Just diagnosed with High Blood Pressure; need to lose

I was just diagnosed with high blood pressure so I need to lose weight safely and in a reasonable time frame. Any suggestions, tips, resources, etc on how to get started would help tremendously. I am 44 years old, need to lose 50 pounds, and have 2 kids. I hate water (really i just forget to drink throughout the day) and I am not an "exerciser".

How do you get motivated to even start the journey??



  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    First - Congratulations on taking control of this issue!

    I feel your pain . . . I was diagnosed with HB several years ago, initially I was able to get mine down with adding some daily exercise to my schedule but that only lasted about a year. Honestly after taking my first medication and not being able to deal with it and then changing doctors and starting a new medication - I was just done with the hole process. All I could see in my future was more pills for the side-effect and more pills for the side-effects of those pills.

    I had enough, I spoke to my doctor and we agreed on a reasonable weight where she would then wean me off the medication (that I never actually took) and off I went. I joined a gym, lost a little and then I found MFP. About two weeks ago I went for my physical and today I have no existing medical conditions, I am no longer pre anything and just overweight (though we agreed that I will more than likely stay overweight according to that lovely BMI scale :smile: ) I am proud of myself for taking control of my health so be assured this is something that you can do.

    I would suggest taking your time, don’t push yourself – after all you have HB – but seriously don’t rush this process, the changes you make are ones that you need to be ready to live with forever.

    Start with small changes, if you take a real good look at what you are currently eating and the nutrition you can see where you can start making small changes in your diet and you may be surprised how thing can snowball from one change to many. Getting active slowly, it can start with just walking and going from there.

    Water is important, maybe try sparkling water or try diluting what you are drinking (I know it doesn't sound great, just pretend you had ice in your drink and it melted :smile: ) and over time you may be able to stomach water.

    The motivation comes from you, and taking control of your health . . . sometimes I want to kick myself for not doing it sooner. I suffered through 2+ years of taking medication that had irreversible side effect, when I could have taken control and gotten my BP under control. Just start small -make small milestone goals if you can walk a mile, work up to walking 3 by the end of the summer - things like that.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Well you better become an exerciser. See a nutritionist.
  • beckyjeanleemaddox
    beckyjeanleemaddox Posts: 154 Member
    I didn't like exercise or water. I'm drinking water now b/c I quit drinking diet Cokes. I like it cold out of the bottle. I'm also discovered Power Aid Zero, no calories, contains vitamins, I get my water intake in like that also. As far as exercising. I'm taking it easy. I walk about 3 days a week. Put on some music and it makes it easier. I too have high blood pressure. Mine has actually gone up since I started tracking my food count. I take my BP meds anyway. Don't want to risk a stroke. Hope this helps. I never thought I could drink water but I began it slowly and now esp after I exercise I want a bottle handy. Good luck
  • mile311z
    mile311z Posts: 32 Member
    Gonna have to start whether ya like it or not! lol Maybe try putting lemon juice in your water and start slowly with the exercise. After awhile your body will crave both.
  • kjurassic
    kjurassic Posts: 571 Member
    You just took the first step!

    Losing weight WILL make a difference. Start slow - don't set your weight loss goals to strict or you may not stick with it. And...remember...there is no forbidden food - just make sure if you have a treat one day to make allowances in the rest of your daily calories for it.

    Exercise will help you lose quicker and stay firmer as you lose and water.....well.....I truly hate water but.....I'm doing it ....I'm getting in 8 glasses a day. I'm not liking it, but I'm doing it. Sometimes you just have to "buck up" and do some things you'd rather not.

    Keep reminding yourself why you are doing this....for your health...your kids....you!
  • 52dave62
    52dave62 Posts: 28
    I also was not a drinker of water, the diabetic diagnoses kind of forced me to give up the sweet sodas and learn to love water, (try a squeeze of lemon with it)
    I have dealt with HBP myself for quite some time, I feel sure your doctor told you to cut your sodium intake to below 2000 mgs? Good luck with your journey, remember that 'exercising' could be as simple as walking for 10, 20 or 30 minutes. It is a tall order to lose 50 lbs quickly without exercise.
    Start with watching your sodium, logging the food you eat will help you see how much sodium is in our everyday choices.

    Motivation for starting, besided your 2 kids, the reality of HBP causing a possible stroke or heart attack.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Exercise doesn't have to be unpleasant or boring. You can start very simply, by taking daily walks around the neighborhood, or by riding a bike, or playing in the park with your kids.

    Most of the change you need will be in the kitchen!!! I would recommend watching the documentary "Forks Over Knives" for some great info on the dietary changes that will help you gain better health.
  • 12bfree
    12bfree Posts: 67 Member
    Welcome aboard! I agree with kjurassic, “You just took the first step”.

    I’m not going to kid with you. The only way to loose weight and get in shape is through exercise and a caloric deficit program. The good news is that people do it every day including many of us here. I think myfitnesspal is a great tool.

    In the beginning you may discover that it is a challenge to eat right and exercise. Frankly, you may not like exercise at all. That’s ok, just do it anyway. You may discover after awhile that you can at least tolerate it. You may even discover that you like some of it. Of course, I have never enjoyed sit-ups but I do three sets of 10 five days a week because I like the result ☺.

    If you have never exercised or been on a caloric deficit program, make sure you do adequate research or consult a nutritionist and trainer.

    I’ve never had a challenge drinking water but you may want to try it with a squeeze of lemon or lime.

    Find your motivation (health, family, life etc…) and remind yourself why you are doing what you’re doing every day. You really don’t need to like it. And yet, after awhile, a strange thing happens. You’ll begin to see results, you’ll feel better and all of a sudden you will be excited about the changes you’ve made.
  • Deltadivaphd
    Thank you so much for your reply (ies). It is nice knowing that many of you understand that taking the first step is the hardest!

    I am going to take it slow and change to a more healthy lifestyle. I started today just walking 30 minutes (took the kids along), packing my lunch and having a sensible dinner with no salt. It wasn't as bad as I thought. Water was still a problem because I just forget to drink during the day! Went several hours at the computer working and totally forgot to drink. May need to set an appt reminder to get me started on this water program and to keep track better.

    Thanks for the warm welcome too!!!