Can I eat this if it's under my calorie goal



  • MummatoSkye
    I can tell that a lot of peoples views are different, I've decided that where and when I can I will choose a healthier option other than chocolate but I will not deny myself an occasional treat as long as it's under my calorie goal. Thank you everyone
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Dark chocolate isn't even bad for you and any doctor will tell you chocolate is fine in moderation.
    Nor is white chocolate, or milk chocolate.
    If it fits your overall macro and micronutrient goals.
  • LoveInnocent
    LoveInnocent Posts: 44 Member
    Dark chocolate isn't even bad for you and any doctor will tell you chocolate is fine in moderation.
    Nor is white chocolate, or milk chocolate.
    If it fits your overall macro and micronutrient goals.
    I know hence why I said any doctor will tell you its fine in moderation XD. I mean if you eat 1200 calories of chocolate in a day that isn't going to be good for you, but if you have 200 calories worth of chocolate a day no matter the type i don't think its bad.
  • sargessexyone
    sargessexyone Posts: 494 Member
    Some people will ban certain food like chocolate because they feel like they can't control their cravings once they start. However, as far as weight loss goes, you can eat anything you want as long as it is under your calorie goal and you will lose weight. It's all about the numbers.


    I keep the 3 muskateeer minis on hand. They are only 25 calories per piece and satisfy my chocolate craving and I have gotten really good at only eating a few to stay within my calories.
  • lindabeth333
    lindabeth333 Posts: 130 Member
    Life without chocolate - no thanks!
  • sc9576
    sc9576 Posts: 47 Member
    I like to keep a bar of dark chocolate in the fridge for when I get a chocolate craving - I find that I only need one square of dark choc to stop the craving whereas if I had milk chocolate I would eat the whole bar
  • esther19702014
    If you wanna loos weight for the long run. Then its not about counting numbers only, you need to now what goes in and what does it do for you to be able to feel satisfied everyday and lose weight or maintain your weight.
    Eating sugar or anything in high carbs with let you insulin levels rice and this will work against you will trying to lose weight.

    I am not saying not to eat chocolate ever again but try to avoid those bars and look for healthy chocolate alternatives.
    I make my own bars from 100% raw chocolate, stevia and coconut creme /oil. There plenty of recepies online, Give it a try
  • Go_Mizzou99
    Go_Mizzou99 Posts: 2,628 Member
    Go for it.

    I lost 75 pounds while still drinking my favorite drink - bourbon. Just count the calories.
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    I ban nothing!!! If it's within my calories then it's fair game.
  • lmmathis86
    lmmathis86 Posts: 223 Member
    Next saturday at my kids slummber party I plan to have hot fudge sundae and pizza,.....and I plan to still lose.....I hope. lol eat the choclate....stay in the numbers!!! If you tell yourself no....when you do say yes your more likely to over do it.
  • carnarvon
    carnarvon Posts: 11 Member
    Hi )) its all about Input and output - as long as the calories burned exceed the calories you eat then you will lose weight but balanced diets are necessary to maintain health ))

    I saw a TV prog where students got snacks out of a vending machine not by cash but by running on a treadmill until the equivalent calories had been consumed before the item was dispensed - great idea and perfect example ))
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,095 Member
    If you wanna loos weight for the long run. Then its not about counting numbers only, you need to now what goes in and what does it do for you to be able to feel satisfied everyday and lose weight or maintain your weight.
    Eating sugar or anything in high carbs with let you insulin levels rice and this will work against you will trying to lose weight.

    I am not saying not to eat chocolate ever again but try to avoid those bars and look for healthy chocolate alternatives.
    I make my own bars from 100% raw chocolate, stevia and coconut creme /oil. There plenty of recepies online, Give it a try

    No need to do this.

    If you like chocolate you can eat in in moderation and within your calorie limit - there is no need to make your own bars from online recipes or avoid anything with sugar on account of any insulin issues (unless you are diabetic, of course - but I presume OP would of mentioned if this was the case)