7 weeks, no significant weight loss

Week 7 of my diet and exercise. I have been very consistent throughout missing only two workouts out of about 50 and routinely hitting or coming just under my calorie goals on average. Was aiming for 1.5 pound loss per week but after 7 weeks haven't seen any significant reduction in weight.

Noobie muscle gain or water retention can only explain so much so I am beginning to question my diet and approach but I see nothing wrong after a lot of scrutiny (if anything I could stand to eat a bit more).

The vast majority of my meals are very simple and easy to get accurate calorie counts on. I do use a food scale. I have been tracking everything for 7 weeks although only recently on MFP (have about 11 days tracked in the diary.

My diary is open and although I have only logged for about 11 days in there I can say that the previous 5 weeks were really no different in terms of intake and exercise.

Open to advice or suggestions. Promise to hear anything out although I still will only choose to act on advice that makes sense to me of course.



  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    height? workouts consist of?
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    height? workouts consist of?

    My diary should be fully visible.

    Height is 6' tall. Workouts consist of MWF 45 min of full-body weight lifting done in circuits. TuThurSat 50 min of aerobic cardio and sunday rest.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Before you started logging here were you eating 1500-1600 calories? Only thing I would say if your measuring everything is to not have all the premade stuff I see, or avoid eating premade foods for a bit.. but at 6 ft tall you should be able to eat 1800 consistently and lose.. (if not more with 6 days of workouts)
    Whats your aerobic cardio?
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    "Before you started logging here were you eating 1500-1600 calories? "

    Before I started logging on MFP I was eating only 1500-1600 calories (I was still logging). I adjusted that up to 1800 when I decided through experience and discussion that that was not enough for me. My goal is to lose fat only, not muscle so I am wary of eating to little. My protein content I keep high eating 40-50% of my calories from protein.

    "premade stuff "

    I have recipies that I use that are homemade and using simple ingredients like chicken breast and lentils that I feel I have an accurate calorie count on. I do, on occasion, have to eat out during the weekend and I do my best to estimate there. My meals during the week though I feel I have a good handle on.

    I try to net 1800 calories daily these days (before I was trying to net 1500). I feel I try to estimate low on my calorie burn from exercise but I do eat those calories back most days. For cardio I do a home aerobics routinue, picture jumping jacks, burpees, run lunges, kicks, plyo-moves. I estimate about 400 calories for 55 minutes of that. For lifting I'm doing dumbbell and bodyweight exercises for about 45 minutes. Circuit style supersets with no rest inbetween moves but rest between circuits. I estimate only 200 cal burned for that (which might be underestimating even).

    Yes, I do feel like at 6' tall I should definitely be losing netting only 1800 cal a day. I have seen my waist shrink a bit and have made strength and cardio endurance gains so I do think I am making progress. Just surprised I haven't lost weight.

    "How much have you lost in 7 weeks?
    Current weight? "

    Starting weight was 188. This morning I weighted 186.8 but to be honest that is easily within error of just random fluctuation. I may have lost a couple of pounds. I've logged my weight for the entire time not sure if you can view my reports or not. I've ranged from 189.5 to 184.5 during that period.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Oh just to be clear I don't care about scale weight I just assumed my scale weight would drop. If I drop fat and for whatever reason my scale weight doesn't change I don't really care. My goal is a bodyfat percentage not a body weight. I'm just wondering if not seeing a decrease is warning me that something is amiss in my routine.
  • jdb3388
    jdb3388 Posts: 239 Member
    What is your start weight, current weight and goal weight?
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    Based on your diary entries, you're not netting 1800. Your net is very low on a lot of days.

    Get your TDEE. Google scoobys calculator for a fairly decent estimate of where you should be.

    If your goal is to bulk up or gain muscle; scale weight will actually increase since you will need to eat more in order to gain muscle.

    My BMR as a 5 ft 10 female is 1604. I cant imagine yours would be lower as a 6ft tall man.

    Since you aren't losing weight my guess would be you are eating more then you think you are. Because if you are eating at a deficit you'd lose weight.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    What is your start weight, current weight and goal weight?

    Start weight: 188
    Current weight: 186.8
    Goal weight: Well my goal weight is actually a goal bodyfat of 12-15% but if I do not change my lean mass that would be 155 pounds. Although I am 6' tall I am small framed.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Since you aren't losing weight my guess would be you are eating more then you think you are. Because if you are eating at a deficit you'd lose weight.

    Although I would agree with the logic here I am very sure about my intake. Most days what I eat is things like a protein bar (calories on the label). A protein shake with the powder weighed out (calories on the label). A couple of chicken breasts with lentils (weighed out and calories known for lentils and chicken).

    I eat out very rarely but when I do if anything I try to overestimate on calories just to be safe. It is difficult for me to believe I could be significantly off on my calorie intake estimates.

    As for what I net I would disagree and say that most days I do net what I aim for. Yesterday I realize I did not given that I walked for over 12 miles and then caught a bus for 4 hours and arrived back home at midnight so didn't really have much chance to eat that back but that's rare.

    You are correct though to some degree which is that I tend to net a little under rather than a little over just in case I somehow am underestimating my intake.

    My NEAT is probably about 2500 a day so if I net 1800 after exercise I'm eating at a 700 calorie deficit which is what I am aiming for. Exercise is either 200 or 400 calories depending on strength or cardio training so on average I'd be eating back 300 calories a day.

    Bottom line unless chicken breast and broccoli are actually 4x the calories I thought they were I'm not sure where my calorie errors would be :-)
  • jdb3388
    jdb3388 Posts: 239 Member
    This would be my suggestion:

    Try to be consistent with your cardio. Shoot for the same amount of calories burned every single day. In my case its 650. I take my Sedentary BMR and add my work out calories to it, then I subtract 1000 (my deficit) and I eat that many calories(+/- 100). I am on a pretty strict routine, my foods I eat each day don't have a lot of variety but now and again I go somewhere different but I still maintain my calories. I also try to eat 30% fat 30% Carbs and 40% Protein. I usually don't succeed in doing that but I try to be as close as I can each day. You are doing one positive thing that I am not doing and that is lifting. Keep doing that. Losing weight is all about calorie deficit and not much of anything else. I call it the "Eat less, run more" diet, and its the only effective diet there is.

    But what do I know, I've only lost 54 lbs.
  • carrigiglio
    Just throwing this out there, but if you are on any medications full time, they may have something to do with your BMI. I'm personally struggling with that myself. I plan to talk to my doctor about it soon. Again, not sure if you're even taking anything, but it's worth a shot.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    This would be my suggestion:

    Try to be consistent with your cardio. Shoot for the same amount of calories burned every single day. In my case its 650. I take my Sedentary BMR and add my work out calories to it, then I subtract 1000 (my deficit) and I eat that many calories(+/- 100). I am on a pretty strict routine, my foods I eat each day don't have a lot of variety but now and again I go somewhere different but I still maintain my calories. I also try to eat 30% fat 30% Carbs and 40% Protein. I usually don't succeed in doing that but I try to be as close as I can each day. You are doing one positive thing that I am not doing and that is lifting. Keep doing that. Losing weight is all about calorie deficit and not much of anything else. I call it the "Eat less, run more" diet, and its the only effective diet there is.

    But what do I know, I've only lost 54 lbs.

    Honestly sounds like you are doing very close to what I am doing. I have less weight to lose so I'm aiming at a 700 cal deficit and am including weightlifting but other than that I am doing very similar things to you. Eating very routine foods with not much variety with the macros at about 40/40/20 Protein/Carb/Fat.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Just throwing this out there, but if you are on any medications full time, they may have something to do with your BMI. I'm personally struggling with that myself. I plan to talk to my doctor about it soon. Again, not sure if you're even taking anything, but it's worth a shot.

    No medical conditions I am aware of and no prescription meds I'm on.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I'm going to say the same thing you tell other members in your situation. Which would be........

    Hint: Look through your own post history.

    I'm guessing you are referring to all the times I have told people to stop obsessing over their scale weight and be more concerned with their waistline or how they feel/look.

    Yeah, its good advice and honestly that is my main concern. Like I said in this thread I care more about bodyfat percentage and how I look than my scale weight but I'll admit I had thought after 7 weeks I would have seen a shift there.

    I thought I'd bring the topic up, see if anyone spotted some glaring inconsistency but if not I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing and assume that the results will come with time.

    If you meant something else by the "post history" comment perhaps you could be more specific.
  • dholno
    dholno Posts: 14
    To be honest with you, your diary entries (if all are registered) don't leave much doubt in term of overestimating calories.

    There is a few undervalued entries (burrito bowl, tacos and some chicken, etc ) and I personally will replace those food supplements for real food products and get rid of the tuna brand (300 calorie and +1000 sodium is nuts !!!!) but this recommendation is more to balance a healthier diet more than explaining why are not losing weight.

    Your goal 12 to 15% b fat is way out of range for the short term. You will need a massive strict diet x a long time (6 months +++)and lots of gym and exercise to make those 6 pack pop (that's the only reason I can think for you to reach such low weight goal).

