How do you make yourself get up early?



  • HarrietSabre
    HarrietSabre Posts: 186 Member
    Set my alarm and get out of bed once it goes off... there's really nothing else to it.

    I'm not a morning person and I do not sleep well (average of 4 hours a night) and I still get up to go to the gym. It sucks but it's what I have to do.

    please be careful with sleeping 4 hours a sounds like a dream to most people but it has been linked to permanent differences in brain structure that can cause memory loss.
  • HarrietSabre
    HarrietSabre Posts: 186 Member
    I don't. I've tried and failed and it just bums me out. My body clock is just like 'NOPE'. I work out in the evening instead and it's a much better option for me.

    That's what I generally do, I am a night person anyway but I want to start doing 30 minutes in the morning and an hour a night to be able to fit more in, plus I think 30 minutes cardio in the morning might actually help me wake up...if I get up in the first place!
  • EMTFreakGirl
    EMTFreakGirl Posts: 597 Member
    I gave up trying to get up early. I love nothing more than a 10pm moonlit run on the lakeshore. I have 24 access to a gym. I finally just decided to accept that I am a "nightwalker" and go with it. Even on days that for some inexplicable reason I AM up early, I make coffee and enjoy the sunrise. I am much more focused in my workouts if I do them late. Listen to your body and do what's right for you. If that "right" is getting in an early workout then you will figure out a way to get it done. :flowerforyou:
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    I have always wanted to be able to get up early, to get my exercise out of the way for the day and other such things. However, every time I set my alarm for early, I end up snoozing it until the last minute and rushing to work. What can I do? Going to bed early doesn't help, I still end up doing the same thing.


    Just wake up ... not sure what to say here... stop hitting the snooze button deal with the tiredness for 3 days or so while you adjust and your good from there... takes about 2 weeks to fully adjust to waking up early but once you do it's the best!!!

    They say the most successful people in the world wake up early and work out in the morning... No idea where that came from but I liked it and it made me start working out in the am.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    I have always wanted to be able to get up early, to get my exercise out of the way for the day and other such things. However, every time I set my alarm for early, I end up snoozing it until the last minute and rushing to work. What can I do? Going to bed early doesn't help, I still end up doing the same thing.


    Just wake up ... not sure what to say here... stop hitting the snooze button deal with the tiredness for 3 days or so while you adjust and your good from there... takes about 2 weeks to fully adjust to waking up early but once you do it's the best!!!

    They say the most successful people in the world wake up early and work out in the morning... No idea where that came from but I liked it and it made me start working out in the am.
    I have heard that as well.
    So does it mean that to be successful you need to get up early and work out?
    Just means that it takes drive, discipline and motivation to be successful.
    Just like i ttakes drive, discipline and motitvation to work out in the morning.
  • ktaisey
    ktaisey Posts: 3 Member
    I was a notorious snoozer myself....

    I wanted to get all my workouts done in the AM so I did not have time to make excuses for why I couldn't work out at night. It was hard the first oh 2 weeks but by the 3rd it was easier.

    I also started using the "silent alarm" on my FitBit Flex and it seemed to wake me up more easily - I was less shocked awake and more eased into being awake.

    Hope that helps!
  • TheGymGypsy
    TheGymGypsy Posts: 1,023 Member
    I always lay my work out clothes right next to the bed, or even sleep in them so that when I wake up I am reminded of what needs to be done!
  • daliyanin
    daliyanin Posts: 93 Member
    We are creatures of habit... i wake up at 3:45am, 4 times a week so that i can work out in the morning. Just set your alarm, don't think about it when it goes off and literally jump out of bed. I've noticed once i start thinking about it i end up talking myself into going back to bed. Keep doing it and eventually you will want to get to bed earlier. You'll get used to it if you keep doing it.
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    I pack and lay out clothes the night before. I also try to go to bed early.

    The main thing for me is that in the morning, there's only one excuse for not working out: I'm tired, and I can get past that. In the evening, there are a million excuses: I'm tired, I have errands to run, I have other commitments or something comes up...

    Getting it done in the morning:
    1. Ensures that it gets done
    2. Sets me up for a more mindful/healthy day since I know I started well

    Yesterday, I had to reschedule and go to the gym in the afternoon. While eating my breakfast, I was cursing out the reschedule because typically while eating my breakfast, I luxuriate in the fact that I've already had an awesome workout.

    You get used to the early alarm, and you'll actually end up regretting hitting snooze because you'll miss the energy that a morning workout will ultimately give you. (Of course, this is in my opinion, and some people may never prefer mornings.)
  • mandylanerocks
    mandylanerocks Posts: 100 Member
    Its hard at first but it does get easier. I usually prelog my days the night before. So if I'm planning on getting up early & working out I plan to eat more food that day. I usually plan bigger snacks & special treats for myself. So when I wake up I am reminded that I need to work out so I can eat those things I planned. Especially like a good yummy breakfast. Apparently I am motivated by more food ;) haha but it works. I love working out in the mornings now & try to do it as often as possible. Its good for your metabolism!
  • PLAID1977
    PLAID1977 Posts: 70 Member
    I go to bed in my workout clothes. Sports bra and all! 4;30 am alarm. Sneakers right next to my bed. As long as I don't lie there thinking about all of the reasons I should just stay in bed, I get up. Don't think about it, just do it. And I have found that I feel so much better and awake throughout the day when I get it over with in the am. Especially with a busy schedule!

    Today I allowed myself to think about it. I went back to sleep. I regretted it as soon as I got up an hour and a half later.
  • amybickmore
    amybickmore Posts: 8 Member
    Same for me...getting up early to exercise was just setting myself up for failure. I now do it when the kids go to bed...from about 8-9 in the evening. If you really do want to work out in the morning, then you will do it, but if you are just saying it because it seems like the "Right thing to do", it probably won't.