Excellent Article on Recent Low Carb Research


I have been doing low carb since October 2009, and lost 135 pounds so far. I feel so healthy, full of energy - my cholesterol has gone down as well as my blood pressure. I really think people should take a look at this, especially if counting calories and low fat is just not working for them. And I am not talking about some fad diet (Atkins, etc)... this is real low carb with science behind it! Check it out.


  • elmct57
    elmct57 Posts: 594 Member
    agreed--it's doable, edible food and you don't feel deprived in the least. there are so many possibilities :)
  • mltdown
    mltdown Posts: 311 Member
    I also do low carb - low fat - low sodium and loveee it!! I feel full and it is something I can stick to for life and I don't feel tempted to over eat on things I shouldn't ( like bread) if I don't even have it in my house! I have lost over 100 pounds in 6 months so I think it's something people should consider also. I have had lab work done before I started and just recently and you wouldn't believe the difference! :) good article thanks for sharing !!
  • Pragmatica
    My food log is open if anyone wants to take a look at what a busy college student eats. It's not that great because of busy Christmas shopping and eating out - but you can see how someone doing low carb deals with those situations.

    There are so many low carb resources out there for helping you plan meals, count carbs, low carb recipes, and learning about natural low carb alternatives. I stay away from most of the "low carb" advertised, processed foods except for liquid Splenda to sweeten my low carb treats. I tolerate Splenda well, but there are other options out there like Stevia and such.

    Please ask me questions because I know too much about this lifestyle. Haha.
  • chrissym78
    chrissym78 Posts: 628 Member
    It just makes sense, it's how we were created to eat. Thanks for posting. I follow the Primal Blueprint somewhat and have been low carb since July, 52 lbs so far! And it's all body fat, I have it measured regularly. My BMI has dropped 9 pts, % body fat down from 41 to 29. I feel incredible! And I just had blood work done and it's all perfect, cholesterol, thyroid panel, all of it!
  • Pragmatica
    It just makes sense, it's how we were created to eat. Thanks for posting. I follow the Primal Blueprint somewhat and have been low carb since July, 52 lbs so far! And it's all body fat, I have it measured regularly. My BMI has dropped 9 pts, % body fat down from 41 to 29. I feel incredible! And I just had blood work done and it's all perfect, cholesterol, thyroid panel, all of it!

    Exactly! That is what researchers are trying to get across to people - we are made to eat low carb. My uncle, who started low carb because of my success, has dropped over 50 lbs in 6 months and is COMPLETELY OFF all of his blood pressure and cholesterol medications. His doctor couldn't believe it. He thought he would be on that medicine for life.
  • having_faith
    having_faith Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks for sharing the link. I read some of the articles on there and I got answers that I have been trying to find. I have type 2 diabeties and I think that after reading these articles, this is something I should try. It will be tough winging off all the carbs that I consume each day but I really need to get the weight off as well as get my blood sugar in line.
  • mltdown
    mltdown Posts: 311 Member
    Thanks for sharing the link. I read some of the articles on there and I got answers that I have been trying to find. I have type 2 diabeties and I think that after reading these articles, this is something I should try. It will be tough winging off all the carbs that I consume each day but I really need to get the weight off as well as get my blood sugar in line.

    I always warn people with diabetes to be careful when going low carb because you can have drops in blood sugar at first so just monitor them really well, but I think it's great for
    people with diabetes as my boyfriend is type two and I got hom
    started six months ago and he just takes one pill in the morning now when before he was
    on wayyy to many. :) good luck!
  • MsCyone
    MsCyone Posts: 223 Member
    Thank you so much for posting this!!! At my doctors visit yesterday I was advised to do some form of low carb, I'm prediabetic and I refuse to get full blown Type 2 at age 25, not going to let it happen this was very helpful.