Snacks after 6



  • smanning1982
    smanning1982 Posts: 210 Member
    It doesn't matter what time you eat, you can eat right before laying in bed. As long as you are at a deficit, and stick to it, the weight will come off. If you always get hungry at night, just make sure to leave enough calories that it fits! I eat ice cream every single night around 9-10pm while watching shows, I make sure I leave that 150-200 calories every day for it!
  • onionparsleysage
    onionparsleysage Posts: 103 Member
    I pop my own popcorn almost every night and add 2 tsp of melted margarine.

    That was going to be almost my exact suggestion (I prefer butter).

    There are various theories about eating late at night, and mine is not to eat for 2 hours before bedtime. I eat to fuel my body - so when I eat before bedtime, I'm not fueling vigorous activity. I think that people who say just to cut calories are full of crock. It may work, but that doesn't mean it's the optimal method.
  • jordy89x
    jordy89x Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks for the replies! Great to get tips from real people who are proof that it is just another myth! I can't get over the amount of weight people have lost and have not gone by that so called 'rule'. And I love some of the snack suggestions, thanks people. Much appreciated!
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Having this mentality actually caused me to over-stuff myself before "certain time of the day hit"...
    Gained with doing that.

    Dumb myths are dumb. :angry: :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:
  • MBrothers22
    MBrothers22 Posts: 323 Member
    I eat the most after 6. More than a 3rd of my calories come from dinner alone. Helps me sleep with not being hungry when laying down. When you eat does not matter at all
  • LoveInnocent
    LoveInnocent Posts: 44 Member
    I have lost a couple pounds and have never used any kind of meal frequency... I just make sure to hit my calorie goals for the day, if that means eating 1100 calories in bed at 10 at night then that is what I do...... Best of Luck :drinker:

    Way to shed it! Congrats on all your hard work!
  • sargessexyone
    sargessexyone Posts: 494 Member
    Calories can't tell time.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    It really doesn't matter. The "stop late-night snacking" is aimed at the sort of person who wants to make just one change and not track -- it's aimed at curbing mindless munching while watching television or somesuch. It's not because it's physiologically bad in any way.

    Personally, I prefer to have my heaviest eating in the afternoon and evening. I find that I'm fine being active during the day without eating, but if I don't go to bed on a full stomach, I have a terrible time sleeping.
  • ErinMcMom
    ErinMcMom Posts: 228 Member
    My biggest meal is always dinner and I save my calories earned from exercise for an awesome evening snack! It doesn't matter when you eat your calories! If you are a night snacker just save some room in your daily food plan to have a snack in the evening when you need it! :)
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    You can eat all the food after six PM and still lose weight, as I'm sure has been mentioned already in this thread. Whatever helps you stay on track is the most effective method!
  • Seabee74
    Seabee74 Posts: 314
    I eat dinner around 7 and snack till around midnight. What do I eat, fruit, veggies, ice cream, cereal, almonds, and more. Oh and yes, I'm losing weight with minimal exercise because of some injuries !! Bottom line Don't listen to the People Who Say !!! Just Do your thing and see how it works For You !