Mum of four that really needs to lose weight!

My name is Tracy.....could really use some help and advice, I have tried for many years to lose weight but have always failed, this time I'm really determined!! I have been keeping with in my calories everyday and I'm actually exercising,which for me has always been the hardest as I have problems with my knees, I'm only walking and I'm using the wii fit but it's a start, I have so much weight to lose and I'm wondering what people think is a reasonable weight loss each week? And if there are any other exercises I can do that will help? Thank you :)


  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,808 Member
    I am a mom of four as well and also have problems with my knees. Walking, swimming and some of the stationary machines like the elliptical is all I can do for now. I also lift weights which doesnt bother my knees. I think 2 pounds a week when you have a lot to lose is reasonable. We all want to lose it fast but it isnt recommended for long term weight loss. I am back after a huge failure. A lot happened in my life, getting back on track . Determned
  • 230268
    230268 Posts: 30 Member
    Also a mum of four children, have tried many diets but finally found MFP and love it, I don't do much exercise and I have some very good days and some really crap days but loosing roughly a pound or two most weeks. Just need to keep at it, buying a size smaller bikini is better than any chocolate bar going.