Low impact workout/dvds

Hey guys..i need some help here..I am looking for suggestions to get some good low impact workout dvds to incorporate in my workout regimen..i would like to add that i hurt my knee in november last year that led to quite a bit of weight gain and even though it's much better now, i am still scared of doing high impact workouts..my main exercise is just doing light jogging and brisk walks..but it gets boring after a while..any suggestions in this regard would be really appreciated..


  • kwin1973
    kwin1973 Posts: 5 Member
    Chris Powell's Extreme Weightloss DVDs are low impact/beginners. They each have different levels too. They start out pretty easy and get harder from there. Same with Biggest Loser. Fitness Blender has tons of videos on You Tube and they have all different levels as well. '

    You can also modify workouts to make them low impact. In fact a lot of videos will have someone doing the lower impact workout and someone doing the higher level so you can follow who you are comfortable with.
  • Mpgirl78
    Mpgirl78 Posts: 11 Member
    Leslie Sansone has a number of DVDs called Walk Away The Pounds. I used them when I fractured my ankle and I have Patellar Tracking Disorder in both of my knees. I also used The Firm step workouts for a while there too. Yes, these are old workouts but they are low impact, good for beginners or those of us that need to heal from an injury and they allow for some change of pace/routine. Plus they're cheaper than some of the newer DVDs on the market now. :)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    What about yoga? There are a bunch of free videos on youtube, Hulu, Amazon Prime and I think Netflix :)
  • lylahroses
    thnx guys..i have never done yoga before so i think to learn it properly i would have to join some classes but my schedule doesn't permit me to spare a fixed span of time to go for classes..dvds on the other hand give me the flexibility to get a decent workout whenever i can..and i am familiar with leslie sansone and think she is pretty good..i often do her five mile fat burning walk but it really doesn't make me sweat all that much coz i am used to walking/jogging..but i will look into the chris powell ones..thnx