need advice Jillian Michaels DVD's

I would like to get one of the dvd's but I am older and afflicted with a couple of medical conditions and I would like to know which is the easiest of all her programs?

I am still very active but there are things I just can't do. I realize that I can pick and choose what I will do, but if one of the dvd's has a program that I might be able to complete more of the exercises I wouldn't feel like such a failure.

I am almost at my goal weight, I am looking to reduce my body fat more and just retain my strength in general as I age.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

I am also going to get Richard Simmon's tapes just because I think he is funny and I like music. :laugh:


  • Mollydolly10
    Mollydolly10 Posts: 431 Member
    Hi there!! I've done quite a few of Jillian's DVD's and they are pretty tough. Generally there is a lot of explosive movements (jumping) which can be tough on the joints, as well as a lot of squats (which can be tough on joints for some people as well).

    I'm not sure what specifically it is that you can't do, and whether it has to do with upperbody or lowerbody, but I can tell you a few things.

    -30 Day Shred: This DVD is FAST-PACED, and probably the most popular. It is only a 20 minute workout, but don't let that fool you, because it is fast, I definitely get winded. This may not be the best choice for you if you don't want to be jumping and moving really quickly from circuit to circuit.

    -No More Trouble Zones: Tough strength-wise, but you can choose how heavy your dumbells are, you could do 1 pound or 2 pound. I think this is one I would recommend for you. The DVD is longer, about 45-50 minutes, but you can choose to only do some of the circuits instead of all of them.

    -Banish Fat Boost Metabolism: This one is also great, although there is more jumping/cardio involved in this one too. This one to me is like the 30 Day Shred on steroids. Very similar exercises, but 45-50 minutes long as well. The good thing about this one is that you could pick and choose what circuits you want to do (you can navigate to different circuits on the DVD menu).

    If you are comfortable, perhaps you could let me know what specifically it is that you can and can't do, and I could try to narrow down the DVDs for you some more!

  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    Thanks, those are great synopsis' of the dvd's. Basically, my main problems are arthritis and soft tissue pain. I can't jump or run much. I need rather low impact. I can run a little, but my hips and lower back won't take much.

    I am pretty strong but I have some rotator cuff problems, so it limits me because of that. Not because I can't lift, but because it wrecks me.

    Thanks again for the help. :smile:
  • KAK68
    KAK68 Posts: 51 Member
    I just got the biggest loser challenge- I am finding I have a difficult time with doing jumping jacks and skipping rope- i usually just keep moving during these exercises. I have three of Richard Simmons sweating to the oldies- I love them also just not sure what calories I am burning when I do them probably not enough but they are fun.
  • edinbors
    edinbors Posts: 112
    I think that her Yoga Meltdown would work best for you! I really like it!
  • Shaqueta
    I'm 26 and still having difficulty doing Jillian Michaels DVD's. What worked for me was The Biggest Loser: The work out: Weight Loss Yoga. Your not moving to quickly but it truly works. helps with flexibility and its not too intense.
  • Mollydolly10
    Mollydolly10 Posts: 431 Member
    Yoga Meltdown sounds like a great idea after I posted my original post.

    I haven't tried The Biggest Loser DVDs so I can't comment on that one, but I would imagine (could be wrong!) that Yoga Meltdown would be lower impact on the body