Am I a SELFISH person, need OPINIONS please!!!



  • toadg53
    toadg53 Posts: 302 Member
    Sounds to me, from what you've written, that you are living in a very unhealthy household. It seems to me that there are some mental and emotional issues going on that are NOT good for you, and probably have been going on for a while. You definitely would be better off getting the H*** out of that house. I sure hope you have the financial means to do so. No matter if you have to end up living in a one room studio, it would do so much for your self esteem to be on your own, your own time frame and get your head on straight. Good luck sunshine. You desperately need to be able to breathe freely and not be under anybody's thumb anymore.
  • larryc0923
    larryc0923 Posts: 557 Member
    First, congratulations on your dedication and discipline in taking care of your health. It is not only not selfish to do so but it is wrong to not do so. We only have one body and one lifetime so we must do the best we can to take care of our health.

    Second, it is very nice of you to be supportive and helpful to your family but it is not a requirement. They are adults and responsible for themselves.

    Third, be careful about getting to intertwined in their workout/eating habits or weight loss progress as you are finding out this is fraught with danger. These are individual and personal choices and progress and people will begin to look for scapegoats or excuses for not doing what they should be doing or making the progress they would like. You will become their target and excuse. It will cause a lot stress on relationships. I am speaking from personal experience.

    Take care and once again congratulations.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    You are 26 years old. Move out.


  • Jen800
    Jen800 Posts: 548 Member
    Not selfish at all! You are not the one who should be responsible for their lives/health, nor should you be the one busting your butt to do tasks your completely-able dad can do perfectly on his own. Don't ruin the thing you love by having negativity added to it.
  • KaelaLee88
    KaelaLee88 Posts: 229 Member
    What a sweetheart you are to care so much for your family's wellbeing but really, I think that the time has come for you to put yourself first. No one is going to get healthy for you and you cannot get healthy for anyone else. It is all our own, individual responsibility to care for ourselves.

    Only you can decide whether you're prepared to continue your routine or if you think it's time to move out, but these may be things to start thinking about. It's very kind of your family to pay for your gym membership but as you said previously, you were doing well without it.

    Good luck in resolving the situation x
  • Jen800
    Jen800 Posts: 548 Member
    You are 26 years old. Move out.



    That's a good solution in theory, but sometimes it's not an option. Depending on where OP lives, apartments/housing can be EXTREMELY expensive. This combined with other things (she may be in university. have health issues, etc) can prevent somebody from being able to pick up and leave.
  • 053069
    053069 Posts: 52 Member
    I wish you would be my sister :flowerforyou:
  • Zbugsmom
    Zbugsmom Posts: 19 Member
    I don't think you are being selfish. I commend you for taking a role to help motivate your family, but they are responsible for themselves.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    You are 26 years old. Move out.


    +1 more
  • liftsforchocolate
    ******* I'm actually 20.

    I've fixed it before on my profile, but I guess it didn't change? I was in a hurry when I made my profile and prob just typed in a random year, sorry. Also, from the family I come from its not normal to "move out" before I'm married and done with studies. I might move out after college and working on my masters (obv) but right now its really not an option though I could go against them (and the rest of my enormous family (which includes all my aunts/uncles/"grandparents" /cousins/millions of family friends) if I really wanted to.

    Thank you so much, to everyone who responded. I really wasn't feeling great and was confused about what I should do, how to act.

    You're right about my family/household being really unhealthy. It's been a struggle since I was 12 years old as a result of all the criticism (started counting calories in middle school) when I was probably 117 pounds, no joke. It just really doesn't matter how much I try to explain what's go on, I just get labeled as disordered, obsessed, crazy, fat, lazy, etc.

    I don't get much support from them, more like sabotage. So I appreciate the help I get on this site and from you guys. I have more to say but gtg at the moment.
  • dezawada
    dezawada Posts: 238 Member
    No You are not selfish. I think you are brave and deserve to be your own person. You do not have to be the keeper of your family. I was in your position and in a lot of ways still am. Keep going and do not let them guilt or play games to keep you their keeper
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    ummm.... in a nutshell, you may be selfish (which isn't always a bad thing- in this case it's definitely not a bad thing) but you are doing absolutely the right thing.

    Your father and sister are presumably over 18 YO - unless they have some kind of developmental handicap that precludes them from getting up and ready on time, you are not responsible for waking them, pouring their coffee, or changing their diapers. oh wait, you didn't say diapers, i just assumed that they were infants...

    so seriously - you went to the gym and didn't wake them up and ... they didn't really care. so what does that tell you?

