My results are not like before

Hey guys, something odd has been happening to me lately.

The main exercises that I do are beachbody workouts. Mainly I use insanity but I also use Brazil Butt lift, for the weight lifting really.

When I first used Insanity, I was 15st 5lbs (215lbs) and lost 8lbs in the first week., I started using it again after I gained weight at 16st but I've only lost 0.5 lbs in the first week (this is my third time using it). I am quite concerned as I am worried that maybe my body is used to it and now it's not challenging enough. But when I did insanity (second round) I went to Morocco andI lost 17lbs in 3 weeks.

Factors that could be the culprit, my carb level is usually always high, keeping it down though is so damn hard!
Cold weather? I heard that it's harder to lose weight when it's cold.
Muscle memory? I really hope this isn't the case.

What could be the problem? I know it's better to lose at least something but I am quite overweight and I should be shedding off the pounds really fast in the beginning.

Thanks in advanced.


  • HappyStack
    HappyStack Posts: 802 Member
    8lbs in the first week wouldn't have been all fat. 0.5lbs seems more like an actual fat loss, but there are a billion things that could affect the difference between your loss the first time you tried these routines and this time.

    Contrary to popular belief your body doesn't "get used" to exercises and stops you losing weight because of it. Muscle confusion is a big-butt myth.
    Carbs won't stop you losing weight, though you may be seeing water retention this time around (nothing to worry about, water-weight loss is artificial and although it looks 'better' as a number on the scale, it doesn't affect your body composition).

    Just be consistent, keep going, and don't fret. If the weight loss is consistently less than 1-2lbs per week, then look at altering your diet. Can't really give you advice there because your diary seems patchy or sometimes completely unfilled. You need to know what you're eating before you can decide if you're hitting your cals and still not losing at the rate you expect.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    part of the problem I see it with your logging....

    You are not consistent and some of the entries you use are suspect.

    Weight loss comes from the calorie deficet, this is either through your intake and/or burns.

    If you don't log consistently and accurately then you are probably eating more than you think.

    It is not about the kinds of food you eat, or muscle memory or your body getting used to's about what you eat...

    You can't out exercise inconsistent inaccurate logging.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,372 Member
    Weight loss is not linear. You won't lose as much every week.

    But yes, you have to log consistently, if you eat too much, you'll gain weight, whether you exercise or not.

    And I don't believe in the whole 'your body gets used to exercise' thing. You just get fitter and lighter and burn less calories.