Trying to get healthy so my family will follow

I am a 33 year old wife and mother. I decided to change my eating habits however;getting my family to change is hard. My husband loves his sweets,soul food and take out. I really dont like the way I feel anymore. Getting healthy is important to me. My kids lets just say they are all over weight. I created this problem now I need to figure out how to fix it. I tried to intoduce healthier choices and they didnt go over to well. Its really hard to stay focused when your husband has snacks everywhere.:sad:


  • trinity5703
    I've had that challenge. 1 overweight hub and 3 overweight kids who were not interested in getting healthy with me. There isnt anything wrong with sweets, soul food and take out, its just as to be in moderation. You can also try searching the net for "recipe make overs" of some of you families favorites. My kids and hub loved chocolate cake and pretty much expected one every week. One thing I did was substitute applesauce for the oil called for on the cake mix box. If it called for 3/4 cup oil, I used 3/4 cup applesauce. They never knew the difference and BOY that cake stayed moist forever! I substituted ground turkey for ground beef making spaghetti or lasagna, I mixed half ground turkey with half lean ground beef for meat loaf or burgers... there are a lot of ways to cut corners on calories. As for exercising, I made it a point to take one child per day on a walk with me.... it was "our time" to chat, tell each other stories, share secrets etc. It was our special time and honestly, they got to look forward to giving up the video games and walking with mom. Hang in there kiddo, it can be done!