I just can't get started but I really want to



  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    You will do it if you start today and do not stop. Do not do anything drastic that you will get fed up and stop. You do not have to cut out anything just eat less of it. Also it would be good to get moving if you dont already., Check out you tube for loads of free work outs. Leslie sansone walk out home dvds are on there you can start with 1 mile which only takes 20 mins out of your day. 2 miles i think is about 30 mins.. good luck.
  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    Ditto to what everyone else says. The only thing you should put on your shopping list is a food scale, so you can accurately log everything that goes into your mouth. Making small changes is a great way to go. Too much at once and you may get overwhelmed and then quit. The key to successful weight loss is not to go onto a diet - it's to make changes you can do for the rest of your life :)

    Welcome and good luck!
  • stellcorb
    stellcorb Posts: 294 Member
    You can do it... It sounds like you've overcome bigger obstacles than this, so don't sell yourself short! For me, it's all about establishing a pattern, a habit.
    When I first start weightloss, I eat alot of the same meals b/c 1.) it's easy to remember the grocery list and 2.) they're pre-added to your journal so you don't have to enter a bunch of stuff. There's ways to rotate so you're not too bored. Fresh and frozen veggies are cheap and they're the fastest and heathiest way to bulk up a meal.
    Start with diet... try to throw in a sanity walk where you can and maybe some pushups or a work-out DVD a few times a week. You'll start feeling more energetic and be able to ramp up your workouts as you go on... but be patient!
    Good luck to you!
  • Lifts4IceCream
    Lifts4IceCream Posts: 77 Member
    When we really want to do something as humans we find a way to do it. Doesn't matter what it is. When something gets important enough to us we move obstacles out of the way to get to what we want.

    If it is something you want bad enough, it will happen. Set small goals. Start with logging your food and using the Cals MFP sets.
  • I know it is very hard to get started. Try to make some small changes at first.Losing weight is definitely a slow process, , but if you set small goals it can be easier to achieve like working out for 30 minutes 3 times a week instead of going to a full length class or trying to work out every day. I love group fitness classes though, I think they're so much better than working out by yourself. If it's too overwhelming to drastically limit your caloric intake, set your goals to lose .5 lb/week and it will give you some confidence.
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    One thing I'd recommend is setting up a general schedule. It doesn't have to be down to the wire, but lets you see where you have time and where you don't. It is easiest if you sit down and set it up for a week at a time. This can help to show where you have time to get a workout in, need to prep food the night before, etc. It sounds like it would take forever, but really about 10-20 mins is all it takes I've also set up my schedule for a week in about five minutes after I got the hang of it.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    there are no right foods …just eat in a calorie deficit and you will lose weight..

    use MFP to log your calories.
    set MFP to one pound per week weight loss
    make sure you net the number MFP gives you.
    try to make an effort to move around more.

    that is really not that hard now is it..??

    You can make excuses ands top delaying your weight loss, or you can start today and be that much closer to reaching your goals…the choice is yours…no one can make you star except yourself.


    Eat in deficit. I too thought I couldn't "afford" to eat properly. instead of that $4.00 bag of chips buy a pack of baby carrots, a bunch of kale, (I like making kale chips google for the recipe) for crunch. Your children will eat what's in the house. Stop making excuses. You can and will do this. If it's what you really want.

    ETA: Also buy a food scale you can get a basic spring scale from Walmart for $5.00 or a digital for about $20.00
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    Coming here is the first step, so you're already on the second step!!

    Same as what everyone else said, log EVERYTHING, even if you get funny looks (OK, I'm chicken so I sometimes do it sneakily). It becomes easy to see where the calories are in your daily diet once everything is written down, and then it's easy to swap stuff out for healthier alternatives that don't increase the food bill.
  • I was thinking about doing just that buying a child's plate at walmart.Haven't been able to get to walmart d/t transportation issues but will be going later this week!!That is the first thing that goes in the cart plus I want to look at some small weights to carry when i walk.My biggest challenge are my health issues d/t the large amount of weight I need to lose.You have given so much encouragement today--thank you.I made my mind up last nite that i am starting today with my noon meal and will walk a little further w/my o2 on than I have before.One of my challenges is that I feel so alone at times and I know it is the weight so I am looking forward to seeing how many friends I can make walking. You are all awesome. Thank you again.
  • patsypooter
    patsypooter Posts: 175 Member
    Log EVERYTHING! It will give you such a kick in the butt in the right direction once you actually see those calories. It does not take a long time to log, you will get in the habit of it and it will become part of your daily routine.

    Good luck! You can do this!
  • I would say for one week eat normally - as you are today, this will get you in the habit of logging everything and you will soon see where you're current food choices are contributing to your weight.

    Then analyze you week diary - where and when did you make unhealthy food choices? What healthier alternatives could you have chosen.... for example, instead of those M&Ms why not some cashews nuts?

