My husband is a barbecue genius! Help me stay on my diet...

Okay... so there's a kitchen full of barbecue out there. I had my burger and salad, I was responsible and logged into my diary... but OMG it is sooooo gooooooddddd

Please give me a reason NOT to indulge. Scold me, hurt me, I need it all!!!!!!!


  • sch1994
    sch1994 Posts: 57 Member
    You need will power and loads of water to fill you up! Its so hard to stay away from Bbq! but it will be so worth it! keep it up you will be fine!
  • luadams2
    luadams2 Posts: 122
    Thanks so much! I am going to drink three glasses of water right now...
  • AmiCeresi
    AmiCeresi Posts: 11 Member
    You need to speak with your husband about not dangling foods that will tempt you right in your face!
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    You have to be the boss of the food. I will usually eat very slow and will generally be full when I eat a normal portion.
  • luadams2
    luadams2 Posts: 122
    Okay, so I did take your advice. My son is moving out in June believe me when I say hooray for my diet. He is 6'4" and has to eat a lot to maintain any meat on his boney frame. My husband was that way until he was in his 40's.

    I asked my husband to please package up the leftovers asap and he is doing ths that for me. AND I drank two glasses of water. It helped a lot .. who knew water could help with the urge to overeat! I had read about it of course, but never tried it really. It works!

    Thanks all! Crisis averted!
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    maybe next time have him grill you up some vegies too. I just love grilled ears of corn, eggplant, peppers and onions on a kibob, etc. it makes them taste so delicious. at least most grilled foods have the fat melted off of them.. and the grilled chicken or steak can be put in the fridge for yummy salads for the next few days. I know this wont help you for today but next time try it. Even leftover grilled vegies taste amazing the next day too.
  • GotShellica
    GotShellica Posts: 15 Member
    Put that BBQ genius to work on healthy food! Once the weather gets nice here, almost all of our meals are grilled. We do lean meats (chicken, fish, turkey burgers, chicken sausage, occasionally filet) and veggies on the grill and it's always a treat. Stay away from BBQ sauce by looking for rubs: better flavor without all of the sugar and calories!