    However (what's your age?) you just technically overweight and you should be losing weight with that calorie intake and level exercise (at least until mid 170 pounds easy). You maybe overestimating you calories in the gym. Giving your medium size and weight try a strict 1800/2100 (no exercise/ exercise days) calorie diet for a week to see how it goes. I can bet you will lose at least 1.5 pounds per week in the next 3 weeks...


  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    To be honest with you, your diary entries (if all are registered) don't leave much doubt in term of overestimating calories.

    There is a few undervalued entries (burrito bowl, tacos and some chicken, etc ) and I personally will replace those food supplements for real food products and get rid of the tuna brand (300 calorie and +1000 sodium is nuts !!!!) but this recommendation is more to balance a healthier diet more than explaining why are not losing weight.

    Your goal 12 to 15% b fat is way out of range for the short term. You will need a massive strict diet x a long time (6 months +++)and lots of gym and exercise to make those 6 pack pop (that's the only reason I can think for you to reach such low weight goal).

    However (what's your age?) you just technically overweight and you should be losing weight with that calorie intake and level exercise (at least until mid 170 pounds easy). You maybe overestimating you calories in the gym. Giving your medium size and weight try a strict 1800/2100 (no exercise/ exercise days) calorie diet for a week to see how it goes. I can bet you will lose at least 1.5 pounds per week in the next 3 weeks...



    The burrito bowl was something I made myself in the kitchen using weighed ingredients from store-bought cans that had the nutritional information on the side, not sure how that would be way off. Only things in it was quinoa, black beans, chicken and some cilantro and spinach.

    I don't disagree that eating whole fresh foods would be better than shake supplementation and canned tuna but I do have limited time in my day and its a balance between what I want to accomplish and what I have time to do. I agree though that it would be good to drop the sodium from canned foods and go to fresh.

    My 6 pack is not going to "pop" at 12% to 15% bodyfat. Do you know how I know? Because that profile picture is me three years ago when I weighted 155 pounds and had 14% bodyfat and although lean I did not have a 6-pack. You have to get 10% or lower to start seeing abs for most people and that isn't really my goal, don't care about a 6-pack really. As for how long to get there I am aiming at 180 days which is 6 months. If I fall short that's okay I'm planning to continue with the exercise regardless.

    I am 35 years old and at 186 pounds I'm about 26% bodyfat which is overweight. If you click my profile I have a second picture with a similar pose that is me now, spilling over a bit. Felt pretty good when I was 14% bodyfat and toned and would like to get back there.

    "1800/2100 (no exercise/ exercise days) calorie diet for a week to see how it goes"

    That's exactly what I am doing right now so I'm confused why you would suggest it as a change. I net 1800 calories and I estimate my exercise at about 300 calories a day on average days that I exercise.
  • dholno
    dholno Posts: 14

    The burrito bowl was something I made myself in the kitchen using weighed ingredients from store-bought cans that had the nutritional information on the side, not sure how that would be way off.

    I guess you did it but double check drained weight and portion size. That's usually the origin of most problems...
    Only things in it was quinoa, black beans, chicken and some cilantro and spinach.
    Quinoa, black beans? Althought v healthy , those each alone will be over 300 Calories each for a 100gr portion (which is a normal portion...)...
    I don't disagree that eating whole fresh foods would be better than shake supplementation and canned tuna but I do have limited time in my day and its a balance between what I want to accomplish and what I have time to do.

    Like most or us. Look I understand the time problems but a banana with a multigrain toast with natural cottage cheese and splash of extra virgin olive oil on top will prolly take you less time to prepare than your supplement. On the tuna definitively check other brands. There shouldn't be more than +/- 180 calories per can with at least a 1/4 of the sodium of your entry. I am surer you can find a better, healthier tuna can in your supermarket. [/quote]
    "I am 35 years old and at 186 pounds I'm about 26% bodyfat which is overweight .....Felt pretty good when I was 14% bodyfat and toned and would like to get back there. "

    Your ultimate v. skinny weight goal is not realistic at all in the short/mid term. it's borderline with underweight!!!and the last15 pounds or so will be impossible to lose with your current diet.

    IMO, you may want to chop down your goals in stages. FIRST, aim for ticking below overweight with your current diet/exercise program to at least the mid 170s pounds....second you may want to bulk it up in the gym instead of focusing in the food...

  • GlenQu
    GlenQu Posts: 4 Member
    You've mentioned that your goal is to drop body fat, are you using any tools to measure your progress? All I have seen you mention is scales. A new program or new to exercising people can often see muscle gains even on a deficit so scales wouldn't be a good indicator.

    If you have been on 1800/2100 calories for a while, (even before you started tracking 7 weeks ago) it might be worth bumping them up to maintenance for a month, then proceeding with your goals.

    Also remember to take into account liquids if you drink such as soda ect.