    You will see for yourself easiest areas to change and because you are making easy changes you will be motivated. All these people who say there are no right food are wrong....make healthy choices and you will see results. Good luck to you - once you start you will not look back, i promise!
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    Don't have the foods in the house you get carried away with. Log what you eat. You will get there.
  • allana1111
    allana1111 Posts: 390 Member
    it's true that when you're ready you'll do it. I always thought I "wanted to".... of course, it would have been nice to have the perfect body.. anybody wants that. But the want we talk about here is REALLY wanting it. Wanting it enough that we just do what it takes. and of course, no journey is perfect, and we all stumble, but until you can get started without the motivation of other people you don't really want it
  • Grammanut
    Grammanut Posts: 37 Member
    Baby steps!!!! You can do it!!!
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    First of all eliminate the word CAN'T from your vocabulary.
  • Wtn_Gurl
    Wtn_Gurl Posts: 396 Member
    #1 - Make up your mind and get focused on doing something. just start somewhere.

    #2 - your body will lose weight as it wants to (based on what you eat for example). If you want to lose 2 pounds a week you can. If you want to lose 5 pounds a week maybe you cant. Your body will do as it can, not what we WANT it to sometimes. But you have to keep on keeping on, whether you can lose 1 pound a week or two.

    #3 - it takes patience, but if you are doing all you can then thats what you can do. But do something. Dont just do nothing. Dont hope and dont worry. just eat and eventually it will come off. Watch your calories and do what MFP suggests. try to follow that bst you can. If you mess up once, its ok, dont stop but continue with the next meal.

    Eventually you will lose weight folloiwng what everyone else said plus this.
  • ZombieEarhart
    ZombieEarhart Posts: 320 Member
    The "right" foods are the foods you like that help you hit your macro goals (carbs, fats, protein) and that you like to eat. Since you're feeding 4 kids, I'll bet you already have an awesome variety of foods you offer them, so just keep eating your smaller portions and log everything! If you find it hard to get in veggie servings, just stock up on whatever frozen veggies everyone in your family will eat. You do not need to spend a fortune to lose weight!
  • MsLeTonya
    MsLeTonya Posts: 2 Member
    I've recently started using this app to log my caloric intake. The best advice I can give is not to be a slave to the scale. As a single mom of 2 that's growing a small business while still working full time, and putting my daughter through college, I realized it's time I stop using all that for excuses and use it as motivation to get this weight off. If you are connected to your purpose in life, than it's all you will need to start pulling from within to get the results you need. I have only seen small movements on the scale; however, I have seen significant change in my clothing. That in iteself is enough to keep up the process. It is a trial and error and as long as you're learning from them it's going to change. Good Luck & God Bless!!
  • Shapingupforlife
    Shapingupforlife Posts: 28 Member

    I really hope you are reading these posts... alor of good info from everyone... above link.. check it out... ^^^ I am a fitness instructor in the USAF... I needed to lose weight and get back on track especially since i was trying to help others in the same situation as myself. I just finished this book by Tom Venuto and i learned so soo much. I went to training for this stuff and this book still taught me more than i knew. If you need a friend or accountability partner let me know. I am not a mom but i am a wife and active duty military member who knows what its like to be busy.

    1. first step.. acknowledge you need to make a change. CONGRATS... you already did...

    2. write down your goals... short term and long term.. putting things into writing helps you achieve your goals and physiologically helps you to do that.

    3. Log everything... then go back and examine everything and start making healthy changes. DO not cheat yourself... log sugar packets... dressings.... everything. small things count. you will be very surprised.

    4. shop the end isles and outside lines at the grocery store... you may think these items are expensive but junk items add up quicker and are horrible for you. get your kids involved as well.

    5. find an accountability partner/ group... whether ladies or men... find someone!!! you need a support system.

    6. look at your goals every day... put them on a 3x5 card and read and memorize... this helps like crazy.

    7. DO NOT focus on how far you have to go... but focus on the now... and how far you have come..!!

    8. Do not depend on the scale... buy a body impedence caliper on amazon or tape measure and have someone help you measure yourself. doing this will help you track accurate progress... the scale is good but dosent help when it fluctuates due to water weight or other things. the best thing to do is to figure out your BMI ( body mass index ) itll tell you what percent lean muscle mass you are... and what percent fat you are... and then where you need to be based on your age and height.

    ^^ I summarized some of the things i learned. That book is awesome.. it speaks the truth without gimmicks.,, supplements,,, lies or things you need to buy. : ) good luck... add me if you would like...
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member

    I don't want to sound harsh because I do understand how difficult getting started can be - but - first and foremost, don't look for excuses any more - loads of people on here are doing it and it's working - many of whom have financial constraints - health issues or just plain awkward families/jobs whatever. You can do it too - if you stumble people here will help you get back up.

    Good luck and come and join us on the path to better health! :flowerforyou:

    This! And what the other posters said too. Those of us who have lost weight aren't luckier than other people, nor do we have more money or more time. There are no "right foods" to eat. We simply made a decision and implemented our plan. And you can too!

    "You can have excuses or results, but not both."