How do I maintain my weight again on my old diet?

When my weight was 135 lbs, my diet pretty much consisted of Chinese takeout, muffins, potato chips, chicken soup, coffee, tuna sandwiches, breakfast cereals, sushi, and candy. The only things I really had in my cupboard are potato chips and granular sugar.

However, I ended up putting on 8 pounds drinking 3-4 bottles of wine a week, so I went on a diet and lost the weight. I really hate eating healthy. Adding fiber has made me constipated even though I drink water constantly (really, I go to the bathroom 13 times a day and once in the middle of the night). I know I need to have a substantial amount of fat in my diet to stay regular and only a moderate amount of fibre. How do I go back to my old diet where I maintained my weight eating junk?

I'm now back to 5'6 135 lbs, 22-23% BF (with 35.5" hips and a 26" waist). I only drink once a month now. I'm fairly active, but not athletic (I walk 1-3 hours a day).

I have thin genes. My dad eats nothing but hamburger, french fries, ju jubes, popcorn, and Cup a Soups. He's 60 years old, 6'0 and 175 lbs with lowish blood pressure and clear arteries (doctor checked).


  • ehensarling17
    ehensarling17 Posts: 95 Member
    So, you gained 8 lbs on your old diet.... and want to go back to it? :huh:
  • intrepidelephant
    intrepidelephant Posts: 100 Member
    I gained 8 lbs drinking on my old diet. I maintained 135 for ages not drinking
  • indianarunner76
    indianarunner76 Posts: 108 Member
    ^^^^There is your answer. Cut the wine :)
  • intrepidelephant
    intrepidelephant Posts: 100 Member
    How do I now switch from this super healthy diet to a regular one?
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    When my weight was 135 lbs, my diet pretty much consisted of Chinese takeout, muffins, potato chips, chicken soup, coffee, tuna sandwiches, breakfast cereals, sushi, and candy. The only things I really had in my cupboard are potato chips and granular sugar.

    However, I ended up putting on 8 pounds drinking 3-4 bottles of wine a week, so I went on a diet and lost the weight. I really hate eating healthy. Adding fiber has made me constipated even though I drink water constantly (really, I go to the bathroom 13 times a day and once in the middle of the night). I know I need to have a substantial amount of fat in my diet to stay regular and only a moderate amount of fibre. How do I go back to my old diet where I maintained my weight eating junk?

    I'm now back to 5'6 135 lbs, 22-23% BF (with 35.5" hips and a 26" waist). I only drink once a month now. I'm fairly active, but not athletic (I walk 1-3 hours a day).

    I have thin genes. My dad eats nothing but hamburger, french fries, ju jubes, popcorn, and Cup a Soups. He's 60 years old, 6'0 and 175 lbs with lowish blood pressure and clear arteries (doctor checked).

    I've yo-yo dieted for years..........ate well & exercised.....lost the weight.....quit eating well & quit exercise....the weight came back. The problem with losing & re-gaining is you lose fat + muscle BUT you re-gain fat.

    Lifestyle current diet (for weight loss) includes changes that I can maintain for life. I'm not low carb, I'm not a clean eater, I still eat some fast food......but not "whenever." To me Culver's has the best when I have's their fries....other fast food fries are a big waste. Figure out what you can do forever and do that. Pick & can't choose it all.

    I love this quote.................nothing changes..........if nothing changes.

    You CAN eat potato chips and ju jubes & maintain your's portion control. You can't just sit down in front of the TV with a bag of chips. Measure (weigh) your serving of chips. The problem with processed foods is that often times the portion size is smaller than you though it was.

    One of my things.....I won't give up chocolate and it's hard to portion. So, I keep Ghiradelli squares on hand. These are individually wrapped.

    Fiber is so good for your health....adding fiber does not make you constipated......restricting fat does. Fat is also good for your health....just not so much deep fried crap.....nuts, nut butters, avocado, olive oil.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    You eat what you love in moderation.
  • intrepidelephant
    intrepidelephant Posts: 100 Member
    I used to have this weird habit of never finishing dinner. My eating was always all over the place. I live alone. I never eat meals, per se. I naturally have a big lunch and a little dinner (which isn't great for being sociable). I don't even have a table. I usually eat at my desk or reading my Kindle, in bed. I also have never measured anything before I went on this diet, which has really, really sucked, even though it's all my own fault.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    How do I now switch from this super healthy diet to a regular one?

    You can eat ALL junk food ALL the time to maintain your weight.

    1. Figure out how many calories to maintain your current weight (hint, it's less now than it used to be when you were larger).
    2. Measure (weigh) your food & log it.

    The problem with junk's often calorie dense with little nutritional value. You will feel hungry at times (low protein, low fiber, high in sugar....will do that). But it's still calories in vs. calories out.
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    I ended up putting on 8 pounds drinking 3-4 bottles of wine a week
    Do not drink 3-4 bottles of wine a week.
  • emseedubya
    emseedubya Posts: 15 Member
    If the problem was never the food you were eating and only the wine, then there's no secret for transitioning to your old diet. Just eat as you used to and, if you drink a bottle of wine a month, then accept that you'll have to burn off those extra calories at some point or you will gain weight again. I have logged my calories from one night out with my friends before at 2500 cals in alcohol, so if you're doing that even once a month you'll have gained that 8 lbs back again over the course of a year if you don't burn it off or eat less the rest of the time.

    Word to the wise; you're not your parents. There's no guarantee you'll be able to eat like your dad does forever just because he has. He is also a man which gives him a pretty good advantage in the metabolism department. Our metabolism slows down once we hit our 20s and just gets slower as we age, so the science behind your logic of being able to eat the way you are forever isn't very sound.
  • PippiNe
    PippiNe Posts: 283 Member
    If the problem was never the food you were eating and only the wine, then there's no secret for transitioning to your old diet. Just eat as you used to and, if you drink a bottle of wine a month, then accept that you'll have to burn off those extra calories at some point or you will gain weight again. I have logged my calories from one night out with my friends before at 2500 cals in alcohol, so if you're doing that even once a month you'll have gained that 8 lbs back again over the course of a year if you don't burn it off or eat less the rest of the time.

    Word to the wise; you're not your parents. There's no guarantee you'll be able to eat like your dad does forever just because he has. He is also a man which gives him a pretty good advantage in the metabolism department. Our metabolism slows down once we hit our 20s and just gets slower as we age, so the science behind your logic of being able to eat the way you are forever isn't very sound.

  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    You are posting on a site where people try to get fit to say that you wish to follow a junk food based diet, because otherwise you get constipated? Ooooook.
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    How do I now switch from this super healthy diet to a regular one?
    Ooh! Ooh! I know! By eating the same crappy food you used to eat instead of the less crappy food you eat now?
    So, um, yeah... If you want to eat junk, you can eat junk. Stay within your maintenance calories eating junk, and there you are. Good luck on your gurney. :flowerforyou:
  • butterflyrae2010
    butterflyrae2010 Posts: 44 Member
    Like someone else are on a site where people are trying to eat healthy, not junk food which seemed to be you "old diet". Now if you want some ideas on how to eat healthy, I am sure you will get many responses. I guess if you want to eat as you did before, just do it. It seems like you cut out the wine, so that is probably all you need to do.