75lbs to go, I'd appreciate some new MFP friends !

Hello MFP Community !

I've tried a few times losing weight, but for various reasons they all didn't work. One of the reasons I've found is the lack of motivation on the long term. I hope finding MFP friends will help me for that little daily boost in this big weight loss adventure.

I'm almost 21 years old and have struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember. I want to get rid of the extra weight for good, and I know it'll be a long run battle.

I'm 5'6, currently 218lbs and I have around 75lbs to lose !

I'm having a net intake around 1500kcal/day (I used to restrict and I've learned the hard way it didn't work for me!) and for the moment I can't exercise due to a minor leg surgery, however I'll be able to start working out in a month or two.

I'm searching any friend that could have similar starting weight or goals than me, but of course I'll accept any friend request and I'll be happy to interact on a daily basis with you all.

Thanks for reading! :smooched:


  • russellafortner
    russellafortner Posts: 7 Member
    Same here, got about the same amount to lose. Looks a little scary but I'm really putting focus on it now.
  • siratlas
    siratlas Posts: 239 Member
    Hello there :) Nice to meet you & welcome back!

    I hope you find a great support network here. I'll send you a friend request if you would like to add me. My diary is public and I try to log in daily to track my intake as well as encourage others.

    My overall goal is to drop 100 lbs. I currently weigh just under 295lbs. I have several reasons for needing to do this now and making sure I commit this time. I too have struggled with weight (and self esteem) issues my whole life.

    I' happy you realize what works for you and what hasn't . That goes a long way & so does attitude. Wishing you all the best.
  • I'm more than happy to add/accept anyone who wants to be weight loss pals.

    Even if the amount of weight to lose is big and scary, and knowing it'll take months (years) to achieve my goal is a bit disappointing at first - but how will I achieve the goal if I don't put the effort ?! So... Baby steps or giant steps, the most important thing is to go forward :-)
  • 73lbs to go... But I'm still looking for friends with similar goals!
  • 68lbs to go... I'm on a good way but I'd enjoy some more MFP friends! Everyone can add me, I'm active daily!
  • bptter
    bptter Posts: 5
    I have 50 to lose. Nice to meet you!
  • Kimmy7777
    Kimmy7777 Posts: 79
    Feel free to add me for motivation and I post all the time!
  • mandamerlot
    mandamerlot Posts: 180 Member
    Feel free to add me :)!
  • bhdon
    bhdon Posts: 117 Member
    I'm 60, 5'5" and sitting at ~233. I've lost 23 pounds, (slowly). Doesn't seem like much until I pick up 23# worth of free weights and realize that's a lot of additional weight to carry around all day. Mood, strength, energy and sleep have all improved with that 23 pound loss. I intend to keep at it, with a first goal of getting below 200, and a second goal of eventually reaching 160. I've learned to be okay with a .5 - 1 lb a week average loss. This would have me somewhere between 200 and 215 by the end of this year, and then somewhere between 160 and 185 by the end of 2015. Like you, I'm just taking this one day at a time, and trying to focus less on the scale, and more on making peace with changes that support my body and soul long term. I log food & activity daily & my diary is open. I'm willing to give and receive support. Please feel free to add me if you like.
  • jennaslife
    jennaslife Posts: 1
    Hi I'm Jenna and new here !!! I'd like to get back to my previous weight , so I have to lost 80 lbs ! Would love to have some support and give so support !
  • lollipoprincess
    lollipoprincess Posts: 117 Member
    Adding you :) I'm starting with losing 40, then I'll add to my goal to get down about 30 more, after I see where I'm at when I get there! Looking for friends for motivation also because all my family and friends don't want to see me succeed!
  • mariaholden1
    mariaholden1 Posts: 12 Member
    I'd like to join! I'm 22, and 173lbs, wanting to get down to 125. Had a baby last year and went up to 205, but quickly dropped 30lbs. Ever since, I've kind of stabilized. The past two weeks I've lost 6lbs, and hoping to carry on. Recently turned vegan (90% of the time-ha) and seems to be helping me, but people in the same boat would definitely work wonders, :)
  • JV_410
    JV_410 Posts: 1
    I'm working on losing 50-60 pounds. Hopefully being on here will help as I'll know others are going to have the same struggles with the it's hot and I'm tired running is not happening today or that grilled cheese sandwich looks tasty : )