Hoping Someone can help

Tried to make myself a smoothie I found online, but it was WAY to sweet. Could you maybe give me some idea's on how to tweek it? I already did a little because it called for 2tbs peanut butter and full banana, but I used, 1 Cup Dark Chocolate Almond Milk, 1 tbs peanut butter, 1/2 cup of light and fit vanilla greek yogurt, 1/2 small banana. It was only 280 or so Calories which I liked, but again way to sweet.

Any idea's on how to maybe have it not so sweet?


  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    Swap out the sweetened yogurt with a plain greek yogurt. Less sweet, more protein.

    If that's still too sweet, plain almond milk + cocoa.
  • lindabeth333
    lindabeth333 Posts: 130 Member
    Both the chocolate almond milk and the vanilla yogurt have added sugar - use unflavored and then add in cocoa powder if you want the chocolate flavor. Bananas are usually sweet enough. (Or what she said - see above!)
  • tammycolbert
    tammycolbert Posts: 236 Member
    Thank you I will give both idea's a try. I apprecite it.