Newbie searching for friends :)

Hi everyone!

I'm new here, been here for a couple of days and I feel like it's a great place. I'm seaching for people who would like to become friends, exchange messages and with whom we could motivate each other.

I would especially like to get to know people who suffered from depression or emotional eating. I have had depression for many years now and it caused me to gain lots of weight because fact is that when I feel bad, I eat.
Words of encouragment really do help though and I would like someone who just as me would like to be there for each other and support each other through our journey to lose weight :). For people like me it's an emotional journey especially with all the stress in life so friends who support you and understand are great!

I'm looking forward hearing from you :).


  • KaHam6
    KaHam6 Posts: 36
    I totally relate to you in terms of emotional eating. I've used my fitness pal before with great results! After falling off for a few months I'm at it again! :) I think ill do better with having friends this time to share support. Feel free to add me! Kaham6
  • 1swolpanda
    1swolpanda Posts: 120 Member
    add me if u would like, im here for support for anybody who needs it, because as i support everybody it pushes me to fight for where i want to be as well