how do u stay on track when....



  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Im done having this conversation with u! No its nobody's fault but my own and I refuse to argue with u about this any further! !! Thanks for the comments but im done with u now.

    i'm sorry that you took my comments so personally.

    i'm not arguing with you at all, but i was just trying to figure out how you couldn't get any time to yourself for working out. it's obvious you enjoy it and want to do it.
  • topp35
    topp35 Posts: 50 Member
    No im just done with the one poster thats all. I think he feels little insecure when im the size I was in January ...d/t an illness I gained 25lbs and 2 whole jean sizes. I just want to tighten up my body...get back in my size 5 jeans and gain some muscle. I look ok in clothes its when im in a bathing suit that im skinny fat if that makes sense. I hide it well with clothes. Im happy with everything but my stomach:(
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    No im just done with the one poster thats all. I think he feels little insecure when im the size I was in January ...d/t an illness I gained 25lbs and 2 whole jean sizes. I just want to tighten up my body...get back in my size 5 jeans and gain some muscle. I look ok in clothes its when im in a bathing suit that im skinny fat if that makes sense. I hide it well with clothes. Im happy with everything but my stomach:(

    That definitely makes sense. I hope you can talk with him about it and he'll be more understanding. Maybe a few little compromises here and there and you will work it out with him and meet your goals!
  • topp35
    topp35 Posts: 50 Member
    I do have time for myself hence the reason I was asking for things to do at home but u obviously missed that at just wanted to attack me for some reason (by saying I was blaming this on my kids or that on my husband). I really have nothing more to say. Im not here to constantly have to defend myself . This is supposed to be a happy place where ppl go for support. ..motivation. etc. Not 101 questions about my personal life that had nothing to do with what I was asking.
  • topp35
    topp35 Posts: 50 Member
    Hes actually been better since I posted this. We went for a 2 mi walk together today:)
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    I do have time for myself hence the reason I was asking for things to do at home but u obviously missed that at just wanted to attack me for some reason (by saying I was blaming this on my kids or that on my husband). I really have nothing more to say. Im not here to constantly have to defend myself . This is supposed to be a happy place where ppl go for support. ..motivation. etc. Not 101 questions about my personal life that had nothing to do with what I was asking.

    i apologize that you felt attacked by me.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    if you have a problem with what he is cooking, get more involved with the meal purchasing and preparing. also, eat less of what he makes, as there is not really any bad food.

    if walking is your prefered form of exercise (and it really is the most popular form of exercise in the world) include him and your kids. i don't know how old they are, but take them out with you in their strollers or something.

    as far as being a stay at home mother of two... please don't use that as an excuse. i know plenty of single mothers of more than two that have a job or two that make time to exercise.

    I haven't read all the responses yet, but this is pretty much what I would say.

    People have been in situations far more difficult than yours and still found ways to make the weight loss happen.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    if you have a problem with what he is cooking, get more involved with the meal purchasing and preparing. also, eat less of what he makes, as there is not really any bad food.

    if walking is your prefered form of exercise (and it really is the most popular form of exercise in the world) include him and your kids. i don't know how old they are, but take them out with you in their strollers or something.

    as far as being a stay at home mother of two... please don't use that as an excuse. i know plenty of single mothers of more than two that have a job or two that make time to exercise.

    I haven't read all the responses yet, but this is pretty much what I would say.

    People have been in situations far more difficult than yours and still found ways to make the weight loss happen.

    careful. agree with me and she'll think you're attacking her.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    If it's too difficult after a week, your calorie deficit is probably too high. Bump that up a little until you find that sweet spot where you make satisfactory progress towards your goals (over a sufficient period of time) without it seeming to be too difficult.

    (I haven't read all of the replies yet...but based on the last few, it looks like OP may already be very defensive to advice...which is more evidence that her calorie deficit may be too high.)
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    So ive been on here for about a week now and have lost 5 lbs so far great right but its getting harder everyday!

    5lbs is quite a lot for a week, and these results should not be expected for the duration of your weight loss.

    shoot for something closer to 1lb a week.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I'm having a hard time understanding why you can't eat what he eats.

