing one. i wasnt planning to do one for a long time. but i did it anyways just to push myself past any boundaries regardless of weight or any other excuse i might have. The one thing he said before i did go was even if u dont do a lot of it go through the electric shock part lol. that was the worst part hahaha. The hike up the steep hills was the worst on my body but the electric shock just sucked.
  • beastiful
    has anyone else done a tough mudder race? if so how did they like it?
  • SanchezYo
    SanchezYo Posts: 7 Member
    I just did my first Tough Mudder a week ago in Los Angeles, with my big sister & it was awesome! I had done a Savage race, but Tough Mudder was so much tougher & better. It made me challenge myself where I never thought I can push myself. I did train for it & it really helped. It's such a great feeling being able to complete a challenge that hard & want to do more of these races.

    I'm hooked!!!!!!