    I don't know much about eating disorders but i applaud you for getting yourself on the healthy track. focus your energies on you and not on others.
  • Inshape13
    Inshape13 Posts: 680 Member
    They are adults, you are not their mommy, I have less trouble then this getting my kids ready for school. Getting them moving is not your responsibility, you were nice enough to try and support them and in return they made it harder for you to take care of yourself

    Putting yourself first does not make you selfish. Encourage them and leave it at that. Put some coffee on for your dad before you leave and when you see them going to or returning from the gym say good for you. Do what you need to do to get right with yourself, and nevermind them.

    This is exactly what I was going to say. They are grown adults and what they choose to do is on them. That being said, if I were you I would pay for my own gym membership so that it would not be held over my head that they are flipping the bill and think you should reciprocate by doing them favors and carting them around.
  • Ldysw357
    Ldysw357 Posts: 118 Member
    I don't think that you are being selfish...honestly if anything your family is being selfish by seemingly trying to hold you back. Just my opinion.

  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    Part of being grown is knowing what battles to fight and which ones to just drop.

    I don't know exactly why you all *need* to go to the gym together, but as they are all grown adults, you tell them what time you are leaving and then you leave at that time. If they get upset just tell them "I told you when I was leaving and you weren't ready."

    You are not their mother so stop acting like it. You teach people what they can get away with by enabling them. Stop it.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    No you are not selfish, do what you need to do for yourself. Your dad and sister are adults and it didn't really seem to affect them that you went on your own so don't let it bother you. If it does bother you explain to them that you are responsible for yourself, if they want to join you at the gym they are welcome but they will have to be ready to go when you are. Obviously they have a way to get there so don't let it bother you. Your mother wanting you to take them may be because she has seen you be successful with your weight loss and sees that you are dedicated and disciplined in regards to your workouts - she may think you will inspire them to do well also. But their journey isn't yours - stay on track and do what you need to do. Good luck OP. :flowerforyou:
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    ******* I'm actually 20.

    Well, this does change my online opinion.

    But to play devil's advocate, since your mom purchased your gym membership for you to essentially take your sis and dad, you may need to hold your end of the deal.

    But I would just talk to them outright. All of them, mom included. You should tell on your dad and sister to your mom since she's paying for the membership. Let everyone know you will be leaving at XX time and will not wait….or be fixing anyone else's breakfast or waking them up.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    I thought you were going to say that your family called you selfish for leaving them behind.

    They didn't, so why are you feeling like you might be selfish? It's good to reflect on our behaviors (in fact, more people should do so), but not if it becomes self-destructive because we blame ourselves for every little thing. Ask yourself, "Am I being selfish for wanting some time to myself, for wanting to focus that time on becoming healthier? For not being responsible for getting up my FATHER and sister to go to the gym?" A reasonable answer to that is no.

    Maybe you feel a little more selfish about it because your mom has paid for your membership, but again, you didn't say that she has said anything to you about it. I don't know your family history, but from the tiny bit you said, she may have paid for it as much as for herself as for you (and it sounds like she GAVE you your membership, then later your dad and sister joined and suddenly you have to take them with you?). You don't need to feel guilty about a gift that was given to you, and don't let anyone make you feel guilty when they give you a gift. My mother does that, and I've come to a point in my life where I would rather not accept anything from her because it almost always has strings attached.

    You're still growing up. Like I said, it's good to reflect on ourselves and our behaviors and choices, but try to maintain a reasonable perspective.
  • FreshKrisKreash
    FreshKrisKreash Posts: 444 Member
    No. Don't feel selfish. You're 20 years old. It's perfectly fine to start doing things for your life without regards to the rest of your family. I, on the other hand, have the complete opposite problem. My overweight family REFUSES to go to the gym with me. Once I did get my mom to go but I couldn't really get anything done. I LOVE going to the gym alone. It's one of the only things in the world I love to do alone. Anyway, bottom line, their health isn't really your responsibility. They're grown adults and they should be happy that you care so much about them. You should have a heartfelt talk with them and let them know what you're feeling. Good luck!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Yeah...being 20 vs 26 definitely changes it up.

    However please think of yourself and your mental & physical wellbeing when the time comes to move out. I have seen so many people who stay at home because it's easier, it's comfortable, they don't want to offend their parents, etc.

    I do understand that certain families have a cultural tendency to "stick together" for much longer than what is the norm in my own family (& rather affordable location) where it's fine to move out at 18 if you can, or wait 'til after college, but not normal/ok to stay with your parents after you have completed your studies. However, I think in some situations moving out (even if your family frowns upon it) can be ABSOLUTELY necessary for health & happiness even if it angers some or strikes them as odd.

    But I get it - you're 20. So I agree with others...your family members are responsible for their own health. Period.