Slipped up..

I went to a Dodger game yesterday then PF Changs afterwards, I've been doing soo good on my diet for over 3 weeks but since I was out with family I didn't want to make anyone feel uncomfortable if I didn't indulge with them. I ate a dodger dog, popcorn, not too much at pf changs but more than what I normally would eat. I feel horrible and I like I failed myself. Is this going to mess up my weight loss for the week? Will I gain back the 5 pounds I already lost? ugghhh I hope not!! I feel like I need to know more about what I should and shouldn't be eating and if having a day to indulge once in a while is bad? Help I can use any advice to keep from losing my motivation. :ohwell:


  • adaybetter
    adaybetter Posts: 51 Member
    Thats fine and will help your weight loss goals. Having a cheat meal or high calorie day is like adding fuel to fire. Staying in a caloric deficient state all the time will cause your metabolic rate to drop. This is were a cheat meal comes in once a week or so.

    You did yourself some good. Now just get back at it.
  • Thank you sO much for that advice! That's exactly what I did today! Got my mind back on my goal. I was just so afraid I completely screwed up. But, I'm so glad you told me that. I had no clue I could once in awhile enjoy something off the grid. :tongue:
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
  • michelle_816
    michelle_816 Posts: 621 Member
    Shake it off! It's okay to splurge every once in awhile and it should not impact the scale that much unless you would take in a lot of high sodium foods the day before you weigh in.

    I have had this happen often, and usually within a couple days after I ate crappy, I am right back to normal given I got back on track with my eating.

    Not sure if it's the right answer, but I tend to try and drink A LOT more water after a day like yours was. In my head, it is cleansing me of all the crap I ate.

    Keep your head up! You've got this!
  • adaybetter
    adaybetter Posts: 51 Member
    Thank you sO much for that advice! That's exactly what I did today! Got my mind back on my goal. I was just so afraid I completely screwed up. But, I'm so glad you told me that. I had no clue I could once in awhile enjoy something off the grid. :tongue:

    anytime. Always plan a cheat meal, not a cheat day. Most ppl will try to go all out and have no cheat meals then fail and stuff them self. Having a planned cheat meal ( really its not a cheat if you plan it ) will give you something to look forward to and help you in the long run.

    If your one of those ppl that will have 1 cheat and then the rest of the day eat bad. Have your cheat meal as your last meal of the day so you go to bed not to long after
  • SharonNehring
    SharonNehring Posts: 535 Member
    No, you won't regain 5 lbs after a one day splurge unless you ate thousands of calories. You might pick up a little water weight from the extra sodium but it'll be gone in a couple of a days.

    I don't understand why your choosing to eat healthier should make others uncomfortable though. I just don't make a big deal about it and don't go into a long detailed explanation. If I feel like I must say something, it's as simple as I'm not really hungry or my stomach doesn't feel the best today. Otherwise, I just make my healthier food selections and enjoy.
  • People give me a hard time for sticking to my calorie counting but I'm on a mission to lose this weight and get fit and healthy. I choose not to eat the fatty foods I may have ate in the past and say no to a lot of stuff that my friends, coworkers and family may offer me to eat. I guess they just aren't use to it.
  • Sounds not great but also not like a disaster. Try to estimate how many calories you ate and log them. I just googled and a Dodger dog has 410 kcal, which is not too bad if that was lunch, not a snack. Will it tank this week's weight loss? Hard to say, but you just gotta keep moving forward. Good luck!