I just can't get started but I really want to

My life is a terrible, busy mess. I don't know how to get started. I have to start with a decrease in portion size because I don't have the money to get the right foods. Also being a single mom with four kids. Two teenage boys who can eat what they want and it only goes to there feet and two younger daughters who have a jet fueled metabolism.

I need help and support. Anyone in my same situation or have been and have Done it? I'd like to lose 45lbs by the end of November. Especially around my midsection.


  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    there are no right foods …just eat in a calorie deficit and you will lose weight..

    use MFP to log your calories.
    set MFP to one pound per week weight loss
    make sure you net the number MFP gives you.
    try to make an effort to move around more.

    that is really not that hard now is it..??

    You can make excuses ands top delaying your weight loss, or you can start today and be that much closer to reaching your goals…the choice is yours…no one can make you star except yourself.
  • TeresaB1979
    TeresaB1979 Posts: 158 Member
    The fellow above me is correct. You can start right now. Eat what you like but eat less of it. :-)
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    You don't need to have the money to get the right foods, You just need to eat less and move more : )

    I don't want to hear CANT............... YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Work out how many calories a day you need to lose weight, and start logging!!

    Slow & steady wins the race, take it day by day!!!

    Once you see a loss on the scales week by week..........YOU WILL be motivated!!

    Start now!!!
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member

    This site gives you all of the tools and education you need to lose weight on the same foods that you buy for the rest of your family. Unless dictated by a doctor, you don't need any special foods to do this journey. All you need is a commitment to do the work and see it though. Make sure you accurately set you activities for your exercise and goal. Unless you are not planning to do any exercise then do not set the activity level to sedentary even if you have a desk job. Don’t feel the need to drop a lot of weight right away unless you are sure you can handle it. Start slow and work your way up if that is better for you. This is an iterative process that requires constant trial and error before getting it correct. As long as you stick with it, you will get to your goal. Track, track, and track! It is very important that you track all of your activities like food, water, exercise, and measurements even if you go over your calories limit. This will help in locating any problems that could hold up your weight loss. Some of the foods in the database are on the high side of calories so make sure you verify against the manufacturer’s label or buy a food scale. Do not give up foods you like, it won't last. Fit those into your calories limit.

    Good Luck!
  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member
    There really isn't much more to say from what the first person said. You think you may really want to, but you aren't at that point yet. There isn't anything wrong with that, unless you have health reasons for needing to get in gear now. When we really want to do something as humans we find a way to do it. Doesn't matter what it is. When something gets important enough to us we move obstacles out of the way to get to what we want. You may get there someday. Good luck.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    when you're ready, you'll do it.

    you'll do it for you. that's all there is to it.

    you can make little changes or little excuses... but only one is going to yield positive results.
  • scottkjar
    scottkjar Posts: 346 Member
    First Step: Log Everything.
    Second Step: Make easy changes.

    On my first day, my breakfast included 2 slices of toast with butter. When I logged it, I saw that it had 360 calories. The second day, I eliminated one of the slices, and immediately was down 180 calories. The third day, I went without the butter, and was down another 100 calories. So just from logging, and seeing where the calories were, I went from 2 slices with butter at 360 to 1 slice without butter at 80 calories. That was a very easy change, and it saved me 280 calories per day.
  • aliciadub
    aliciadub Posts: 73 Member
    there are no right foods …just eat in a calorie deficit and you will lose weight..

    use MFP to log your calories.
    set MFP to one pound per week weight loss
    make sure you net the number MFP gives you.
    try to make an effort to move around more.

    that is really not that hard now is it..??

    You can make excuses ands top delaying your weight loss, or you can start today and be that much closer to reaching your goals…the choice is yours…no one can make you star except yourself.

    ^^ Do this.

    \/ \/ Get this.
  • there are no right foods …just eat in a calorie deficit and you will lose weight..

    use MFP to log your calories.
    set MFP to one pound per week weight loss
    make sure you net the number MFP gives you.
    try to make an effort to move around more.

    that is really not that hard now is it..??

