New to weight lifting and looking for buddies

Hello MFP team!

I started weight lifting about 6 months ago, and I would like to make friends who share my interest in body building. I am a runner by default but since I began lifting I do much less cardio. My goal is to build and maintain a lean fit body. My idol is Jillian Michaels.

My workout plan is 5 days of weight training/week and misc cardio whenever. Although my weight does not fluctuate, and I never experienced any weight problems, I do maintain clean eating habits. I was about 120 pounds as a teen, and now in my 30s I weigh 135 pounds. I gained 5 pounds since I started lifting and I want to believe that it is all muscle. I truly believe in the power of healthy habits, and trust that great rewards can be achieved through perseverance. I am determined, and I don't give up easily.

Friend me if you are also interested in body building, and let's motivate each other.

Cheers and good luck to all!



  • emilyc85
    emilyc85 Posts: 450 Member
    Hi! I have recently started weightlifting as well!! I am new to it in the last 4 months or so :) I will send you a FR!
  • robabob3
    robabob3 Posts: 79 Member
    Hey there. 22yr old from Australia here. I LOVE LIFTING.

    I have been lifting for about a year now and i usually go 6 days a week, weightlifting along with watching my nutrition has helped me lose all of my weight so far and i have no doubt it will help me lose the rest.

    Lifting has dramatically changed my body composition and i cant wait to see more changes as i progress.

    Feel free to add me, i don't have that many friends on here that lift, most are cardio obsessed.
  • jessicayoung82
    jessicayoung82 Posts: 157 Member
    I am super new to weightlifting as The Man and I just bought a bench but I haven't touched it yet. To he honest I am a but intimidated by it. We also bought me a heavy bag it's going to he just a matter of strapping on my big girl shoes and getting the first workout done... After that I should be great.
  • I'm really interested in lifting and would love to start. I'm a bit scared though. Can I friend you guys for some inspiration and motivation to help me get started??
  • quantonio
    quantonio Posts: 7 Member
    Hi all

    I started lifting 2 years ago but unfortunately a rotator cuff injury left me out for around 8 months. From last Sept/Oct I train regularly, 3 days per week full body, on a strength training program (sometimes I use a couple of the rest days for stretching/yoga/cardio). My goal for the next ~16 weeks is to do a smooth cut. My diet at the moment follows the principles of IIFYM and IF with calories cycling. It suits my current lifestyle, its simple and effective.

    Feel free to add me!

  • Hello,

    I am fairly new to bodybuilding, however I enjoy weight training fully,
  • smithed812
    smithed812 Posts: 289
    JUST joined a gym yesterday and gonna start Stronglifts 5x5 today or tomorrow. I would love some lifting pals for motivation :)
  • Hello, I mix strength training and cardio 4-5 days a week, I can tell the difference in my body. I am more toned and just feel healthier. I'm 5'6" and weigh 151 lbs, but I'm not one to pay attention to the scale as long as I look and feel good in my clothes. ;-) Just sent a friend request! You may also want to join the group "Women Weight Lifting"

    Good Luck!
  • alicebot
    alicebot Posts: 50 Member

    I am 4 weeks into weight training program.. I also do cardio on my weight and rest days(4-5days/week). Would love to have more friends who lift.