No Alcohol April



  • bjg2993
    bjg2993 Posts: 107
    I've been dry for the last two weeks, I purposely avoid alcohol during time away from university because the amount I drink when I am there is atrocious. It ranges between around 30 to 60 units on a normal week, so I do this to give myself some recovery time.

    Just think about all the calories you aren't wasting on alcohol and how much good you are doing your body :)
  • mrsfyredude
    mrsfyredude Posts: 177 Member
    Wow! Coincidence! Hubby and I decided to do this before I even saw this thread! Day 6 baby! Even got thru our regular Friday night dinner out w/o my Tall beer! It's not so bad. good luck to all and here's to May 1! :drinker:
  • golden190
    I just joined today and saw this. I'm in.....even though I'm late. My biggest issue with wine is that I eat everything in sight after having a couple of glasses.
  • LittleMissAlx
    LittleMissAlx Posts: 291 Member
    Totally didn't know this was a thing! I'm currently on 7 days clear of alcohol. My problem is that I can't just have one glass.... I have one bottle. It's my comfort thing after a bad (or just dull) day at work. We can do this!
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    Please wake me when it's ALL the alcohol August.

  • NickeeCoco
    NickeeCoco Posts: 130
    Glad to know I'm not the only one to do this! I decided to do this for myself in March. I even went out to a bar last night for a metal show and drank only water.
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    I know its almost a week in but I'd like to do this as well. I drink too much wine and when I do I make very bad food choices as well. So IN
  • arios952013
    arios952013 Posts: 201 Member
    Golden190: me too!!!
  • Alliern45
    Alliern45 Posts: 79 Member
    Day8 for me...
  • fragileelegance
    fragileelegance Posts: 102 Member
    My boyfriend drank some hennessy in front of me yesterday and I wanted to die.

    BUT first weekend without alcohol was a success :)
  • tlc4ever
    tlc4ever Posts: 16 Member
    I told myself last weekend I was going to quit for 30 days to see if it made a difference to my sleep patterns and weight loss. I didn't make it three days. I went to lunch with a client, and ordered a drink. I threw a party for my daughter and fixed myself a cocktail. I find I use the alcohol to destress instead of exercising. I like the idea of telling myself I won't drink any more for the entire month of April. Now when I'm tempted I'll tell myself not until May. Thanks for starting this. It seems as there are a few of us that needed this challenge.

    Good luck everyone!
  • MaddieCakes06
    MaddieCakes06 Posts: 53 Member
    It was tough but I stayed away from alcohol for the weekend! I had family in town and we spent the day wandering around Seattle, stopping at multiple bars for happy hours and I stuck to Diet Coke every time!

    One weekend down, three more to go!
  • ItsjustBrettM
    ItsjustBrettM Posts: 3 Member
    Alcohol was a big part of my weight problem when I started my journey 10 weeks ago. Once you stop drinking for a few days I found it gets much easier. Now 10 weeks later I don't miss it at all and I've lost 20kgs (44lbs). Halfway to my goal!

    Keep it up, you can do it!
  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    Glad to know I'm not the only one to do this! I decided to do this for myself in March. I even went out to a bar last night for a metal show and drank only water.

    Gigs are probably the thing i find toughest because i have a 38 year history of alcohol and music going hand in hand. I've been to a few since quitting in December and stick to Club Soda and Bitters. No tougher really than it was not smoking at the gigs
  • zivasak
    zivasak Posts: 88
    1 week: check! 3 more to go!
  • byronyucker
    byronyucker Posts: 49 Member
    Made it through the weekend, 10 days without alcohol.
  • BlueButterfly94
    BlueButterfly94 Posts: 303 Member
    It all smells bad and I'm still under age so. :P I hope you can go through with it if you really want to!
  • Sweetestthing87
    Sweetestthing87 Posts: 276 Member
    Hi all, just wanted to stop by and say WE ARE DOING GREAT!

    I am not going to lie, I had a pretty packed day yesterday and after everything I accomplished I thought to myself, I earned a BEER! I poured it, squeezed some fresh lemon in it and I kid you not, I couldn't drink it. Whaaaaaat? Yep, I poured it out because I told myself if I drink one, I may drink two and it is almost time for bed, so just go to bed! YAY!!! :)

    I hope you are all doing great and feeling good. I know I am. I had such a productive weekend overall. It was nice to not feel tired from being out drinking and getting home late. I was rested and productive and today feel great! :)
  • kaylacroswhite
    kaylacroswhite Posts: 19 Member
    I will! This will not be easy hahaah!
  • runner359
    runner359 Posts: 90 Member
    I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm in too. I'm already a week late to join so I'll have to go into May to finish. This will not be easy. I'm not a big drinker but I do like a couple drinks especially on the weekends.