feeling lighter during weight loss

Hello everyone, I'm new here to this. I just wanted to come on and ask a few questions to the rest of you and see if you all feel the same way that I do. I've been trying this weight loss thing for a while now, however, I just recently got on track with insanity for two weeks straight and eating better and can say that I honestly feel lighter. I've lost about seven pounds and can notice a SLIGHT change in my body. I'm not losing any inches in my waist as I would like but I feel like I notice it in strange places. I can feel my collar bone more so now which isn't so strange, but when I look straight in a mirror, I feel like my physique itself has just gotten smaller even though I dont see it in very specific places if i were to look at them. Has anyone else experienced this? Also I noticed that when I am in class ( I'm in college) if there is a smaller desk that I maybe had to squeeze into before, I just feel different and am able to sit in that desk with a lot more room than I had before, despite me not noticing weight loss in specific areas. Is this also something you all feel like as well? Please respond to this and let me know how you have felt. Thanks in advance for your responses !


  • Najia203
    Najia203 Posts: 4 Member

    I feel lighter as well. And I've only lost 6 lbs. Amazing isn't it? The biggest change I've seen is in the fit of my jeans. I'm bottom heavy with a small waist so my jeans have always been a pain in terms of fit, but recently I've had to continuously pull them up. I'm in college as well and I've noticed that I can literally bounce up three flights of stairs with little problem - backpack and all. Congrats on your seven pound lost! Just imagine how much lighter you'll feel at 10, 15, 20, et cetera! Good luck!

    ETA: Oh, and insanity! smh... the way one girl I knew was walking around the dining hall scared me away lol. She was in so much pain. Not sure how it turned out for her since she graduated and I don't get on FB or Insta often, but I've heard/seen great testimonials online. The fact that you're doing it makes you a beast in my eyes! lol. Get it girl!
  • petefromguelph
    petefromguelph Posts: 84 Member
    lighter... and colder! don't have all the insulation anymore... brrrr
  • AirieBerry
    AirieBerry Posts: 20 Member
    lighter... and colder! don't have all the insulation anymore... brrrr

    I swear I am getting colder as well!

    But I'm starting to see my collarbones too, and I don't think I've ever 'had' collarbones, so that's something. Also, my pants are getting very baggy - which is a good thing, but annoying.
  • TheGymGypsy
    TheGymGypsy Posts: 1,023 Member
    A lot of times it's just a mental thing... But there are worse things to feel.
  • Ilikelamps
    Ilikelamps Posts: 482 Member