    How many calories are you consuming per day? I'm getting a nagging suspicion it's too low (1200? Just a guess.). I only eat 1450 calories per day and I still eat burgers, tacos, meatloaf, pasta, etc. If I had to eat a salad for dinner every night, I'd kill myself. I eat pretty sizable portions as well and I don't go hungry all day in order to do that. Tonight we're having tacos....5 oz ground beef seasoned with homemade taco seasoning and low sodium tomato sauce, 1/4 cup yellow rice, 1/4 cup fat free refried beans, 1/8 cup shredded cheese, all on a regular ole flour tortilla - 495 calories, which is perfectly acceptable for dinner and fits into my macros even after my oatmeal breakfast, roast beef and shaved Parmesan sandwich lunch, and snack consisting of a boiled egg, light string cheese, and Greek yogurt. I'm eating normal non-diet foods and losing weight - and so can you.

    Go grocery shopping with him and suggest getting healthier alternatives. Leaner cuts of meat, low-sodium versions of some foods, more fresh ingredients. That way you can eat dinners with your family and they can eat healthier as well. You don't have to be trying to lose weight to make healthier food options. I personally think it's a huge party poop when everyone is enjoying dinner while one person is snacking on lettuce because they're "dieting." Live your life!

    Also, judging by your profile picture, you have no weight to lose. Maybe that's why he's not supportive - maybe he doesn't want you to be dangerously thin.
  • topp35
    topp35 Posts: 50 Member
    That picture is from last fall before I gained 25lbs I dont have a recent picture of me. Thats the thing tho I cant eat tacos and roast stuff like that that my family eats which is fine with me I dont mind eating salads and fruit all the time.
  • Change can be hard for our spouses. The spouse who is moving on is "changing" the routine up and it's scary for them! They are not quite sure what is going on. I like the suggestion in joining your husband in making dinners together! It's fun and this can be quality time to spend together too! You just may inspire him with some new recipes too! Share with him how you want to feel better and want to eat a little healthier and try out some new recipes. Cleaner more lean protein dinners if this is what you are looking for. Sharing more of why you want different meals will help him feel accepted and will help him understand what it is you need.

    I am a STAHM too with 2 young girls. I work out in my living room with DVD's and love it! It's been very cold this winter and this is what helped keep me active! I am currently doing Les Mills Combat and Body Beast! =)

    All my best to you!

  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    That picture is from last fall before I gained 25lbs I dont have a recent picture of me. Thats the thing tho I cant eat tacos and roast stuff like that that my family eats which is fine with me I dont mind eating salads and fruit all the time.

    due to an illness?
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    That picture is from last fall before I gained 25lbs I dont have a recent picture of me. Thats the thing tho I cant eat tacos and roast stuff like that that my family eats which is fine with me I dont mind eating salads and fruit all the time.

    Are you vegetarian? Why can you only eat salads and no meats?
  • topp35
    topp35 Posts: 50 Member
    Yes due to an illness I was in ICU for almost a wk in January.
  • topp35
    topp35 Posts: 50 Member
    I can eat meat just not fatty greasy things like tacos...burgers...roast things like that. I have Crohns disease.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    I can eat meat just not fatty greasy things like tacos...burgers...roast things like that. I have Crohns disease.

    Then how could he be mad that you can't eat what he makes? He, of all people, should know you need a special diet and if he insists on doing the cooking, he needs to take that into consideration.
  • HauteLlama
    HauteLlama Posts: 21 Member
    Just eat the burger without the bun, or the meat loaf without the sugary sauce. You could ask that he makes two veggie sides at every meal, like a green one and then another different color. You could offer to help with the meal by making a salad for everyone. And if you need to adjust the main portion to fit in your diet, just have something on hand like some chicken or salmon or something. That way you can eat his cooking, get everyone eating their veggies, and you can all enjoy it together. x
  • topp35
    topp35 Posts: 50 Member
    And he does understand that part of it but he makes fattening scalloped potatoes or baked potatoes things like that that I can eat but would prefer not to bc im trying to lose weight not eat 500 calorie baked potatoes.