
Does fidgeting (bobbing/shaking leg) actually burn additional kilojoules? Or is that just another myth added to the pile?


  • greypilgrimess
    greypilgrimess Posts: 353 Member
    I've read that it does burn... all movement does. But not enough to warrant an extra cookie (dang!)
  • Emi1974
    Emi1974 Posts: 522 Member
    I swear my husband is losing pounds because he is "fidgeting" but with his legs *lol* Otherwise I don't see why he is losing as he is sedentary.
  • Amandawith3kids
    Amandawith3kids Posts: 367 Member
    yeah, i read a study somewhere that it does. i swear thats why my adhd kid cant put on weight, she never ever stops moving. she was like that in utero too LOL so does shivering.

    but like the poster above, it's not enough to warrant an extra cookie. (MAYBE an extra single potato chip, but who's gonna bother with that? lol)
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I'm sure it burns something, as all movements will. But it's probably not enough of a burn to even worry about. I don't think it's going to be much, so I wouldn't even give it much more thought.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Ummmm....yeah, you burn calories just being alive. I "burn" roughly 1800 calories per day just existing...I burn that if I were to do nothing but sleep all day long. Anything I do beyond laying there in a coma is going to burn additional calories....hell, thinking really hard is going to burn an extra calorie or two. I wouldn't bother trying to fidget more or anything like that, I would guess that fidgeting doesn't result in anything substantial...
  • sargessexyone
    sargessexyone Posts: 494 Member
    They also say you burn more calories simply standing rather than sitting. I actually tested this with my fitbit. While I am sure it may not have been completely accurate I feel that it does give credence to that statement. With my fibit I burn approximately 14 calories just being completely still for 15 minutes. When I stood completely still for 15 minutes I burned 20 calories. Sure not enough for an extra cookie but when you figure ever little bit helps you might as well.
  • LaserOctopus
    LaserOctopus Posts: 121 Member
    I have to go with no. Or at least, not enough to matter.
    I *am* one of those people who fidgets all the time. Even when I was at 300 pounds, lol. And now at 178, it's no different.
    Or maybe I would have hit 400 at rock bottom without the tendency to fidget? Scary. :laugh: