
Im Stephanie. I'm 19. I live in the (not so wonderful) state of NJ. I'm new here figured id introduce myself and tell everyone a little about me. I'm currently at 170 lbs. (telling people, alone, is a big step for me) I would like to lose about 45 lbs. I've always been very quiet very shy. I always cringed at the thought of the gym. I suffer with issues involving paranoia. I'm in constant fear that every is staring at me. Or talking about me. When I hear someone laugh I think their laughing at me. But!!!! I finally mustered up the courage to join a gym. I joined my local Planet Fitness. I know I know. Most people don't think it's a real gym. But I think it's perfect for me. A beginners gym if you would. I've been going for about a week and a half. I've done some real growing already as far as my paranoia. And stamina with working out. My eating habits changed drastically. I was a very very big redbull person. I haven't had a redbull since the 1st of the month. I haven't had soda or fast good since the end of March. Instead of a bowl of ice cream. I have Cheerios with bananas and strawberries. Or fruit instead of chips. And to top everything off? My mom is on this journey with me. I couldn't ask for anything more. She's so supportive and helpful.

Well that's enough about me!!! Don't be shy!! Dying to meet new people!!


  • Shell_1384
    Shell_1384 Posts: 80 Member
    Hi Stephanie! Thanks for sharing your story! I have been using MFP daily for about 5 weeks now and so far have lost 10 lbs. I've been logging what I eat, even if I binge, and have started exercising (used to be a really bad, lazy couch potato). So far I am feeling much better, don't eat nearly as much take out/delivery/fast food as I used to. The MFP community and all of the friends I have added on here have really helped motivate me to stay on track. Reading other users' success stories drives me to work hard to achieve my goal of losing over 50 lbs overall and become a success story of my own.

    I'm always open to new friend requests, I don't think there is such a things as a support system being too big, so anyone can send me a request and we can all support each other through this journey!
  • Ilikelamps
    Ilikelamps Posts: 482 Member
    hi Stephanie...are you single?
  • amcoltlghgirl
    Welcome to MFP. I would love to support you and everyone else on this journey of healthy living. Anyone feel free to add me :happy:
  • ShaneyaBias
    Hi everyone My name is Shaneya. I was diagnosed with hyperactive thyroid disease back in September and weighing in at 118 lbs. I got treated by the I-131 ablation pill back in November 2013. I now weight 145 lbs. Today the dr Is starting me on 100 mg of synthroid < however you spell it. They told me it will take a few weeks before I start to feel and changes. My normal weight is about 130 lbs. I feel like I am huge CAUSE MY FACE!! I will post a picture soon. I fell like I need some support and encouragement and has anyone had this problem with thyroids that can help me get through this?
  • Allisonfitness99
    Allisonfitness99 Posts: 128 Member
    Welcome!! :) I'm only here 2 days myself!
    Iv been threw a lot with weight loss!!! ... Growing up I was in dance and soccer, I was still overweight, at the age of 14 I was almost 200 pounds, the dr said I had hyperactive thyroid, I was to young to take the meds he recommended so I just constantly gained weight... When I turned 18 I went to a new dr and he said that I dident have it and I just needed to work out and eat healthy... So I did and dident lose anything.. I started going to a nutritionist and it help me lose 10-15 pounds but I needed to lose a lot more.. Nothing was happening so I just gave up and at the age of 21 I found out I was over 300 pounds and that I need to lose weight for health... It took a year but I lost 52 pounds, and I'm still going, I recently found out that I have plantar fasciitis, and might have rheumatoid arthritis, and I am going to a new dr to check on my thyroid...
  • Nj19msyoak
    Once I figure out how to do friend requests and such I will. I thank everyone for helping me feel welcomed. I wish you all the best of luck on your journeys. And feel free to friend request me!!! :)

    & yes I am currently single.
  • janedoughxvx
    Hi Stephanie!

    Welcome! I suffer from anxiety that ranges from mild-extreme varying day to day. I was an active member at my local Planet Fitness for 3 years. What I loved about it was that it was small enough that I could take the environment in and not feel panicked. I tried out a much larger gym later on, just to get a feel for something different (I was really interested in taking classes, which PF doesn't offer) and as soon as I stepped in, I had a massive panic attack - tunnel vision, shortness of breath. It was horrible. I had to basically guide myself with my hand against a wall and pull myself into a restroom to compose myself. I tried several times after to return to that gym, but every time I pulled into the parking lot, I started shaking.

    I returned to PF and got into a nice routine. I felt really comfortable and safe there. I am also from NJ and recently moved across the country. I felt that since I was moving somewhere new, I was ready for a change, so I joined a much larger gym. I'm happy to say that I suffered from no panic attacks since joining and I think it stems from my 3 years of experience at PF - getting used to crowds of people, learning machines, etc. So there's no shame! It's inexpensive and they use decent equipment. You really couldn't ask for anything else!

    Good luck on your journey! I'm here for you if you need anything!