Flat Stomach!

tim_fitbuilt4life Posts: 301 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Don't believe the hype- you don't need to spend money on the latest fancy gimmick to lose belly fat and reveal the 'six pack within.'

You need to do two things:

strengthen your core
lose stomach fat

It's pretty simple: tone up your core muscles, lose the fat that is covering them up, and voila! You will have yourself some nice abs.

So let's take a look at how you can do this...

Best Ab Workout - Core Exercises

Forget about crunches and situps.

These exercises can be bad for your lower back, and don't work the primary function of your core - STABILIZATION.

Instead, do the following three exercises:

Side Plank (left side)
Side Plank (right side)

Work up to holding each position for 2 minutes.

These exercises will give you rock-hard abdominals, protect your back from injury, and improve athletic performance.

What's not to like?

Now all that's left is to lose that gut...

Lose Stomach Fat

The best ab workout on earth won't get you a six pack if you have a layer of flab covering your belly!

You need to do two things:

Eat Less
Move More

Eating Less

Don't get too carried away with this one. Simply try to eat until you are merely no longer hungry, instead of eating until you are full.

Eat whole, non-processed foods, and drink lots of water.

Move More

Do a quick, intense workout like the one below a few times per week: (this is just one example. Search Google or YouTube for 'bodyweight circuit' for MANY more ideas...)

Pushups (stop 2 reps short of failure)
Towel Pullups (stop 2 reps short of failure)
10 Bodyweight squats
50 Jumping jacks

Do 5 rounds without rest. (go easy on yourself if you are just getting started!) For added fat loss, go for a brisk, 20 minute walk after this circuit. Also, try to walk more - park your car farther away from the store, take a 20 minute walk to unwind at lunch or after work.


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