    You can make excuses ands top delaying your weight loss, or you can start today and be that much closer to reaching your goals…the choice is yours…no one can make you star except yourself.

  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Agree with the fella who said "first step - log everything".

    There are a lot of people who will make you think you MUST eat x or you MUST eliminate x in order to get results. This is rubbish. If you eat the exact same things as you are eating now in smaller quantities, you will lose weight.

    As you start to notice success and get more used to tracking, you may make other changes. For example, you may notice 'Man -- that can of soda I had contributed absolutely NO nutrients other than 170 calories worth of sugar. I should cut down on the soda'. And this is good. Watching your nutrients will help you make those changes. But it's NOT someplace you need to start. Trying to make too many changes at once is not a good idea for most people, because it leads to feeling overwhelmed and quitting before you even start (as you have noticed).
  • SpencersHeart
    SpencersHeart Posts: 170 Member
    Something to keep in mind as you start this. Don't always rely on the weight scale numbers. Measure yourself and keep a record of your measurements.

    Last week I weighed myself and found that the numbers showed I gained a pound which could have been water weight or just a normal fluctuation however, I was quite disappointed.

    I decided to measure my waist and hips and found that in actuality I had lost 2 inches on each!

    So as a reference to weight loss use both...weighing scales and a measuring tape.

    Good luck, You'll do just fine.
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    My life is a terrible, busy mess. I don't know how to get started. I have to start with a decrease in portion size because I don't have the money to get the right foods. Also being a single mom with four kids. Two teenage boys who can eat what they want and it only goes to there feet and two younger daughters who have a jet fueled metabolism.

    I need help and support. Anyone in my same situation or have been and have Done it? I'd like to lose 45lbs by the end of November. Especially around my midsection.

    To get started takes 1 promise to yourself to change one eating habit. It could be a small salad, instead of a large lunch.
    It could be parking across the parking lot, instead of the parking next to the store.

    Of course there are "right" and "wrong" foods to eat when it comes to a deficit.
    the question is, what are you going to get more bang for your buck.
    You will more bang if you go with chicken breast over/instead of chicken thigh ( Which weighs more 500 calories of chicken breast or 500 calories of chicken thigh)
    You will prob get more bang the buck for 500 calories of fish than you would over chicken.
  • EmotionalEater37
    Get a small child's plate from like walmart. Use that plate until you are able to control your portions. I usually cook my food first eat then my family 3 kids and a husband. Then I'm full and don't want the food I make for them.
  • sargessexyone
    sargessexyone Posts: 494 Member
    The only thing I can really add to the already great advice you've gotten is, once you get in the habit of logging food, invest in a food scale. Doesn't have to be fancy as long as it you can go from grams to ounces and it has a zero/tare button. This will teach you about portion sizes and go a long way in helping you on this journey.

    Good Luck to you!
  • motivatedmartha
    motivatedmartha Posts: 1,108 Member
    So much good advice for you here ^^^^^ If you log everything then you will get a clear picture of your current habits and see what you can readily change - small changes at a time. You do not need to buy more expensive foods - just swap around a bit. Neither do you need to start expensive exercise regimes/gyms. Just move more - start walking a little bit further every day. Log on to find free exercise videos you can do at home - start slow and build up. With a few changes you will start to feel better, have more energy and feel more in control.

    In addition - add some mfp friends - I found it helpful to add friends who were in a similar location so you can share recipes based upon same ingredients and what offers may be around in your local market place. Friends' food diaries are really helpful for gathering ideas about what is working for others.

    I don't want to sound harsh because I do understand how difficult getting started can be - but - first and foremost, don't look for excuses any more - loads of people on here are doing it and it's working - many of whom have financial constraints - health issues or just plain awkward families/jobs whatever. You can do it too - if you stumble people here will help you get back up.

    Good luck and come and join us on the path to better health! :flowerforyou:
  • sargessexyone
    sargessexyone Posts: 494 Member
    Get a small child's plate from like walmart. Use that plate until you are able to control your portions. I usually cook my food first eat then my family 3 kids and a husband. Then I'm full and don't want the food I make for them.

    This is a fabulous idea. I never even thought about eating first. I learned from my Mother to fix my plate last to make sure there is enough for everybody and on the rare occasion there isn't I would fix myself something else.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Just do it. Don't say the word can't!
  • MVY_
    MVY_ Posts: 253 Member
    This is what I've been doing that has been helping me a lot. I know what you are going through because I'm a mom with three kids and a husband who can never gain weight with what he eats.

    1. I have learned to splurge but in moderation. Example: If I want a chocolate. I'll eat one candy bar. I am still well within my calorie goal.
    2. I cut out fried food
    3. I ate hardboiled eggs every morning as it keeps me full for the morning. Also because my morning is so busy I don't have time to cook myself breakfast so hardboiled eggs made the night before and packed in a snack bag in the fridge. Works really well and good on protein!
    4. Exercise to help with the weight loss but if you find your schedule is too busy one day just remember to stay within your calorie goal.

    Being a mom you are always focus on your family and basically it becomes where you life only revolves around them but this time you have to find time for yourself. I work full time and i come home to my kids and I have to still cook, clean, give them baths...etc. I squeeze my workouts early in the morning before work.

    IT TAKES TIME and DEDICATION. You have to do want it bad to be able to do it.
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    there are no right foods …just eat in a calorie deficit and you will lose weight..

    use MFP to log your calories.
    set MFP to one pound per week weight loss
    make sure you net the number MFP gives you.
    try to make an effort to move around more.

    that is really not that hard now is it..??

    You can make excuses ands top delaying your weight loss, or you can start today and be that much closer to reaching your goals…the choice is yours…no one can make you star except yourself.

    Pretty much this.^^^^ Make small changes, the larger ones will follow. Eat the food you eat now but invest in a food scale and weigh and log everything. Especially at first. You don't have to throw out everything in the fridge and eat things you hate or can't afford. Eat the things you're eating now but watch the portions.

    Park at the far end of the parking lot at work/mall/grocery store to increase the amount of cardio. Take the stairs instead of the elevator when feasible. Use soup cans or gallon milk jugs filled with beans to lift weights. There are tons of free websites dedicated to lifting (just don't do anything that is uncomfortable and watch your form!)

    I've done this. I belong to a gym now because I don't have access to a park or sidewalks but years ago I began walking a jogging track at a park near where I lived at the time. First I had to drive to the park, walk 10 mins or so, then it became 30 then 60. Then I began walking to the park (my warmup), jogging, and walking home (cool down). Then I ran a 5K - just from this. All while going to nursing school and homeschooling two preteens.

    Here's a thought: Get the kids involved. Take them with you and spend some quality time with them (no phones! :wink: ) Maybe if Mom needs some encouragement they will be willing to help. You get "walking buddies" and some time with the kids, they get time with Mom and a safe way to burn off some of that wonderful energy!

  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    First Step: Log Everything.
    Second Step: Make easy changes.

    On my first day, my breakfast included 2 slices of toast with butter. When I logged it, I saw that it had 360 calories. The second day, I eliminated one of the slices, and immediately was down 180 calories. The third day, I went without the butter, and was down another 100 calories. So just from logging, and seeing where the calories were, I went from 2 slices with butter at 360 to 1 slice without butter at 80 calories. That was a very easy change, and it saved me 280 calories per day.

    A piece of dry toast for breakfast sounds miserable. I do not recommend this, lol. Two scrambled eggs with fruit, like strawberries, and half an English muffin with about a half serving of butter is a better option. Well-rounded, about 350-400 calories (reasonable amount for a meal), and it will keep you full.

    I agree with everyone else here. Just learn to control your portions, and you will be just fine!